Hebrew Literature Part 4

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R. Judah says "he is not legally free." "If he said it irregularly?" "He is not legally free." "In recitation he mistook?" "He must recommence from the place where he mistook."

4. Laborers may recite the Shemah on the top of a tree, or of a wall, but they are not allowed to do so with the prayer.(22)

5. A bridegroom is exempted from reciting the Shemah on the first night of marriage, and, even until the expiration of the Sabbath if the marriage be not complete. It happened that Rabban Gamaliel recited on the first night.

His disciples said to him, "hast thou not taught us, our master, that a bridegroom is exempted from reciting Shemah on the first night?" He said to them, "I will not hear you, to deprive myself of the yoke of the kingdom of heaven even one hour."

6. He (R. Gamaliel) bathed on the first night of his wife's death. His disciples said to him, "hast thou not taught us, our master, that a mourner is forbidden to bathe?" He said to them, "I am not like all other men; I am infirm."

7. When his slave Tabbi died, he received visits of condolence. His disciples said to him, "hast thou not taught us, our master, that visits of condolence are not to be received for slaves?" He said to them, "my slave Tabbi was not like all other slaves, he was upright."

8. The bridegroom who wishes to recite the Shemah on the first night may recite it. R. Simeon, the son of Gamaliel, said, "not every one who wishes to affect the pious reputation can affect it."

Chapter III

1. He whose dead lies before him is exempted from reciting the Shemah,-from the prayer,-and from the phylacteries.(23) Those who carry the bier, and those who relieve them, and those who relieve the relief,-those who go before the bier, and those who follow it, who are required for the bier, are exempted from reciting the Shemah. But those not required for the bier are bound to recite it. Both (parties) are exempted from the prayer.

2. When they have buried the dead, and return, if they have time to begin and end (the Shemah) before they reach the rows (of mourners), they must begin: if not, they must not begin. Of those standing in the rows the inner (mourners) are exempt, but the outer ones are bound to recite the Shemah.

3. Women, slaves, and children, are exempt from reciting the Shemah, and also from the phylacteries; but they are bound in the prayer, the sign on the door-post, and the blessing after food.

4. A man in his legal uncleanness is to meditate in his heart on the (Shemah), but he is not to bless before, or after it. After his food he blesses, but not before it. R. Judah says "he blesses both before and after it."

5. If one stand in prayer, and recollect that he is in his uncleanness, he is not to pause, but to shorten (the prayer). If he has gone down into the water (to bathe),(24) and can go up, dress, and recite the Shemah before the sun s.h.i.+nes forth, he is to go up, dress, and recite it. But he is not to cover himself with foul water or with water holding matter in solution unless he has poured clean water to it. "How far is he to keep from foul water, or excrement?" "Four cubits."

6. A man in his uncleanness with a running issue, a woman in her uncleanness, during separation, and she who perceives the need of separation, require the bath. But R. Judah "exempts them."

Chapter IV

1. The morning prayer may be said till noon. R. Judah says "until the fourth hour." The afternoon prayer until the evening. R. Judah says "until half the afternoon." The evening prayer has no limit, and the additional prayers may be said all day. R. Judah says "until the seventh hour."

2. R. Nechooniah, son of Hakanah, used to pray when he entered the lecture-room, and when he went out he said a short prayer. The (Sages) said to him, "what occasion is there for this prayer?" He said to them, "when I enter I pray that no cause of offence may arise through me; and when I go out I give thanks for my lot."

3. Rabban Gamaliel said, "one must daily say the eighteen prayers." R.

Joshua said "a summary of the eighteen." R. Akivah said, "if his prayer be fluent in his mouth, he says the eighteen; if not, a summary of the eighteen."

4. R. Eleazar said, "if one make his prayer fixed, his prayer is not supplications." R. Joshua said, "if a man travel in dangerous places, let him use this short prayer: 'Save, O Lord, thy people, the remnant of Israel; at every stage of their journey(25) let their wants be before thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who hearest prayers.' "

5. If one ride on an a.s.s, he must dismount: if he cannot dismount, he must turn his face; and if he cannot turn his face, he must direct his heart toward the Holy of Holies.

6. If one be seated in a s.h.i.+p, or in a carriage, or on a raft, he must direct his mind toward the Holy of Holies.

7. R. Eleazar, the son of Azariah, said "the additional(26) prayers are only to be said in a public congregation." But the Sages say, "if there be a public congregation, or no public congregation." R. Judah said in his name, "in every place, where there is a public congregation, individuals are exempted from additional prayers."

Chapter V

1. Men should not stand up to pray, except with reverential head. The pious of ancient days used to pause one hour before they began to pray, that they might direct their hearts to G.o.d. Though the king salute, one must not respond; and though a serpent wind itself round his heel, one must not pause.

