Love Letters of a Violinist and Other Poems Part 8

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Say only this; but pray for me withal, And let a pitying thought possess thee then, Whether at home, at sea, or in a glen In some wild nook. It were a joy to fall Dead at thy feet, as at a trumpet's call, For I should then be peerless among men!

[Ill.u.s.tration: Letter VII HOPE]




O tears of mine! Ye start I know not why, Unless, indeed, to prove that I am glad, Albeit fast wedded to a thought so sad I scarce can deem that my despair will die, Or that the sun, careering up the sky, Will warm again a world that seem'd so mad.


And yet, who knows? The world is, to the mind, Much as we make it; and the things we tend Wear, for the nonce, the liveries that we lend.

And some such things are fair, though ill-defined, And some are scathing, like the wintry wind; And some begin, and some will never end.


How can I think, ye tears! that I have been The thing I was--so doubting, so unfit, And so unblest, with brows for ever knit, And hair unkempt, and face becoming lean And cold and pale, as if I late had seen Medusa's head, and all the scowls of it?


Oh, why is this? Oh, why have I so long Brooded on grief, and made myself a bane To golden fields and all the happy plain Where once I met the Lady of my Song, The lady for whose sake I shall be strong, But never weak or diffident again?


I was too shorn of hope. I did employ Words like a mourner; and to Her I bow'd, As one might kneel to Glory in its shroud.

But I am crown'd to-day, and not so coy-- Crown'd with a kiss, and sceptred with a joy; And all the world shall see that I am proud.


I shall be sated now. I shall receive More than the guerdon of my wildest thought, More than the most that ecstasy has taught To saints in Heaven; and more than poets weave In madcap verse, to warn us, or deceive; And more than Adam knew ere Eve was brought.


I know the meaning now of all the signs, And all the joys I dreamt of in my dreams.

I realise the comfort of the streams When they reflect the shadows of the pines.

I know that there is hope for celandines, And that a tree is merrier than it seems.


I know the mighty hills have much to tell; And that they quake, at times, in undertone, And talk to stars, because so much alone And so unlov'd. I know that, in the dell, Flowers are betroth'd, and that a wedding-bell Rings in the breeze on which a moth has flown.


I know such things, because to loving hearts Nature is keen, and pleasures, long delay'd, Quicken the pulse, and turn a truant shade Into a sprite, equipp'd with all the darts That once were Cupid's; and the day departs, And sun and moon conjoin, as man with maid.


The lover knows how grand a thing is love, How grand, how sweet a thing, and how divine More than the pouring out of choicest wine; More than the whiteness of the whitest dove; More than the glittering of the stars above; And such a love, O Love! is thine and mine.


To me the world, to-day, has grown so fair I dare not trust myself to think of it.

Visions of light around me seem to flit, And Phoebus loosens all his golden hair Right down the sky; and daisies turn and stare At things we see not with our human wit.



And here, beside me, there are mosses green In shelter'd nooks, and gnats in bright array, And lordly beetles out for holiday; And spiders small that work in silver sheen To make a kirtle for the Fairy Queen, That she may don it on the First of May.


I hear, in thought, I hear the very words That Arethusa, turn'd into a brook, Spoke to Diana, when her leave she took Of all she lov'd--low-weeping as the birds Shrill'd out of tune, and all the frighten'd herds Scamper'd to death, in spite of pipe and crook.


I know, to-day, why winds were made to sigh And why they hide themselves, and why they gloat In some old ruin! Mote confers with mote, And sh.e.l.l with sh.e.l.l; and corals live and die, And die and live, below the deep. And why?

To make a necklace for my lady's throat.


And yet the world, in all its varied girth, Lacks what we look for. There is something base In mere existence--something in the face Of men and women which accepts the earth, And all its havings, as its right of birth, But not its quittance, not its resting-place.


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Love Letters of a Violinist and Other Poems Part 8 summary

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