Hebrew Literature Part 36

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For that which is concealed pertaineth unto the Most Holy Ancient One, the Concealed in all things.

But that, indeed, which is manifested, because it dependeth, belongeth unto Microprosopus. (Otherwise, that which is manifested, is so for this reason-that it is manifested because it dependeth, etc.)

And therefore do all the blessings require both concealment and manifestation.

Those concealed letters which hang behind depend from the Most Holy Ancient One.

Wherefore do they hang behind? For the purpose of establis.h.i.+ng the Inferior Yod. (Otherwise, a.s.suredly from the Skull, from the Forehead, from the Eyes, do they depend. And the Yod Maternal(811) dependeth toward the Inferior Yod.)

Chapter V: Concerning the Nose of the Most Holy Ancient One

The Nose. From this nose, from the openings of the nostrils, the Spirit of Life rusheth forth upon Microprosopus.

And from that opening of the nose, from those openings of the nostrils, dependeth the letter He, in order to establish the other and inferior He.

And that Spirit proceedeth from the hidden brain, and She is called the Spirit of Life, and through that Spirit(812) will all men understand CHKMTHA, _Chokmatha_, Wisdom, in the time of King Messiah.

As it is written, Isa. xi. 2: "And the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, RVCH CHKMH VBINH, _Ruach Chokmah Va-Binah_, shall rest upon Him," etc.

This nose is life in every part; perfect joy, rest of spirit, and health.

The nose of Microprosopus is as we have (before) conformed it.

Since concerning Him it is said, Ps. xviii. 9, "There ascendeth a smoke in his nose," etc.

But concerning this it is written, Isa. xlviii. 9, "And for my name's sake will I defer mine anger (literally, lengthen my nose) for thee."

(But in the book which is called "The Treatise of the School of Rav Yeyeva the Elder," the letter He is located in the mouth, and he doth not argue in the same manner as in the text, neither doth he bring about the same combination, although the matter eventuateth in the same manner.)

But yet from the letter the judgment dependeth, and judgment pertaineth unto the nose (of Microprosopus). Like as it is written, Ps. xviii. 9, "Smoke ascendeth out of His nose."

And if thou sayest that behold also it is written, "And fire out of His mouth consumeth," surely the foundation of wrath dependeth from His nose.

All the conformations of the Most Holy Ancient One are formed forth from the calm and concealed brain.

And all the conformations of Microprosopus are formed through the Inferior _Chokmah_, Wisdom. Like as it is written, Ps. civ. 24, "All these hast thou made in Chokmah." And certainly it (Wisdom) is the epitome of all things.

Now what is the difference between H, _He_, and H, _He_? By the Inferior _He_ is judgment stirred up; but in this instance, through the other _He_, mercy unto mercy is denoted.

Chapter VI: Concerning the Beard of the Most Holy Ancient One

From the Beard of the Most Holy Ancient One hangeth the whole ornament of all, and the Influence; for all things are called from that beard, Influence.

This is the Ornament of all Ornaments, and this influence do all the superiors and inferiors alike behold.

From this Influence dependeth the life of all things.

From this Influence heavens and earth depend, the rains of grace, and the nourishment of all things.

From this Influence cometh the providence of all things. From this Influence depend all the superior and inferior hosts.

Thirteen fountains of excellent and precious oil depend from this beard of most glorious Influence, and they all flow down into Microprosopus.

Say not thou, however, that all do so, but nine of them are found (in Microprosopus) for the purpose of diverting the judgments.

And whensoever this Influence hangeth down in equilibrium even unto the heart, all the Holinesses of the Holinesses of Holiness depend from it.

In that Influence is extended an expansion of the Supernal Emanation,(813) which is the Head of all Heads, which is not known nor perfected, and which neither superiors nor inferiors have known, because from that Influence all things depend.

In this beard the Three Heads concerning which we have spoken are expanded, and all things are a.s.sociated together in this Influence, and are found therein.

And therefore every ornament of ornaments dependeth from that Influence.

Those letters which depend from this Ancient One all hang in that beard, and are a.s.sociated together in that Influence.

And they hang therein for the purpose of establis.h.i.+ng the other letters.

For unless those letters could ascend into the Ancient One, those other letters could not be established.

And therefore Moses saith when necessary IHVH, IHVH, twice; and so that an accent distinguishes the one from the other.

For a.s.suredly from the Influence all things depend.

By that Influence are both superiors and inferiors brought unto reverence, and are prostrate before it.

Blessed is he who attaineth hereunto.

Chapter VII: Concerning the Brain and the Wisdom in General

Of this Most Holy Ancient One, Concealed with all Concealments, there is no mention made, neither is He found.

For since this Head is the supreme of all the supernals, hence He is only symbolized as a head alone without body, for the purpose of establis.h.i.+ng all things.

And He Himself is concealed, and hidden, and kept recondite by all things.

His conformation is that He is formed forth in that brain, the most hidden of all things, which is expanded and formed forth, and hence proceedeth the superior and inferior CHSD, _Chesed_, Mercy.

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Hebrew Literature Part 36 summary

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