2. Men should mention the heavy rain in praying for the resurrection of the dead; and entreat for rain in the blessing for the year, and "the distinction between the Sabbath and weekday"(27) is to be said in the prayer "who graciously bestows knowledge."(28) R. Akivah said, "the distinction between the Sabbath and week-day is to be said in a fourth prayer by itself." R. Eleazar said, "in the thanksgivings."

3. He who says, "Thy mercies extend to a bird's nest," or, "for goodness be Thy name remembered," or he who says, "we give thanks, we give thanks,"(29) is to be silenced. If a man pa.s.s up to the ark (where the rolls of the Law are kept) and make a mistake, another must pa.s.s up in his stead; nor may he in such a moment refuse. "Where does he begin?" "From the beginning of the prayer in which the other made the mistake."

4. He who up to the ark is not to answer "Amen" after the priests, lest his attention be distracted. If no other priest be present but himself, he is not to lift up his hands (to bless the congregation). But if he be confident that he can lift up his hands, and then resume, he is at liberty.

5. If a man pray, and make a mistake, it is a bad sign for him. If he be a representative of a congregation, it is a bad sign for his const.i.tuents, for a man's representative is like himself. They say of R. Hanina, son of Dosa, that when he prayed for the sick, he used to say, "this one will live," or "this one will die." The (Sages) said to him, "how do you know?"

He said to them, "if my prayer be fluent in my mouth, I know that he is accepted; but if not, I know that he is lost."

Chapter VI

1. "How do we bless for fruit?" "For fruit of a tree say, 'Who createst the fruit of the wood,' excepting the wine. For wine say, 'Who createst the fruit of the vine.' For fruits of the earth say, 'Who createst the fruit of the ground,' excepting the morsel. For the morsel say, 'Who bringest forth bread from the earth.' For vegetables say, 'Who createst the fruit of the ground.' R. Judah says, 'Who createst various kinds of herbs.' "

2. He who blessed the fruits of the tree (thus), "Who createst the fruits of the ground?" "He is free." And for the fruits of ground (said), "Who createst the fruits of the wood?" "He is not free." But, in general, if one say, "(Who createst) everything?" "He is free."

3. For the thing which groweth not from the earth, say, "(Who createst) everything." For vinegar, unripe fruit, and locusts, say "everything." For milk, cheese, and eggs, say "everything." R. Judah says, "whatever it be, which had its origin in a curse, is not to be blessed."

4. If a man have before him many kinds of fruits? R. Judah says, "if there be among them of the seven(30) kinds, he is to bless them." But the Sages say "he may bless whichever of them he pleases."

5. "If one blessed the wine before food?" "The blessing frees the wine after food." "If he blessed the t.i.tbit before food?" "It frees the t.i.tbit after food." "If he blessed the bread?" "It frees the t.i.tbit." But the blessing on the t.i.tbit does not free the bread. The school of Shammai say, "neither does it free the cookery."

6. "If several persons sit down to eat?" "Each blesses for himself." "But if they recline together?" "One blesses for all." "If wine come to them during food?" "Each blesses for himself." "But if after food?" "One blesses for all." He also blesses for the incense, even though they have not brought it till after the repast.

7. "If they first set salt food before a man and bread with it?" "He blesses the salt food, which frees the bread, as the bread is only an appendage." The rule is, whenever there is and with it appendage,-the blessing on the frees the appendage.

8. "If one have eaten figs, grapes, and pomegranates?" "He must say after them three blessings." The words of Rabban Gamaliel. But the Sages say, "one blessing-a summary of the three." R. Akivah says, "if one have eaten boiled (pulse); and it is his meal, he must say after it three blessings."

Whoever drinks water for his thirst, says, "By whose word everything is,"

etc. R. Tarphon says, "Who createst many souls," etc.

Chapter VII

1. Three men who have eaten together are bound to bless after food. "If a person have eaten of that which is doubtful, whether it has paid t.i.the or not; or of first t.i.the from which the heave offering has been taken; or of second t.i.the or consecrated things, which have been redeemed; also, if the waiter have eaten the size of an olive; or a Samaritan be of the party?"

"The blessing must be said." "But if one have eaten the unt.i.thed-or first t.i.thes from which the heave offering has not been taken-or consecrated things which are unredeemed; or if the waiter have eaten less than the size of an olive, or a stranger be of the party?" "The blessing is not to be said."

2. There is no blessing at food for women, slaves, and children. What quant.i.ty is required for the blessing at food? The size of an olive. R.

Judah says "the size of an egg."

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Hebrew Literature Part 4 summary

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