Down the Slope Part 59

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Mr. Wright and the cas.h.i.+er at first sight appeared to be walking aimlessly to and fro, as if calculating the width of the coal mine, and now and then the former stooped to pull up a stake, which he placed in another position.

"It looks as if they was figgerin' how wide the slope would have to be,"

Joe whispered. "I reckon we've wasted our time sneakin' over here."

"They are moving the stakes driven by the surveyors!" Fred exclaimed, after a brief pause.

"But what good will that do 'em?"

"I don't know; of course, the lines can be run again by any one; but there must be a scheme in it, for Mr. Wright wouldn't be out here unless something could be gained by it."

"They've got no right on our land, an' I'll warn them off," Joe said, as he arose excitedly to his feet.

"Don't so much as show yourself. We'll hurry on to see Mr. Hunter; he'll know what is up."

"Come on, then, an' be quick about it, for there's no tellin' when these tricks are dangerous."

The miner and the boy literally ran down the hill, slackening not the pace until forced to do so, and both were nearly breathless when they neared the lawyer's office.

Before Mr. Hunter could speak Joe told what had been seen, and that gentleman grew quite as excited as were the others.

"I learned yesterday that Wright had bought a strip of land near yours, regardless of the fact that he claims to own this side of the mountain, and has ordered a force of workmen there immediately. We now know he is changing the surveyor's stakes in order to erect buildings on our tract, and thus force us to become plaintiffs instead of defendants.

"How would that benefit him?"

"In several ways which I have not time to explain. Wait here until I return."

Then Mr. Hunter left the office in great haste, and Fred and Joe looked at each other in dismay.



The lawyer did not return for several hours, and then he said:

"I have sent for surveyors, and we will run our own lines early to-morrow morning, after which an officer shall be stationed there to warn him from encroaching. You must be on the spot as early as possible to attend to matters."

"He'll find us when the sun comes up. Was this why you sent the telegram?"

"I wanted to discover what he meant by the hiring of carpenters and the ordering of lumber; but that you have already done."

"When will the case be tried?"

"Next week I think; but that is of minor importance just now. The supposed location of the purchase is to be pointed out to the surveyors, therefore one of you must remain here until they arrive.

"When do you expect them?"

"On the first train to-morrow."

"Fred can wait for 'em, an' I'll leave in time to get there by daylight."

"Very well; make your preparations to stay until I send word that it is no longer necessary."

Joe and Fred left the office to purchase such provisions as might be needed while holding possession of the disputed property, and when this had been done the question arose as to how word could be sent to Bill.

"The story is too long for a telegram," Fred said, "so suppose we say by wire that there is nothing particularly new, and write a letter?"

"Go ahead. I ain't much of a fist with a pen, so while you're tellin'

the yarn I'll send the message."

Joe retired early in order to be in readiness for the journey, and Fred was not awake when, shortly after midnight, he slipped out of the house.

It was not an easy matter to find his way in the darkness; but he finally succeeded after straying from the right course several times, and was thoroughly astonished at finding half a dozen men already in possession.

A small amount of lumber was scattered here and there, as if placed in readiness to be used, and a temporary camp had been erected close beside the coal vein.

The men had but just awakened when he arrived, and in reply to his angry question of why they were there, one of them asked impudently:

"What business is it of yours?"

"I happen to own a quarter of this land, an' it'll be hot for all hands if there's any attempt at puttin' up a building."

"It'll take us about two minutes to clean you out, an' we'll do it, if you so much as yip again."

Joe was literally trembling with rage. He fancied a portion of his t.i.tle to the tract would be lost, if he did not drive the intruders away, and before the spokesman had time to defend himself against an attack, the miner knocked him headlong with one well-directed blow. Then, picking up an axe which lay near by, he made such a furious onslaught upon the remainder of the party that they scattered in every direction.

Instead of following, he chopped and tore at the camp until it was demolished, and then destroyed all the provisions it had contained, in addition to pounding into shapeless the tin cooking utensils.

By this time the carpenters got their scattered forces together and were marching in a body against the man who had put them to flight.

In the immediate vicinity of the camp were stored nearly all the tools, and, standing over these, Joe shouted:

"As true as my name's Brace I'll kill the first man who comes here,"

and he brandished the axe above his head.

"Don't be a fool!" some one cried. "What can you do against the crowd?"

"Split open the head of the first who comes within strikin' distance.

After that has been done you may manage to get the best of me; but one is sure to go down--which shall it be?"

None of the party cared to prove the truth of Joe's threat, and they fell back a short distance, giving him an opportunity to intrench himself behind the fragments of the camp.

The miner took care to gather the tools around him so they could not be seized in case a sudden rush was made, and then, as he afterward said, "read the riot act" to the trespa.s.sers.

Matters were in this condition when Fred and the surveyors arrived.

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Down the Slope Part 59 summary

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