Hebrew Literature Part 44

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a.s.suredly, in respect of the punishments of the inferior tribunals which depend from the Supernals.

Therefore there remain twenty.(858) And therefore unto none do they adjudge capital punishment until he shall have fulfilled and reached the age of twenty years, in respect of these twenty tribunals.

But in our doctrine regarding our Arcana have we taught that the books which are contained in the Law refer back unto these twenty-four.

Chapter XIV: Concerning the Eyes of Microprosopus

The Eyes of the Head (of Microprosopus) are those eyes from which sinners cannot guard themselves; the eyes which sleep, and yet which sleep not.

And therefore are they called "Eyes like unto doves, KIVNIM, _Ke-Ionim_."

What is IVNIM, _Ionim_? Surely it is said, Lev. xxv. 17, "Ye shall not deceive any man his neighbor."

And therefore is it written, Ps. xciv. 7, "IH, _Yah_, shall not behold."

And shortly after verse 9, "He that planteth the ear, shall He not hear?

He that formeth the eye, shall He not see?"

The part which is above the eyes (the eyebrows) consisteth of the hairs, which are distributed in certain proportions.

From those hairs depend 1,700 Lords of Inspection for striving in battles.

And then all their emissaries arise and unclose the eyes.

In the skin which is above the eyes (the eyelids) are the eyelashes, and thereunto adhere thousand thousands Lords of s.h.i.+elds.

And these be called the covering of the eyes. And all those which are called (under the cla.s.sification of) the eyes of IHVH, Tetragrammaton, are not unclosed, nor awake, save in that time when these coverings of the eyelashes be separated from each other; namely, the lower from the upper (eyelashes).

And when the lower eyelashes are separated from the upper, and disclose the abode of vision, then are the eyes opened in the same manner as when one awaketh from his sleep.

Then are the eyes rolled around, and (Microprosopus) looketh back upon the open eye (of Macroprosopus), and they are bathed in its white brilliance.

And when they are thus whitened, the Lords of the Judgments are turned aside from the Israelites. And therefore it is written, Ps. xliv. 24: "Awake: wherefore sleepest thou, O Tetragrammaton? Make haste," etc.

Four colors appear in those eyes; from which s.h.i.+ne the four coverings of the phylacteries, which s.h.i.+ne through the emanations of the Brain.

Seven, which are called the eyes of Tetragrammaton, and the inspection, proceed from the black color of the eyes; as we have said.

As it is written, Zech. iii. 9, "Upon one stone seven eyes." And these colors flame forth on this side.

From the red go forth others, the Lords of Examination for Judgment.

And these are called: "The eyes of Tetragrammaton going forth throughout the whole earth."

Where it is said (in the feminine gender) "MSHVTTVTH, _Meshotetoth_, going forth," and not "MSHVTTIM, _Meshotetim_," in the masculine, because all are judgment.

From the yellow proceed others who are destined to make manifest deeds as well good as evil.

As it is written, Job x.x.xiv. 21, "Since His eyes are upon the ways of man." And these, Zach. iv. 10, are called "The eyes of Tetragrammaton,"

MSHVTTIM, _Meshotetim_, going forth around, but in the masculine gender, because these extend in two directions-toward the good and toward the evil.

From the white brilliance proceed all those mercies and all those benefits which are found in the world, so that through them it may be well for the Israelites.

And then all those three colors are made white, so that He may have pity upon them.

And those colors are mingled together mutually, and mutually do they adhere unto each other. Each one affecteth with its color that which is next unto it.

Excepting the white brilliance wherein all are comprehended when there is need, for this enshroudeth them all.

So therefore no man can convert all the inferior colors-the black, red, and yellow-into the white brilliance.

For only with this glance (of Macroprosopus) are they all united and transformed into the white brilliance.

His eyelashes (_i.e._, those of Microprosopus, for to the eye of Macroprosopus neither eyebrows nor eyelashes are attributed) are not found, when (his eyes) desire to behold the colors; seeing that his eyelashes disclose the place (of sight) for beholding all the colors.

And if they disclose not the place (of vision) the (eyes) cannot see nor consider.(859)

But the eyelashes do not remain nor sleep, save in that only perfect hour, but they are opened and closed, and again closed and opened, according to that Open Eye (of Macroprosopus) which is above them.

And therefore is it written, Ezek. i. 14, "And the living creatures rush forth and return."

Now we have already spoken of the pa.s.sage, Isa. x.x.xiii. 20, "Thine eye shall see Jerusalem quiet, even Thy habitation."

Also it is written, Deut. ii. 12, "The eyes of Tetragrammaton thy G.o.d are ever thereon in the beginning of the year," etc.

For so Jerusalem requireth it, since it is written, Isa. i. 21, "TZDQ, _Tzedeq_, Justice abideth in Her."

And therefore (is it called) Jerusalem, and not Zion. For it is written, Isa. i. 26: "Zion is redeemed in MSHPT, _Meshephat_, Judgment, etc.,"

which are unmixed mercies.

Thine eye: (therefore) is it written OINK, _Ayinakh_ (in the singular number). a.s.suredly it is the eye of the Most Holy Ancient One, the Most Concealed of All (which is here referred to).

Now it is said, "The eyes of Tetragrammaton thy G.o.d are thereon"; in good, that is to say, and in evil; according as either the red color or the yellow is required.

But only with the glance (of Macroprosopus) are all things converted and cleansed into the white brilliance.

The eyelids (of Microprosopus) are not found when (His eyes) desire to behold the colors. But here (it is said), "Thine eyes shall behold Jerusalem." Entirely for good, entirely in mercy.

As it is written, Isa. liv. 7, "And with great mercies will I gather thee."

The eyes of Tetragrammaton thy G.o.d are ever thereon from the beginning of the year. Here the word "MRs.h.i.+TH, _Meras.h.i.+th_, from the beginning," is written defectively without A, for it is not written RAs.h.i.+TH with the A.

Hence it remaineth not always in the same condition. What doth not? The inferior H, _He_ (of IHVH).

And concerning that which is supernal it is written, Lam. ii. 1: "He hath cast down MShMIM, _Me-Shamaim_, from the heavens; ARTZ, _Aretz_, the earth, the Tiphereth, Israel."

Wherefore hath he cast down Aretz from Shamaim? Because it is written, Isa. l. 3, "I will cover the heavens, Shamaim, with darkness," and with the blackness of the eye (of Microprosopus), namely, with the black color, are they covered.

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Hebrew Literature Part 44 summary

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