Apple Growing Part 9

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-- Each book deals with a separate subject and deals with it thoroughly. If you want to know anything about Airedales an OUTING HANDBOOK gives you all you want. If it's Apple Growing, another OUTING HANDBOOK meets your need. The Fisherman, the Camper, the Poultry-raiser, the Automobilist, the Horseman, all varieties of outdoor enthusiasts, will find separate volumes for their separate interests. There is no waste s.p.a.ce.

-- The series is based on the plan of one subject to a book and each book complete. The authors are experts. Each book has been specially prepared for this series and all are published in uniform style, flexible cloth binding, selling at the fixed price of seventy cents per copy.

-- Two hundred t.i.tles are projected. The series covers all phases of outdoor life, from bee-keeping to big game shooting. Among the books now ready are those described on the following pages.


=THE AIREDALE. By Williams Haynes.= The book opens with a short chapter on the origin and development of the Airedale, as a distinctive breed. The author then takes up the problems of type as bearing on the selection of the dog, breeding, training and use. The book is designed for the non-professional dog fancier, who wishes common sense advice which does not involve elaborate preparation or expenditure. Chapters are included on the care of the dog in the kennel and simple remedies for ordinary diseases.

"_A splendid book on the breed and should be in the hands of every owner of an Airedale whether novice or breeder._"--_The Kennel Review._

"_It ought to be read and studied by every Airedale owner and admirer._"--_Howard Keeler, Airedale Farm Kennels._

=APPLE GROWING. By M.C. Burritt.= Mr. Burritt takes up the question of the profit in apple growing, the various kinds best suited to different parts of the country and different conditions of soil, topography, and so on. He discusses also the most approved methods of planning a new orchard and takes up in detail the problems connected with the cultivation, fertilization, and pruning. The book contains chapters on the restoration of old orchards, the care of the trees, their protection against various insect-enemies and blight, and the most approved method of harvesting, handling and storing the fruit.

=THE AUTOMOBILE--Its Selection, Care and Use. By Robert Sloss.= This is a plain, practical discussion of the things that every man needs to know if he is to buy the right car and get the most out of it. The various details of operation and care are given in simple, intelligent terms. From it the car owner can easily learn the mechanism of his motor and the art of locating motor trouble, as well as how to use his car for the greatest pleasure. A chapter is included on building garages.

"_It is the one book dealing with autos, that gives reliable information._"--_The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Herald._

=BACKWOODS SURGERY AND MEDICINE. By Charles S. Moody, M.D.= A handy book for the prudent lover of the woods who doesn't expect to be ill but believes in being on the safe side. Common-sense methods for the treatment of the ordinary wounds and accidents are described--setting a broken limb, reducing a dislocation, caring for burns, cuts, etc.

Practical remedies for camp diseases are recommended, as well as the ordinary indications of the most probable ailments. Includes a list of the necessary medical and surgical supplies.

_The manager of a mine in Nome, Alaska, writes as follows: "I have been on the trail for years (twelve in the Klondike and Alaska) and have always wanted just such a book as Dr. Moody's Backwoods Surgery and Medicine."_

=CAMP COOKERY. By Horace Kephart.= "The less a man carries in his pack, the more he must carry in his head," says Mr. Kephart. This book tells what a man should carry in both pack and head. Every step is traced--the selection of provisions and utensils, with the kind and quant.i.ty of each, the preparation of game, the building of fires the cooking of every conceivable kind of food that the camp outfit or woods, fields, or streams may provide--even to the making of desserts.

Every receipt is the result of hard practice and long experience.

Every recipe has been carefully tested. It is the book for the man who wants to dine well and wholesomely, but in true wilderness fas.h.i.+on without reliance on grocery stores or elaborate camp outfits. It is adapted equally well to the trips of every length and to all conditions of climate, season or country; the best possible companion for one who wants to travel light and live well. The chapter headings tell their own story. Provisions--Utensils--Fires--Dressing and Keeping Game and Fish--Meat--Game--Fish and Sh.e.l.l Fish--Cured Meats, etc.--Eggs--Bread-stuffs and Cereals--Vegetables--Soups--Beverages and Desserts.

