Hebrew Literature Part 13

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6. They brought him to the house of Parva, and it was in the Sanctuary.

They divided with the screen of linen between him and the people. He sanctified his hands and feet and undressed. R. Meier said, he undressed and sanctified his hands and feet, he descended and washed, he came up and he wiped himself. They brought to him white robes, he dressed and sanctified his hands and feet.

7. "In the morning he was dressed with Pelusian linen worth twelve minas,(207) and in the evening with Indian linen worth 800 zuz."(208) The words of R. Meier. But the Sages say, "that in the morning his dress was worth eighteen minas, and in the evening twelve minas"; all these thirty minas were from the congregation, and if he wished to add to them he might add of himself.

8. He came to the side of his bullock, and the bullock was standing between the porch and the altar; his head to the North, and his face to the West; and the Priest stood in the East, and his face Westward, and he placed both hands upon him and made confession, and thus he spake, "I beseech thee, O Name, I have committed iniquity. I have sinned before Thee-I, and my house-I beseech thee, O Name, pardon(209) now the iniquities and the transgressions and the sins which I have perversely committed, and transgressed, and sinned before thee, I, and my house, as is written in the law of Moses thy servant, that in this day 'He will atone for you,' etc. And they answered after him, 'BLESSED BE THE NAME.


9. He came to the east of the court to the north of the altar. The Sagan was at his right hand, and the chief of the fathers at his left. And there were the two goats; and the urn was there, and in it were two lots of boxwood, and Ben Gamla made them of gold, and they commemorated him as praiseworthy.

10. The son of Katin made twelve pipes to the laver, where before there were but two; and also he made a wheel for the laver, lest its water should be polluted by night. Mon.o.bazus(210) the king made all the handles of the vessels, of gold for the day of atonement. Helena, his mother, made a chandelier of gold near the door of the Sanctuary, and she also made a tablet of gold upon which the section of the Sota(211) was written.

Wonders were wrought for the doors of Nicanor,(212) and they were commemorated as praiseworthy.

11. And these were in ignominy: The family of Garmu, who were unwilling to instruct in the preparation of the show-bread. The family of Abtinas, who were unwilling to instruct in the preparation of incense. Hogrus, the son of Levi, knew a tune in the chant, and was unwilling to instruct. The son of Kamzar was unwilling to instruct in the art of writing. Concerning the former it is said, "The memory of the just is blessed"; and concerning the latter it is said, "but the name of the wicked shall rot" (Prov. x. 7).

Chapter IV

1. He shook the urn and brought up two lots; one was written "for the Name," and the other was written "for Azazel."(213) The Sagan stood at his right hand, and the Chief of the Fathers at his left. If "for the Name"

came up in his right hand the Sagan said to him, "My Lord High Priest, lift up thy right hand"; and if "for the Name" came up in his left the Chief of the Fathers said to him, "My Lord High Priest, lift up thy left hand." He placed them upon the two goats, and said, "for the Lord is the sin-offering." R. Ismael said, "it was not necessary to mention the sin-offering" but "for the Lord." And they answered after him, "BLESSED BE THE NAME. THE HONOR OF HIS KINGDOM FOREVER AND EVER."

2. He twisted a tongue(214) of brightness on the head of the goat to be sent away, and he placed him opposite the gate from whence he should be sent. And the one for slaughter he placed opposite the slaughter-house. He himself came beside his bullock the second time, and laid his two hands upon him and made confession, and thus he spake: "I beseech Thee, O Name, I have committed iniquity, I have transgressed, I have sinned before Thee.

I, and my house, and the sons of Aaron, Thy holy people. I beseech Thee, O Name, pardon iniquities, transgressions, and sins which I have perversely committed, and transgressed, and sinned before Thee, I, and my house, and the sons of Aaron, Thy holy people, as is written in the law of Moses, Thy servant, saying, that in this day he will atone for you to purify you from all your sins 'Before the LORD. Ye shall be pure.' " And they answered after him, "BLESSED BE THE NAME. THE HONOR OF HIS KINGDOM FOREVER AND EVER."

3. He slaughtered him and caught his blood in a bowl, and he gave it to him who mixed it upon the fourth platform of the Sanctuary, that it might not congeal. He took the censer, and went up to the top of the altar, and raked the live coals here and there, and gathered out from the inner embers. And went down and placed it upon the fourth platform in the court.

4. Every day he gathered out the coals with one of silver and poured them out into one of gold, but to-day he gathered them with one of gold and he entered with it. Every day he gathered them out with one of four cabs(215) and poured them into one of three cabs. But to-day he gathered them out with one of three cabs, and with it he entered. Rabbi Joseph said, "every day he gathered out with one containing a seah,(216) and poured it into one of three cabs. But to-day he gathered out with one of three cabs, and with it he entered. Every day it was heavy, but to-day it was light. Every day its handle was short, but to-day long. Every day it was green gold; to-day red." The words of Rabbi Menachem. "Every day he offered half a pound in the morning, and half a pound in the evening, but to-day he added his handful. Every day it was fine; but to-day the finest of the fine."

