Hebrew Literature Part 29

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Chapter XIII

"How did the Levites guard the tabernacle?" "The family of Kohath watched on the south, as is said, 'The families of the sons of Kohath shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle southward.'(696) And they were overseers of the vessels of the ark, as is said, 'And their charge shall be the ark, and the table, and the candlestick, and the altars, and the vessels of the sanctuary wherewith they minister, and the hanging and all the service thereof.'(697) Outside of them were the three tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Levi. The family of Gershon watched in the west, as is said, 'The families of the Gershonites shall pitch behind the tabernacle westward.'(698) And they were intrusted with all the vessels of the tabernacle, as is said, 'And they shall bear the curtains of the tabernacle, and the tabernacle of the congregation.'(699) Outside of them were the three tribes of Ephraim, and Mana.s.seh, and Benjamin. The family of Merari watched on the north, as is said, 'And the chief of the house of the father of the families of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail: these shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle northward.'(700) And they were intrusted with the taches, and boards, and bars, and pillars, and the sockets of the tabernacle, as is said, 'And under the custody and charge of the sons of Merari shall be the boards of the tabernacle, and the bars thereof, and the pillars thereof, and the sockets thereof.'(701) And outside of them were the three tribes of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali. On the east were Moses, Aaron, and their families, as is said, 'But those that encamp before the tabernacle toward the east, even before the tabernacle of the congregation eastward, shall be Moses and Aaron and his sons.'(702) And outside of them were the three tribes of Judah, Yissachar, and Zebulon. The whole encampment of Israel was twelve miles. The standard of Judah was four miles, and the encampment of the Levites, and the encampment of the SHECHINAH, four miles. The standard of Reuben was four miles. The standard of Ephraim was four miles.

The encampment of the Levites and the encampment of the SHECHINAH was four miles. And the encampment of Dan was four miles. It follows _that_ the four corners of the tabernacle were four encampments for service on every side, as is said, 'Then the tabernacle of the congregation shall set forward with the camp of the Levites in the midst of the camp; as they encamp so shall they set forward, every man in his place by their standards.'(703) So soon as Israel set forward, the pillar of cloud which was standing still rolled up and spread out over the children of Judah like a kind of beam. The (trumpet) sounded, and blew an alarm, and sounded, and the standard of Judah moved forward first, as is said, 'In the first place went the standard of the camp of the children of Judah according to their armies.'(704) At once Aaron and his sons entered (the Tabernacle) and took down the vail, and with it they covered the ark, as is said, 'And when the camp setteth forward, Aaron shall come and his sons, and they shall take down the covering vail, and cover the ark of testimony with it.'(705) The (trumpet) sounded, and blew an alarm, and sounded, and the standard of the encampment of Reuben set forward. At once the sons of Gershon, and the sons of Merari entered, and took down the tabernacle, and loaded it on the wagon. And they set up the tabernacle before the sons of Kohath came, as is said, 'And the Kohathites set forward, bearing the sanctuary; and the other did set up the tabernacle against they came.'(706) And the trumpet sounded, and blew an alarm, and sounded, and the standard of Ephraim moved forward; the children of Kohath entered and took down the holy vessels, and loaded them on their shoulders, as is said, 'And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it.'(707) The (trumpet) sounded, and blew an alarm, and sounded. And the standard of Dan moved forward, as is said, 'And the standard of the camp of the children of Dan set forward.'(708) It follows that two standards were in front, and two standards were in the rear, and the encampment of the Levites, and the encampment of the SHECHINAH was in the middle, as is said, 'Then the tabernacle of the congregation shall set forward with the camp of the Levites in the midst of the camp.'(709) And as they encamped, so they set forward, as is said, 'As they encamp, so shall they set forward.' Israel set forward by three commands, by command of the HOLY BLESSED ONE, by command of Moses, and by command of the trumpets." "Whence know we the command of the HOLY BLESSED ONE?" "As is said, 'At the commandment of the Lord, the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the Lord they pitched,' "(710) etc. "By the commandment of the Lord by the hand of Moses."(711) "By commandment of Moses-how?" "Moses said in the evening, 'early in the morning you must go forward.' " At once the Israelites began to gather their cattle, and prepared their furniture for the march. "By commandment of the trumpets whence know we it?" "As is said, 'Make thee two trumpets of silver, etc., that thou mayest use them for the calling of the a.s.sembly, and for the journeying of the camps.' "(712) "How?" "The trumpets sounded, blew an alarm, and sounded three blasts for every standard." Rabbi Judah said, "there were three blasts for every tribe."

