Dr. Adriaan Part 61

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"Do you want her to?"

"Yes, I do. I can't do without my children ... like this."

"But you'll see them now and again."

"Yes. So, if she _does_ come back, you promise, Dad...."

"That I'll try."

"And, if they will all try, then ... then I shall be happy."

"Yes, they'll do it, for your sake. But...."

"If she comes back, I honestly believe ... that she will have learnt ...

also to try ... to like us all a little."

"You mustn't be angry, Addie, that it was not like that at once. She is so different ... from all of us."

"Yes, it's my fault."

"No, my boy, don't go thinking that and worrying about it."

"No, Father."

"What you've got to do now is to try and be happy among us all ... to work ... to pick up your work again, you know."

"Yes, just so."

"And then, gradually, to let things _come_ ... as you say.... Would it upset you very much if she and Erzeele...."

"Yes. Because I should then feel my shortcomings towards her still more strongly.... And also because of my children."

"Perhaps things will come right, later, my boy."


"Take it all calmly now ... and don't worry. And just do your work here quietly."

"Yes, Father.... Oh, I feel that you are my father!"

"Perhaps for the first time!... A different part for your old ruffian of a father!"

"You're not an old ruffian, you're...."

Addie stood up and embraced his father.

"Don't squeeze the breath out of my body!" said Van der Welcke. "You're strong enough still. And you're looking well too. Your eyes look interested again, even though they're a bit too pensive. And they were always calm.... Did you have an interesting time abroad?"

"I saw a great deal of misery ... but also a great deal of good-will...."

"That's it: do what you can here, just simply, in your own surroundings.

Oh, my dear chap, how glad I am that you're back!"

Gerdy looked in at the door:

"May we _never_ come in?... Uncle Henri, you're being selfish about Addie!..."

"You may come in, dear."

Addie took her hands:

"Will you be strong, Gerdy?"

She sobbed and laughed through her tears:

"I have tried to be all the time, Addie," she whispered. "But for you...."

"You know, life isn't _all_ your first suffering."

"No, so you've told me."

"And you must believe it.... It will help you.... You have such a long future before you."

"Yes. Oh, Addie, Addie, but for you...."


"I should have died! I have suffered so, I have suffered so!"

"And you see so much suffering around you.... But life...."

"Isn't all your first suffering ... as you say."

"And you must believe it."

"Yes, I'll try."

Constance entered:

"Am I to see nothing of my boy this evening?" she asked, banteringly.

He took her in a clinging embrace:

"You've got him home for good now."

She gave a sob:

"My poor child ... then I haven't lost you?"

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Dr. Adriaan Part 61 summary

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