Socialism and Democracy in Europe Part 27

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SAINT-SIMON: _New Christianity._ An English translation by Rev.

J.E. Smith. 1834.

WEIL, G.: _L'ecole Saint-Simonisme--son Histoire_, etc., 1896.

WEITLING, WILLIAM: _Garantieen der Harmonie und Freiheit_, 1845.


BEBEL, A.: _Woman, in the Past, Present, and Future._ An English translation appeared in London in 1890.

BERNSTEIN, EDWARD: _Responsibility and Solidarity in the Labor Struggle_, 1900.

BROOKS, J.G.: _The Social Unrest_, 1903.

ELY, R.T.: _French and German Socialism_, 1883.

ENSOR, R.C.K.: _Modern Socialism._ A useful collection of Socialist doc.u.ments, speeches, programs, etc.

GRAHAM, W.: _Socialism New and Old_, 1890.

GUTHRIE, W.B.: _Socialism Before the French Revolution_, 1907.

GUYOT, Y.: _The Tyranny of Socialism_, 1894.

JAUReS, J.: _Studies in Socialism_, 1906.

KAUTSKY, K.: _The Social Revolution._ An English translation by J.B. Askew. The best Continental view of modern Marxianism, and the most widely read.

KELLY, EDMOND: _Twentieth Century Socialism_, 1910. The most noteworthy of recent American contributions to Socialist thought.

KIRKUP: _A History of Socialism_, 1909. A concise and authoritative narrative.

KOIGEN, D.: _Die Kultur-ausschauung des Sozialismus_, 1903.

LEVY, J.H.: _The Outcome of Individualism_, 1890.

MACDONALD, J.R.: _Socialism and Society_, 1905. MacDonald is not only the leader of the British Labor Party, but his writings comprise a comprehensive exposition of the views of labor democracy.

---- _Character and Democracy_, 1906.

---- _Socialism_, 1907.

---- _Socialism and Government_, 1909.

MILL, J.S.: _Socialism_, 1891. A collection of essays, etc., from the writings of John Stuart Mill touching on Socialism.

RAE, J.: _Contemporary Socialism_, 1908. A standard work.

RICHTER: _Pictures of the Socialist Future_, 1893.

SCHAEFFLE: _The Impossibility of Social-Democracy_, 1892.

---- _The Quintessence of Socialism_, 1898. Probably the most authoritative and concise refutation of the Socialist dogmas.

SOMBART, WERNER: _Socialism and the Social Movement_, 1909. Widely read, both in the original and in the English translation.

Contains an interesting critique of Marxianism.

SPENCER, HERBERT: _The Coming Slavery_, 1884. A reprint from _The Contemporary Review_.

STODDARD, JANE: _The New Socialism_, 1909. A convenient compilation.

TUGAN-BARANOVSKY, M.I.: _Modern Socialism_, 1910. A systematic and scholarly resume of the doctrines of Socialism.

WARSCHAUER, O.: _Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Sozialismus_, 1909.

WELLS, H.G.: _New Worlds for Old_, 1909. One of the most popular expositions of Socialism.


AVELING, E.B.: _The Student's Marx._ A handy compilation. 1902.

BOEHM-BAWERK: _Karl Marx and the Close of His System._ An English translation was made in 1898.

ENGELS, FRIEDRICH: _Die Entwickelung des Socialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft_, 1891.

---- _Socialism--Utopian and Scientific_, 1892.

---- _L. Feuerbach und der Ausgang der Kla.s.sischen Deutschen Philosophie_, 1903.

---- _Briefe und Auszuge von Briefen_, 1906.

---- _Friedrich Engels, Sein Leben, Sein Wirken und Seine Schriften_, 1895.

MARX and ENGELS: _The Communist Manifesto._ There have been many editions; that of 1888 is probably the widest known for its historical Introduction.

MARX, KARL: _The Poverty of Philosophy._ An answer to Proudhon's _La Philosophie de la Misere_. An English translation was made by H. Quelch, 1900.

---- _Enthullungen uber den Kommunisten Process zu Koln_, 1875.

Engels' Preface gives an account of the origin of the "Society of the Just."

---- _Die Kla.s.senkampfe in Frankreich, 1848-50._

---- _Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany in 1848._ An English translation appeared in 1896.

---- _Capital_, 1896.

---- _The International Workingmen's a.s.sociation._ Two addresses on the Franco-Prussian War, 1870.

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