Chapter XIV

When Israel was to encamp, the pillar of cloud rose up and spread out over the children of Judah like a kind of booth, and it covered the tent outward, and filled the tabernacle inward; as is said, "Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle."(713) And this was one of the clouds of glory, which served the Israelites in the wilderness forty years. One on the right hand, and one on the left, and one before them, and one behind them. And one over them, and a cloud dwelling in their midst (and the cloud, the SHECHINAH which was in the Tent), and the pillar of cloud which moved before them, making low before them the high (places), and making high before them the low (places), and killing serpents and scorpions, and burning thorns and briers, and guiding them in a straight way. Rabbi Simon, the son of Jose, said, "during the forty years, when the Israelites were in the wilderness, none of them had need of the light of the sun by day, nor the light of the moon by night. When it became reddish they knew that the sun had set, and when it became whitish they knew that the sun rose. And when one looked into a barrel, he knew what was in it; and into a pitcher, and he knew what was in it, by reason of the cloud, the SHECHINAH in their midst," as is said, "For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journey."(714) And so it is prepared to come in the future: as is said, "Arise, s.h.i.+ne; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." "The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light." "Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself; for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended."(715) "From whence did the SHECHINAH speak with Moses?" Rabbi Nathan said, "from the altar of incense," as is said, "And thou shalt put it before the vail that is by the ark of the testimony, etc.,


Rabbi Simon, the son of Yochai, said, "beside the altar of incense," as is said, "And thou shalt beat some of it very small, and put of it before the testimony in the tabernacle of the congregation,


The disciples of Rabbi Ishmael said, "beside the altar of burnt-offering,"

as is said, "This shall be a continual burnt-offering throughout your generations at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, before the Lord,


The Heifer(719)

The Heifer's Age-Ages of Other Offerings-Places From Which the Red Heifer May Come-Blemishes-Black Hairs-Separation of the Priest for Burning the Red Heifer-Sprinkling-Lads who Drew Water from Siloam-Number of Red Heifers-Bridge to the Mount of Olives-Procession of Heifer and Attendants-Pile for Burning-Position of the Heifer-Position of the Priest-Slaughter of the Heifer-Sprinkling the Blood-Kindling the Pile-Gathering the Ashes-Doctrine of Intention-Vessels-Pumpkin Bottles-A Hollow Reed-Purifications-Cases of Casuistry-Seas-Wells-Reptiles-A Clean Place-Hyssop-Sprinkling.

Chapter I

1. Rabbi Eliezer said, "the red heifer must be a calf of a year old or a heifer of two years." But the Sages say, "a calf of two years and a heifer of three years or of four years." Rabbi Meier said, "even of five years she is allowed, or older. But they are not to wait (longer) for her, lest she turn black and be disallowed." Rabbi Joshua said, "I only heard, third." They said to him, "what is the meaning of 'third'?" He said to them, "thus I heard it, without explanation." The son of Azai said, "I will explain it, if you say 'third,' that is to others in counting; but if you say 'one of three,' that is, of three years." As when they say, "a fourth vineyard." They said to him, "what means 'fourth'?" He said to them, "thus I heard it, without explanation." Said the son of Azai, "I will explain. If you say 'fourth,' that is, to others in counting. But as you say 'one of four,' that is, of four years. As when they say, he who eats in a leprous house a half-loaf,(720) of three loaves to the cab of flour." They say to him, "say eighteen loaves to the seah of flour." He said to them, "Thus I heard it, without explanation." Said the son of Azai, "I will explain. If you say, 'three to the cab,' there is no dough-offering. But if you say, 'eighteen to the seah,' the dough-offering diminishes it."