5. Every day the priests went up the ascent (to the altar) in the east and descended in the west. But to-day the High Priest went up in the middle and descended in the middle. R. Judah said, "The High Priest ever went up in the middle and descended in the middle." Every day the High Priest sanctified his hands and his feet from the laver; but to-day from the golden basin. R. Judah said, "The High Priest ever sanctified his hands and his feet from the golden basin."

6. "Every day there were there four rows(217) of hearths; but to-day five," the words of R. Meier. Rabbi Joseph said, "every day three; but to-day four." Rabbi Judah said, "every day two; but to-day three."

Chapter V

1. They brought out for him the cup and the censer, and filled his hand full (of incense), and put it into the cup, the large according to his largeness,(218) and the smaller according to his smallness, and so was its measure. He took the censer in his right hand, and the spoon in his left.

He proceeded in the Sanctuary until he came between the two vails dividing between the holy and the holy of holies, and intermediate was a cubit. R.

Joseph said, "there was one vail only," as He said, "the vail is the division for you between the Holy and the Holy of Holies" (Exod. xxvi.

33). Outside it was looped up southward, inside northward. He proceeded between them till he reached the north. When he reached the north his face was turned southward. He proceeded leftward near the vail till he came to the ark. When he came to the ark, he put the censer between its two staves, he heaped the incense on the live coals, and the whole house was entirely filled with smoke. He went out, and returned by the way of his entrance, and he offered a short prayer in the outer house, and he did not prolong his prayer, lest he should excite terror(219) in Israel.

2. When the ark was removed, a stone was there from the days of the first prophets, and it was called "FOUNDATION."(220) It was three digits high above the earth, and upon it he put the censer.

3. He took the blood from the mixer.(221) With it he entered to the place where he entered, and stood in the place where he stood. He sprinkled of it once on high, and seven times below, and he did not purpose to sprinkle neither on high nor below, but unintentionally,(222) and so he counted, "one, one and one, one and two, one and three, one and four, one and five, one and six, one and seven." He went out and placed it on the golden pedestal, which was in the Sanctuary.

4. They brought to him the goat, he slaughtered it and caught his blood in a bowl. He entered to the place where he entered, and stood in the place where he stood, and sprinkled of it once on high and seven times below, and he did not purpose to sprinkle neither on high nor below, but unintentionally;(223) and so he counted, "one, one and one, one and two,"

etc. He went out, and placed it on the second pedestal, which was in the Sanctuary. R. Judah said "there was but one pedestal only." He took the blood of the bullock and laid down the blood of the goat, and sprinkled of it on the vail opposite the ark, on the outside, once on high, seven times below, and he did not purpose, etc., and so he counted. He took the blood of the goat and laid down the blood of the bullock, and sprinkled of it on the vail opposite the ark, on the outside, once on high and seven times below, etc. He poured the blood of the bullock into the blood of the goat, and infused the full into the empty.

5. And he went out to the altar which is before the LORD. This was the golden altar. He began cleansing it, and went down. "From what place did he begin?" "From the Northeastern corner, the Northwestern, Southwestern, and Southeastern, the place where he began with the sin-offering of the outer altar, at the same place he finished upon the inner altar." R.

Eliezer said, "he stood in his place and cleansed, and in general he operated from below upward, excepting that which was before him, on that he operated from above downward."

6. He sprinkled on the middle(224) of the altar seven times, and the remainder of the blood he poured out on the western foundation of the outer altar, and the blood from the outer altar he poured out on the southern foundation. This and that commingled in the channel, and flowed out to the Kidron Valley, and they were sold to the gardeners for manure, and they became guilty(225) in themselves.

7. All work of the day of atonement is described in order. If the High Priest performed one before the other, he did nothing. If the blood of the goat be sprinkled before the blood of the bullock, he must return, and sprinkle from the blood of the goat after the blood of the bullock. And if he had not finished the performances within, the blood was spilled. He must bring other blood, and return to sprinkle first from within. And so in the Sanctuary, and so in the golden altar, because all are an atonement in themselves. R. Eleazar and R. Simon say, "from the place where he stopped there he began."

Chapter VI

1. Both he-goats for the day of atonement are commanded to be alike in color, and in stature, and in price, and to be selected at the same time, and although they be not equal, yet are they lawful. "If one be selected to-day and the other tomorrow?" "They are lawful." "If one of them died?"

If he died before the lot be cast, the priest shall take a pair for the second; and if after the lot be cast he die, the priest shall fetch another pair, and cast the lot over them anew. And he shall say, "if that for the Name die, this over which this lot comes will be a subst.i.tute for the Name; and if that for Azazel die, this over which this lot comes will be a subst.i.tute for Azazel." And the second shall go to pasture, until he become blemished, and he shall be sold, and his price must be put into the offertory. Since the sin-offering of the congregation dies not. R. Judah said, "thou shalt die";(226) and again said R. Judah, "is his blood shed?"

"The one to be sent forth shall die." "Has the one to be sent forth died?"

"His blood shall be shed."

