Hebrew Literature Part 74

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_ 804 I.e._, his manifestation is triune.

805 This refers to the Triads in the Sephiroth, when the Autz Chaiim is formed. (See Introduction.) It will be found that in this arrangement of the ten Sephiroth there are ten Triads, viz.:

(1) Kether, Chokmah, Binah.

(2) Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth.

(3) Netzach, Hod, Yesod.

(4) Chokmah, Chesed, Netzach.

(5) Tiphereth, Yesod, Malkuth.

(6) Binah, Geburah, Hod.

(7) Chokmah, Tiphereth, Hod.

(8) Binah, Tiphereth, Netzach.

(9) Chesed, Tiphereth, Hod.

(10) Geburah, Tiphereth, Netzach.

Wherein Kether and Malkuth are each repeated once; Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, and Geburah, thrice; Tiphereth, six times; Netzach and Hod each four times; and Yesod twice.

806 In many of the ancient mysteries a "feast" was part of the ceremony, a.n.a.logous to our Eucharist. Verb.u.m sapientibus.

807 That is, the greatest triad of the Sephiroth, the Crown, King, and Queen; which finds a parallel in the Osiris, Isis, and Horus; the Axieros, Axiochersos, and Axiochersa of Lemnos and Samothrace, etc.

808 Described in other places as the Supernal Eden and the Inferior Eden.

809 The Duad equated in the Monad. Compare what I have previously remarked concerning the profile symbolism of Macroprosopus.

810 The student will observe throughout the Qabalah that great stress is laid on the power of names, which arises from the fact that each qabalistical name is the synthesis of a power. Hence to "p.r.o.nounce that name" is to use that power.

811 The word I have translated "Maternal" is AMH, Amah, with a double Kametz point. Rosenroth renders it, "Yod Membri."

812 Speaking of the unity, the "Sepher Yetzirah" says: "One is She, the Spirit of the Elohim of life (blessed and more than blessed be His name who is the life of ages), Voice, and Spirit, and Word-this is She, the Spirit of holiness."

813 The word is OVTRA. Rosenroth translates it by "Aporrhea." It may also be translated "vapor," or "nebula."

814 The ten numbers and twenty-two letters.

815 MZL = 40 x 7 x 30 = 77, which is OZ, Strength or Vigor. This Gematria is worthy of note as giving the idea of foundational power.

_ 816 I.e._, the containing power.

817 Daath is the conjunction of Chokmah and Binah. (See "Book of Concealed Mystery," chap. i. -- 40.)

818 This is a.n.a.logous to the teaching of the "Sepher Yetzirah," that the Three Mothers, A, M, Sh, radiate into three paternal forms of the same. A, M, and Sh symbolize the potencies of Air, Water, and Fire.

819 For "commencement" denotes end, and end denotes "commencement"; how, then, in the Absolute can there be either? Nevertheless, in the Absolute must we seek for the hypothetical starting-point of life.

820 Let the student carefully note that this is the second Sephira, the I of IHVH, the Father proceeding from Macroprosopus, Kether, as He proceedeth from Ain Soph.

821 The Sephiroth, or numbers.

822 "Chokmoth" is plural of "Chokmah," Wisdom.

823 Chokmah is the second and Binah is the third of the Sephiroth. This section is a sufficient condemnation of all those who wish to make out that woman is inferior to man.

824 This clause refers to the "Unwritten Qabalah."

825 Chokmah, the second Sephira, which, however, is as it were the repet.i.tion of Kether.

826 That is, the letter I, Yod, in HIVH, which is said in the "Book of Concealed Mystery" to symbolize Macroprosopus only in its highest point.

827 See "Book of Concealed Mystery," chap. ii. -- 37; chap. iv. -- 11.

828 See "Book of Concealed Mystery," chap. ii. -- 37.

829 The amount of occult symbolism in this section is enormous, and the key of it is the name of the letter I, which is IVD, Yod. This is a trinity of letters, and their numerical value is I = 10, V = 6, D = 4, total 20, equivalent to double I; but for reasons given in the "Book of Concealed Mystery" the second I is reproduced by a Hexad and a Tetrad-namely, V and D. I = 10, the decimal scale of Sephirotic notation, the key of processional creation; V = 6 = Tiphereth, and Microprosopus the Son united to D = 4, the Cross.

Here is the mystery of the crucifixion of the Son on the tree of life; and again the Qabalah agrees with Christian symbolism.

830 "Be Ama," "with the Mother;" here Ama, AMA, Mother = 42. Be Aima, in the Mother; here Aima, AIMA = 52 = BN, Ben, Son. This Gematria is most important, because, be it noted, Aima, AIMA, is the letter I, Yod, which we have just been told represents Chokmah, joined to AMA, Mother, which is Binah, BINH, which again is BN IH by Metathesis, Ben Yod He-_i.e._, son of IH, eternally conjoined in Briah.

831 The number answering to the "fifty gates of Binah." See "Book of Concealed Mystery," chap. i. -- 46.

832 Compare this with the Egyptian Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris.

Also notice the interchange of symbols between Amen, Kneph, and Khom. The name of the great Egyptian G.o.d Amen is noticeable when we compare it with the qabalistic name AMN.

833 Compare with this the alchemical symbolism of Duenech, the King of Earth, after being overwhelmed by the waters, rising again, glorified and crowned with the triple crown of silver, iron, and gold-Chesed, Geburah, and Tiphereth, in the alchemic Sephiroth of the metals.

834 The meaning is, that Father and Mother are contained in the Son; for these are the second, third, and sixth Sephiroth-_i.e._, 2, 3, and 6; and both 2 and 3 are contained in 6, for 2 x 3 = 6.

835 The reflexive essence of Kether, the Crown, which operates in Chokmah and Binah.

836 Plural of "Daath."

837 By Metathesis.

838 Meaning the period of revealing these matters, not exactly a day of twenty-four hours: day in the scriptural and qabalistical sense.

839 In other words, where there is unbalanced force, there is the origin of evil.

840 Because in those severities, and behind them, he can see the Countenance of G.o.d.

841 Chokmah.

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Hebrew Literature Part 74 summary

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