2. R. Jose the Galilean said, "the cleansing of the Levites required bullocks of two years old," as is said, "And another young bullock shalt thou take for a sin-offering."(721) But the Sages say, "even of three years." R. Meier said, "bullocks even of four and five years are allowed, but old ones are not brought, for honor's sake."

3. Sacrifices required lambs of a year old and rams of two years old, and all (are reckoned) from day to day.(722) If they be thirteen months old, neither ram nor lamb is allowed. R. Tarphon called it, "half and between."

The son of Azai called it, "pointed out." R. Ishmael called it, "recalled coin." If the ram be brought for offering, and the libation of the ram be brought with him, it does not pa.s.s for his offering, except he be thirteen months and one day old. That is the law for the ram.

4. The sin-offering of the congregation and their burnt-offerings, the sin-offering of an individual and the trespa.s.s-offering of the Nazarite and the trespa.s.s-offering of the leper are allowed for thirty days and upward, and even on the thirtieth day. And if they are brought on the eighth day, they are allowed; vows, freewill-offerings, the first-born, and the t.i.the and the pa.s.sover are allowed from the eighth day and upward, and even on the eighth day.

Chapter II

1. Rabbi Eliezer said, "a heifer for a sin-offering is allowed even in pregnancy." But the Sages disallow her. R. Eliezer said, "she is not to be taken from foreigners." But the Sages allow her. And not only she, but all the offerings of the congregation, and of the individual, may come from the Land (of Israel), or from outside the land, from the fresh harvest and from the old harvest, except the omer,(723) and the two loaves,(724) which may only come from the fresh harvest, and from the Land.

2. A heifer whose horns and hoofs are black should have them cut away. The pupil of the eye and the teeth and the tongue cause no blemish in the heifer. If she be diminutive, she is allowed. "Had she a wen which was cut away?" R. Judah "disallowed her." Rabbi Simon said, "every place which was cut down, and no red hair sprang up in its place, renders her blemished."

3. A heifer produced from the side or from the hire of immorality or exchanged for a dog is disallowed. R. Eliezer allowed it, "as is said, 'Thou shalt not bring the hire of a wh.o.r.e or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy G.o.d.'(725) But she did not come into the house." All blemishes which are disallowed in holy things are disallowed in the heifer. If one rode on her or leaned on her or hung something on her tail or crossed a river on her or doubled the rope over her or put his garment on her, she is disallowed. But if one bound her with a rope or made a shoe to prevent her slipping or spread his garment over her because of the flies, she is allowed. This is the rule: Everything which was necessary for her is allowed; if there be any use of her for another's benefit, she is disallowed.

4. If a bird rested on her, she is allowed. If the male came to her, she is disallowed. R. Judah said, "if he were brought, she is disallowed, but if he came of himself, she is allowed."

5. If she had two black or white hairs in one cavity, she is disallowed.

R. Judah said, "even in one pore." "If they be in two pores and they prove united?" "She is disallowed." Rabbi Akiba said, "even four or five, if they be scattered, may be plucked out." Rabbi Eleazar said, "even fifty."

R. Joshua, son of Bathira, said, "if there be even one in her head and one in her tail, she is disallowed." "If there be two hairs, their roots black and their tops red, their roots red and their tops black?" "All follows after the appearance," the words of Rabbi Meier. But the Sages say, "after the root."

Chapter III

1. Seven days before the burning of the heifer, the priest who burned the heifer was removed from his house to the chamber in front of the Temple Palace toward the northeast;(726) and it was called the Stone House. And he was sprinkled during all the seven days from all the ashes of red heifers which were there. R. Jose said, "they did not sprinkle him save on the third and seventh days only." R. Hananiah, the deputy high-priest, said, "on the priest who burned the heifer they sprinkled during all the seven days, but on him who took service on the Day of Atonement they did not sprinkle save on the third and seventh days only."

2. There were courts in Jerusalem built of stone, and beneath they were hollow,(727) through fear of an unseen grave. And pregnant women were brought, and they were delivered there. And there they reared their sons, and oxen were brought with doors on their backs, and the lads were seated on them with stone cups in their hands. They came to Siloam, they dismounted, and filled them. They remounted, and returned on the backs of the oxen. R. Jose said, "from their seats on the backs of the oxen they let down (the cups) and filled them (with water)."