2. The high priest came to the side of the goat to be sent forth, and he placed his two hands(227) on him and made confession, and thus he spake: "I beseech Thee, O Name, Thy people, the house of Israel, have done perversely, have transgressed and sinned before Thee. I beseech Thee, O Name, pardon now their perverse doings, and their transgressions, and their sins, which they have perversely committed, and transgressed, and sinned before thee. Thy people the house of Israel, as is written in the law of Moses Thy servant, saying, 'For on that day shall he make an atonement for you to cleanse you from all your sins; before the LORD ye shall be pure.'(228) And the priests and the people who stood in the court, on hearing the Name clearly p.r.o.nounced by the mouth of the High Priest, knelt and wors.h.i.+pped, and fell on their faces and said, 'BLESSED BE THE NAME. THE HONOR OF HIS KINGDOM FOREVER AND EVER.' "

3. They delivered (the goat) to his conductor. All were eligible for conducting him. But the great priests made a rule, and they did not permit Israel to lead him forth. Said R. Joseph, "it occurred that a.r.s.ela of Zippori led him forth, and he was an Israelite."

4. And they made steps(229) for him by reason of the Babylonians,(230) who plucked off his hair and said to him, "take and go, take and go." The n.o.bles of Jerusalem escorted him to the first booth. There were ten booths from Jerusalem to Zuk,(231)-ninety stadia-seven and a half to every mile.

5. At every booth they said to him, "there is food, there is water," and they escorted him from booth to booth, except the last. For they came not with him to Zuk, but stood afar off and saw his acts.

6. "What did he do?" "His conductor divided the tongue of brightness (iv.

2). Half he twisted on the rock, and half he twisted between his horns.

And he thrust him backward, and the goat rolled, and descended, and he had not reached to the half of the mountain, till his members were made members.(232) He returned and sat under the last booth until darkness set in." "And when did he render garments unclean?"(233) "From his exit from the wall of Jerusalem." R. Simon said, "from the time of his thrusting at Zuk."

7. The High Priest came beside the bullock and he-goat which were to be burned. He cleft them, and brought out their entrails. He put them on a dish, and caused them to smoke upon the altar. He folded them in their skins, and caused them to be carried to the place of burning. "And when did he render garments unclean?" "From his proceeding without the wall of the court." R. Simon said, "when the fire kindled on the greatest part"

(of the sacrifice).

8. They said to the High Priest, "the he-goat has arrived in the wilderness." "And whence knew they that the he-goat had arrived in the wilderness?" "They set watchmen, who waved handkerchiefs, and they knew that the he-goat had arrived in the wilderness." Said R. Judah, "and was not this a great sign to them? from Jerusalem to Bethhoron(234) there were three miles. They went a mile and returned, and rested the time of a mile, and they knew that the he-goat arrived in the desert." R. Ishmael(235) said, "and was there not another sign to them?" A tongue of brightness was twisted on the door of the Sanctuary, and when the he-goat arrived in the wilderness the tongue blanched, as is said, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow."(236)

Chapter VII

1. The High Priest came to read. If he wished to read in linen garments, he read. If not, he read in his own white stole. The public Minister of the congregation took out the roll of the Law, and delivered it to the Chief of the congregation, and the Chief of the congregation gave it to the Sagan, and the Sagan gave it to the High Priest. And the High Priest stood and received it and read. He stood and read "after the death"(237) and "also on the tenth day."(238) And he rolled up the book of the Law, and put it into his bosom, and said, "More than what I have read before you is written here." And "on the tenth"(239) in the Pentateuch of overseers he recited, and p.r.o.nounced upon it eight blessings; upon the Law, and upon the Service, and upon the confession, and upon the forgiveness of sins, and upon the Sanctuary separately, and upon Israel separately, and upon Jerusalem separately, and upon the Priests separately, and upon the remainder of the prayer.

2. He who saw the High Priest, when he read, could not see the bullock and the he-goat, when they were burning. And he who saw the bullock and the he-goat, when they were burning, could not see the High Priest, when he read. Not because it was forbidden, but because the way was far, and the work of both was proceeding at once.

3. If he read in linen garments, he sanctified his hands and his feet, he undressed, he descended and bathed. He came up, and wiped himself. They brought him golden garments, and he dressed, and he sanctified his hands and his feet, and went forth and offered the ram for himself, and the ram for the people, and seven lambs without blemish of a year old. The words of R. Eleazar. R. Akiba said, "with the morning sacrifice they were offered." And the bullock of burnt-offering and the he-goat,(240) which was prepared without, were offered with the evening sacrifice.

4. He purified his hands and his feet, and undressed, and washed, and he came up, and wiped himself. They brought to him white garments, and he dressed, and sanctified his hands and his feet. He entered to bring forth the spoon and the censer, he sanctified his hands and his feet, and undressed, and he descended, and washed. He came up, and wiped himself.

They brought to him garments of gold, and he dressed, and sanctified his hands and his feet. And he entered to offer the evening incense, and to trim the lights; and he sanctified his hands and his feet, and he dressed.

They brought to him his own garments, and he dressed. And they escorted him to his house. And he made a feast-day for his friends, when he went out in peace from the Sanctuary.

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Hebrew Literature Part 13 summary

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