"_Scores of new hints may be obtained by the housekeeper as well as the camper from Camp Cookery._"--_Portland Oregonian._

"_I am inclined to think that the advice contained in Mr.

Kephart's book is to be relied on. I had to stop reading his receipts for cooking wild fowl--they made me hungry._"--_New York Herald._

"_The most useful and valuable book to the camper yet published._"--_Grand Rapids Herald._

"_Camp Cookery is destined to be in the kit of every tent dweller in the country._"--_Edwin Markham in the San Francisco Examiner._

=CAMPS AND CABINS. By Oliver Kemp.= A working guide for the man who wants to know how to make a temporary shelter in the woods against the storm or cold. This describes the making of lean-tos, brush shelters, snow shelters, the utilization of the canoe, and so forth. Practically the only tools required are a stout knife or a pocket axe, and Mr.

Kemp shows how one may make s.h.i.+ft even without these implements. More elaborate camps and log cabins, also, are described and detailed plans reproduced. Ill.u.s.trated with drawings by the author.

=EXERCISE AND HEALTH. By Dr. Woods Hutchinson.= Dr. Hutchinson takes the common-sense view that the greatest problem in exercise for most of us is to get enough of the right kind. The greatest error in exercise is not to take enough, and the greatest danger in athletics is in giving them up. The Chapter heads are illuminating. Errors in Exercise--Exercise and the Heart--Muscle Maketh Man--The Danger of Stopping Athletics--Exercise that Rests. It is written in a direct matter-of-fact manner with an avoidance of medical terms, and a strong emphasis on the rational, all-round manner of living that is best calculated to bring a man to a ripe old age with little illness or consciousness of body weakness.

"_It contains good physiology as well as good common sense, written by an acute observer and a logical reasoner, who has the courage of his convictions and is a master of English style._"--_D.A. Sargent, M.D., Sargent School for Physical Education._

"_One of the most readable books ever written on physical exercise._"--_Luther H. Gulick, M.D., Department of Child Hygiene, Russell Sage Foundation._

"_A little book for the busy man written in brilliant style._"--_Kansas City Star._

=THE FINE ART OF FIs.h.i.+NG. By Samuel G. Camp.= Combines the pleasure of catching fish with the gratification of following the sport in the most approved manner. The suggestions offered are helpful to beginner and expert anglers. The range of fish and fis.h.i.+ng conditions covered is wide and includes such subjects as "Casting Fine and Far Off,"

"Strip-Casting for Ba.s.s," "Fis.h.i.+ng For Mountain Trout" and "Autumn Fis.h.i.+ng for Lake Trout." The book is pervaded with a spirit of love for the streamside and the out-doors generally which the genuine angler will appreciate. A companion book to "Fis.h.i.+ng Kits and Equipment." The advice on outfitting so capably given in that book is supplemented in this later work by equally valuable information on how to use the equipment.

"_Will encourage the beginner and give pleasure to the expert fisherman._"--_N.Y. Sun._

"_A vein of catching enthusiasm runs through every chapter._"--_Scientific American._

=FIs.h.i.+NG KITS AND EQUIPMENT. By Samuel G. Camp.= A complete guide to the angler buying a new outfit. Every detail of fis.h.i.+ng kit of the freshwater angler is described, from rodtip to creel and clothing.

Special emphasis is laid on outfitting for fly fis.h.i.+ng, but full instruction is also given to the man who wants to catch pickerel, pike, muskellunge, lake-trout, ba.s.s and other fresh-water game fishes.

Prices are quoted for all articles recommended and the approved method of selecting and testing the various rods, lines, leaders, etc., is described.