3. The lads came back to the Mountain of the House and dismounted. The Mountain of the House and its courts were hollow below, through fear of an unseen grave. And at the door of the court there were prepared the ashes of the red heifers; and they brought a ram from the sheep, and they twisted a rope between his horns, and they twisted a stick and stuck it into the end of the rope, and it was dipped into the ashes, and the ram got a blow, and he skipped backward, and took them, and caused them to appear on the surface of the water. R. Jose said, "you should not give an opportunity to the Sadducees for scoffing: but (the lad) took and prepared the ashes."

4. They did not make use of (what pertained) to one red heifer for a second one, nor did they use another lad for(728) his (prepared) companion. "And the lads themselves were in need of sprinkling," the words of Rabbi Jose the Galilean. R. Akiba said, "they had no need of sprinkling."

5. If they did not find (ashes) of seven red heifers, six were sufficient, five, four, three, two, one. "And who made them?" "Moses made the first, and Ezra the second, and (there were) five from Ezra and afterward," the words of Rabbi Meier. But the Sages say, "seven from Ezra and afterward."

"And who made them?" "Simon the Just, and John the High-priest made each two. Elihueni, son of Hakuf, and Hanamel the Egyptian, and Ishmael, son of Piani, made one each."

6. And a causeway was made from the Mountain of the House to the Mount of Olives, with arches over arches. And there was an arch in front of the last pillar for fear of an unseen grave. Over it the priest who burned the heifer, and the heifer with all her attendants, proceeded to the Mount of Olives.

7. If the heifer were unwilling to go, they did not bring with her a black one, lest it be said, "they slaughtered a black one" nor a red one, lest it be said, "they slaughtered two." R. Jose said, this was not the reason, but because it is only said, "That he may bring her forth."(729) And the elders of Israel preceded her on foot to the Mount of Olives. And a house for was.h.i.+ng was there. And the priest who burned the heifer was rendered unclean because of the Sadducees,(730) lest they should say, "it is needful for sunset to pa.s.s over him."(731)

8. The elders put their hands on the priest and said, "my Lord High-priest, wash once." He descended and washed, and he came up and wiped himself. And wood was set in order there, cedar and ash and cypress and fig-wood smoothed. And it was made like a tower, and windows were opened in it, and their direction was westward.

9. The red heifer was bound with a rope of bulrushes and she was put on the place of preparation, with her head southward and with her face westward. The priest stood in the east with his face westward. He slaughtered the heifer with his right hand, and received (the blood) in his left hand. R. Judah said, "he received it in his right hand and put it into his left, and sprinkled it with his right hand." He dipped his hand, and sprinkled the blood seven times in front of the House of the Holy of Holies. For every sprinkling of blood he dipped his hand. When he finished sprinkling the blood he wiped his hand on the body of the heifer. He went down and kindled the fire with chips. Rabbi Akiba said, "with palm-branches."

10. She burst and moved from her place. He took cedar-wood and hyssop and scarlet (wool). He said to them, "is this cedar-wood, is this cedar-wood?"

"is this hyssop, is this hyssop?" "is this scarlet, is this scarlet?"

three times for each thing. And they said to him, "yes," "yes," three times for each thing.

11. He wrapped them in the remainder(732) of the tongue of scarlet wool, and cast them into the midst of the burning. When the fire was burned down, the ashes were beaten with sticks and sifted with sieves. R. Ishmael said, "with stone hammers, and the work was finished with stone sieves." A black piece in which there are ashes must be pulverized, and that which has no ashes is left. Bones with or without ashes were pulverized. And they were divided into three parts. One part was put in the Chel, and one was put on the Mount of Olives, and one was divided for all the guards(733) (_i.e._, the representatives of all Israel).

Chapter IV

1. "The heifer which was slaughtered without the proper intention, (the priest) caught the blood and sprinkled it without the proper intention, or with the proper intention and afterward without the proper intention, or without the proper intention and (afterward) with the proper intention?"

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Hebrew Literature Part 29 summary

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