Hebrew Literature Part 60

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116 To cure ear-ache.

117 To cure one who did not sleep enough they used a tooth of a dead fox. For one who slept too much, they used a tooth of a living fox.

118 To cure ague.

119 Lev. xviii. 3.

120 Works are divided into and secondary, or in Rabbinic language fathers and children. And if a man does one work and twenty secondary works, they regarded them as one sin, and consequently deserving one punishment.

_ 121 I.e._, one part wine and three parts water.

_ 122 E.g._, foul water.

123 Henna dust for women's eyes.

124 Isaiah x.x.x. 14.

125 Isaiah x.x.x. 14.

126 Nisan nearly corresponds with the month of March.

_ 127 I.e._, 11 o'clock A.M. To obtain our computation of time, six must be added to the hours mentioned in the Mishna.

128 When uncleanness is mentioned, it is to be understood of legal uncleanness.

129 Exod. xiii. 7.

_ 130 I.e._, he is to be put to death forthwith.

131 Fruit-sauce; a mixture of dates, raisins, and other fruits, to recall the memory of the mortar from which the bricks in Egypt were made.

132 Fragments of chickens and dough left to ferment.

133 A compound of barley, wild saffron, and salt, one-third of each.

134 A dough or unripe grain lid put over the liquid to absorb the dregs from the foam of fermentation.

135 Literally, "deaf"; that is, dough which does not rise, or that sounds dull when it is struck.

136 Exod. xi. 19.

137 An eminence from which there was a clear view of the temple.

138 The burden means that the man is forbidden to work.

139 See treatise on the Sabbatical year, ix. 5, etc.

140 Lest the Gentiles should set them to work on the Sabbath.

141 Part of July and August. The ninth of Ab is the anniversary of the threefold destruction of the Temple.

142 Deut. vi. 4.

143 Lev. xxiii. 15.

144 Lev. xix. 9, 10.

145 Because the poor might eat them unt.i.thed, thinking they were Peah.

146 To show his abhorrence of his father's idolatry.

147 2 Kings xviii. 4.

148 Lest the people should subst.i.tute medicine for G.o.d.

149 2 Kings xviii. 16.

150 2 Chron. x.x.xii. 4.

_ 151 I.e._, 2.30 P.M.

152 Exod. xii. 6.

153 To prevent its coagulating.

154 Exod. xxiii. 18.

155 Josephus mentions the number of lambs slain at a particular pa.s.sover to have been numbered by the high priest, and they were found to have been 256,500. Allowing not less than ten persons to the eating of each lamb, he computes those present at the feast to have been 2,700,200 persons.-Josephus' "Wars," vi. 9, 3.

156 Exod. xii. 6.

157 Psalms cxiii.-cxviii.

158 They washed the court indirectly by stopping a ca.n.a.l of water which overflowed the court; they afterward opened it, when all flowed off again.

159 Taken from the intermingled blood of the many offerings.

160 See "Measurements," ii. 3.

161 The following subtle discussion arises out of the distinction between "work" forbidden by the law of G.o.d and "resting from work"

enjoined by tradition.

162 The sprinkling of a person unclean from touching a dead body when the pa.s.sover fell on a Sabbath.

163 This refers to the second chagigah-the feast-offering of individuals on the 15th of Nisan. It is called by the general name pa.s.sover, John xviii. 28. Want of acquaintance with this subject has led some commentators to suppose that there is a discrepancy between the account of the last pa.s.sover of our Lord as related in the Synoptical Gospels, and as recorded by St. John.

164 Jer. Tal. reads "sell."

165 Lev. xxiii. 11.

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Hebrew Literature Part 60 summary

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