"_A complete guide to the angler buying a new outfit._"--_Peoria Herald._

"_The man advised by Mr. Camp will catch his fish._"--_Seattle P.I._

"_Even the seasoned angler will read this hook with profit._"--_Chicago Tribune._

=THE HORSE--Its Breeding, Care and Use. By David Buffum.= Mr. Buffum takes up the common, every-day problems of the ordinary horse-user, such as feeding, shoeing, simple home remedies, breaking and the cure for various equine vices. An important chapter is that tracing the influx of Arabian blood into the English and American horses and its value and limitations. Chapters are included on draft-horses, carriage horses, and the development of the two-minute trotter. It is distinctly a sensible book for the sensible man who wishes to know how he can improve his horses and his horsemans.h.i.+p at the same time.

"_I am recommending it to our students as a useful reference book for both the practical farmer and the student._"--_T. R.

Arkell, Animal Husbandman, N.H. Agricultural Experiment Station._

"_Has a great deal of merit from a practical standpoint and is valuable for reference work._"--_Prof. E.L. Jordon, Professor of Animal Industry, Louisiana State University._

=MAKING AND KEEPING SOIL. By David Buffum.= This deals with the various kinds of soil and their adaptibility to different crops, common sense tests as to the use of soils, and also the common sense methods of cultivation and fertilization in order to restore worn-out soil and keep it at its highest productivity under constant use.

=THE MOTOR BOAT--Its Selection, Care and Use. By H.W. Slauson.= The intending purchaser of a motor boat is advised as to the type of boat best suited to his particular needs, the power required for the desired speeds, and the equipment necessary for the varying uses. The care of the engine receives special attention and chapters are included on the use of the boat in camping and cruising expeditions, its care through the winter, and its efficiency in the summer.

=NAVIGATION FOR THE AMATEUR. By Capt. E.T. Morton.= A short treatise on the simpler methods of finding position at sea by the observation of the sun's alt.i.tude and the use of the s.e.xtant and chronometer. It is arranged especially for yachtsmen and amateurs who wish to know the simpler formulae for the necessary navigation involved in taking a boat anywhere off sh.o.r.e. Ill.u.s.trated with drawings.

=OUTDOOR SIGNALLING. By Elbert Wells.= Mr. Wells has perfected a method of signalling by means of wig-wag, light, smoke, or whistle which is as simple as it is effective. The fundamental principle can be learnt in ten minutes and its application is far easier than that of any other code now in use. It permits also the use of cipher and can be adapted to almost any imaginable conditions of weather, light, or topography.

"_I find it to be the simplest and most practical book on signalling published._"--_Frank H. Schrenk, Director of Camp Belgrade._

"_One of the finest things of the kind I have ever seen. I believe my seven year old boy can learn to use this system, and I know that we will find it very useful here in our Boy Scout work._"--_Lyman G. Haskell, Physical Director, Y.M.C.A., Jacksonville, Fla._

=PRACTICAL POULTRY KEEPING. By R.B. Sando.= The chapters outlined in this book are poultry keeping and keepers, housing and yarding, fixtures and equipment, choosing and buying stock, foods and feeding, hatching and raising chicks. Inbreeding, caponizing, etc., What to do at different seasons. The merits of "secrets and systems", The truth about common poultry fallacies and get-rich-quick schemes. Poultry parasites and diseases. A complete list of the breeds and subjects is attached. It is in effect a comprehensive manual for the instruction of the man who desires to begin poultry raising on a large or small scale and to avoid the ordinary mistakes to which the beginner is All the statements are based on the authors own experience and special care has been taken to avoid sensationalism or exaggeration.

=PROFITABLE BREEDS OF POULTRY. By Arthur S. Wheeler.= Mr. Wheeler has chapters on some of the best known general purpose birds such as Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Mediterraneans, Orpingtons, and Cornish, describing the peculiarities and possibilities of each.

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Apple Growing Part 9 summary

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