The Adventures of Seumas Beg Part 1

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The Adventures of Seumas Beg.

by James Stephens.


_Come from your bed my drowsy gentleman!

And you, fair lady, rise and braid your hair, And let the children wash, if wash they can; If not, a.s.sist you them, and make them fair As is the morning and the morning sky, And every tree and bush and bird in air._

_The sun climbed on the heights three hours ago, He laughed above the hills and they were glad; With bubbled pearl he made the rivers flow And laced their mists in silver, and he clad The meads in fragrant pomp of green and gold, And bade the world forget it had been sad._

_So lift yourself, good sir! and you, sweet dame, Unlash your evening eyes of pious grey; Call on the children by each loved name, And set them on the gra.s.s and let them play; And play with them a while, and sing with them Beneath the cherry bush a roundelay._


The sun is always in the sky Whenever I get out of bed, And I often wonder why It's never late.--My sister said She did not know who did the trick, And that she did not care a bit, And I should eat my porridge quick.

... I think it's mother wakens it.


There was a giant by the Orchard Wall Peeping about on this side and on that, And feeling in the trees: he was as tall As the big apple tree, and twice as fat: His beard was long, and bristly-black, and there Were leaves and bits of gra.s.s stuck in his hair.

He held a great big club in his right hand, And with the other felt in every tree For something that he wanted. You could stand Beside him and not reach up to his knee So mighty big he was--I feared he would Turn round, and trample down to where I stood.

I tried to get away, but, as I slid Under a bush, he saw me, and he bent Far down and said, "_Where is the Princess hid?_"

I pointed to a place, and off he went-- But while he searched I turned and simply flew Round by the lilac bushes back to you.


When the bright eyes of the day Open on the dusk, to see Mist and shadow fade away And the sun s.h.i.+ne merrily, Then I leave my bed and run Out to frolic in the sun.

Through the sunny hours I play Where the stream is wandering, Plucking daisies by the way; And I laugh and dance and sing, While the birds fly here and there Singing on the sunny air.

When the night comes, cold and slow, And the sad moon walks the sky, When the whispering wind says "_Boh, Little boy!_" and makes me cry, By my mother I am led Home again and put to bed.


I saw the Devil walking down the lane Behind our house.--There was a heavy bag Strapped tightly on his shoulders, and the rain Sizzled when it hit him. He picked a rag Up from the ground and put it in his sack, And grinned and rubbed his hands.

There was a thing Moving inside the bag upon his back-- It must have been a soul! I saw it fling And twist about inside, and not a hole Or cranny for escape! Oh, it was sad!

I cried, and shouted out, "_Let out that soul!_"

But he turned round, and, sure, his face went mad, And twisted up and down, and he said "_h.e.l.l!_"

And ran away.... Oh, mammy! I'm not well.


A speck went blowing up against the sky As little as a leaf: then it drew near And broadened.--"It's a bird," said I, And fetched my bow and arrows. It was queer!

It grew up from a speck into a blot, And squattered past a cloud; then it flew down All crumply, and waggled such a lot I thought the thing would fall.--It was a brown Old carpet where a man was sitting snug Who, when he reached the ground, began to sew A big hole in the middle of the rug, And kept on peeping everywhere to know Who might be coming--then he gave a twist And flew away.... I fired at him but missed.


I went to the Wood of Flowers (No one was with me); I was there alone for hours.

I was happy as could be In the Wood of Flowers.

There was gra.s.s on the ground, There were buds on the tree, And the wind had a sound Of such gaiety, That I was as happy As happy could be, In the Wood of Flowers.


The moon comes every night to peep Through the window where I lie, And I pretend to be asleep; But I watch the moon as it goes by, And it never makes a sound.

It stands and stares, and then it goes To the house that's next to me, Stealing on its tippy-toes, To peep at folk asleep maybe; And it never makes a sound.


And then I wakened up in such a fright; I thought I heard a movement in the room But did not dare to look; I snuggled right Down underneath the bedclothes--then the boom Of a tremendous voice said, "_Sit up, lad, And let me see your face._" So up I sat, Although I didn't want to. I was glad I did though, for it was an angel that Had called me, and he said, he'd come to know Was I the boy who wouldn't say his prayers Nor do his sums, and that I'd have to go Straight down to h.e.l.l because of such affairs.

... I said I'd be converted and do good If he would let me off--he said he would.


Behind the hill I met a man in green Who asked me if my mother had gone out?

I said she had. He asked me had I seen His castle where the people sing and shout From dawn to dark, and told me that he had A crock of gold inside a hollow tree, And I could have it.--I wanted money bad To buy a sword with, and I thought that he Would keep his solemn word; so, off we went.

He said he had a pound hid in the crock, And owned the castle too, and paid no rent To any one, and that you had to knock Five hundred times. I asked, "_Who reckoned up?_"

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The Adventures of Seumas Beg Part 1 summary

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