Some Reminiscences of old Victoria Part 4

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Anderson, E. H., variety store.

Alport, Charles (in South Africa).

Anderson, J. R., agricultural department.

Barnett, Josiah, in United States.

Barnswell, James, carpenter.

Bauman, Frederick, confectioner.

Beaven, Hon. Robert.

Botterell, Mat., butcher.

Blaguiere, Edward.

Bullen, Jonathan, bricklayer.

Boscowitz, Joseph, fur dealer.

Borde, August, Chatham Street.

Burnes, Thomas, saloonkeeper.

Carey, Joseph W.

Cridge, Edward, rector Christ Church.

Crowther, John C., painter.

Davie, Doctor John C.

Dougall, John, iron moulder.

Drake, M. W. T., solicitor.

Elliott, W. A., engineer _Labouchere_.

Fawcett, R. W., house decorator.

Gerow, G. C., carriagemaker.

Helmcken, Honorable John S., M.P.P.

Geiger, Thomali, bliber.

Gilmore, Alexander, clothier.

Glide, Harry, with Plaskett & Co.

Harvey, Rout., commission merchant.

Higgins, David W., publisher _Chronicle_.

Kelly, Samuel, tinsmith.

Kent, Charles, hardware, K. & F.

King, J. H., Mousquetaire saloon.

Kinsman, John, contractor.

Levy, H. E., special officer.

Levy, Joseph, fruit store.

Lissett, James, painter.

Macdonald, W. J., Reid & Macdonald.

Maynard, Richard, bootmaker.

Marvin, Edward B., sailmaker.

McMillan, J. E., publisher _Chronicle_.

Monro, Alexander, accountant Hudson's Bay Company.

Nuttall, Thomas C., book-keeper.

Pearson, Edward, tinsmith.

Porter, Arthur, brickmaker.

Powell, Doctor I. W.

Richardson, George, proprietor of first brick hotel.

Roper, S., Kamloops.

Styles, S. T., plasterer., Thomas, druggist.

Stockham, F., baker.

Sparrow, J. M., post office.

Stewart, John, plumber.

Sylvester, Frank.

Turner, John H. (Todd & Turner), Victoria Produce Market.

Vowell, Arthur, Indian superintendent.

White, Edward (late Brown & White).

Wilson, Alexander, messenger, Bank British North America.

Wilson, William, draper.

Wilson, Thomas Sidney, cabinetmaker.

Wriglesworth, Joseph, London Hotel.

Wylly, C. G., accountant.

Welch, George, Esquimalt Waterworks.

Many of these since died.

List of those deceased, but whose descendants are residents here now, or living elsewhere:

Barron, David F., cabinetmaker, widow, son and two daughters.

Belasco, Abraham, tobacconist, two sons.

Broderick, R., coal dealer, widow and two sons.

Cameron, Thomas, blacksmith, two daughters and sons.

Chadwick, Thomas, hotelkeeper, two sons and daughter.

Courtney, H. E., solicitor, sons.

Cotsford, Thomas, sons.

Davies, J. P., auctioneer, several sons.

Doan, J. H., captain, daughter.

Duck, Simeon, carriagemaker, sons.

Ella, Captain H. B., Hudson's Bay Company, all family, two sons and two daughters living in Victoria.

Flett, John, Hudson's Bay Company, several sons.

Gowen, Charles, brewer, widow, several sons and daughters.

Hall, Richard, agent, two sons--Richard and John.

Hall, Philip, several sons.

Harris, Thomas, mayor, two daughters.

Heal, John, boarding-house, two sons.

Heathorn, William, bootmaker, three sons and three daughters.

Heisterman, H., Exchange reading room, sons and daughters.

Heywood, Joseph, butcher, wife and daughter.

Hibben, Thomas Napier, widow, two sons and two daughters.

Huston, Guy, gunsmith, two daughters.

Irving, William, captain steamer _Reliance_, son and daughters.

Jackson, Doctor William, three sons and daughters.

Jungerman, J. L., watchmaker, daughter (Mrs. Erb).

Jewell, Henry, sons.

Leigh, William, second Town Clerk of Victoria, who held the position from about 1863, to the time of his death. He was in charge of Uplands Farm (1859) for the Hudson's Bay Company, and under the supervision of Mr. J. D. Pemberton, built Victoria District Church, and as an amateur musician helped at charitable entertainments. Son in San Francisco, granddaughter in Victoria (Mrs. Simpson).

Leneven, David, merchant, son and daughters.

Lewis, Lewis, clothier, son and daughter.

Lindsay, Daniel, son and daughter.

Loat, Christopher, sons and daughter.

Lowen, Joseph, brewer, widow, sons and daughters.

Lowenberg, L., estate agent, a nephew.

McDonell, R. J., captain, a widow.

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