Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honor Part 154

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[_With a certain admiration._] You're a sharp 'un, you are.

[JOHN _writes out the cheque and gives it to_ JAMES BUSH.


Shall I give you a receipt? I'm a business man, you know.


Yes, I know; but it's not necessary. You'll tell your mother and sister?


Don't you fear. I'm a gentleman, and I don't go back on my friends.


Now I think I'll say good morning to you. You can understand that Basil isn't fit to see any one.


I understand. So long.

[_He stretches out his hand, which_ JOHN _shakes gravely_.]


Good morning.

[f.a.n.n.y _comes in by one door as_ JAMES BUSH _goes out by another_.]


Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Ah, f.a.n.n.y, if there were no rogues in the world, life would really be too difficult for honest men.

[f.a.n.n.y _goes out, and_ JOHN _walks to the door and calls_.]


Basil--he's gone.... Where are you?

[BASIL _comes out of the room in which is lying Jenny's body_.]


I didn't know you were in there.


I wonder if she forgives me?


I wouldn't worry myself too much if I were you, Basil, old man.


If you only knew how I despise myself!


Come, come, Basil, you must make an effort....


I've not told you the worst. I feel such a cad. There's one thought that's been with me all night. And I _can't_ drive it away. It's worse than anything else. It's too shameful.


What _do_ you mean?


Oh, it's so despicable. And yet it's too strong for me.... I can't help thinking that I'm--free.




It's treachery to her memory. But you don't know what it is when your prison door is opened. [_As he speaks he grows more and more excited._]

I don't want to die. I want to live, and I want to take life by both hands and enjoy it. I've got such a desire for happiness. Let's open the windows, and let the sunlight in. [_He goes to the window and flings it open._] It's so good just to be alive. How can I help thinking that now I can start fresh? The slate is wiped clean, and I can begin again. I _will_ be happy. G.o.d forgive me, I can't help the thought. I'm free. I made a ghastly mistake, and I suffered for it. Heaven knows how I suffered, and how hard I tried to make the best of it. It wasn't all my fault. In this world we're made to act and think things because other people have thought them good. We never have a chance of going our own way. We're bound down by the prejudices and the morals of everybody else. For G.o.d's sake, let us be free. Let us do this and that because we want to and because we must, not because other people think we ought.

[_He stops suddenly in front of_ JOHN.] Why don't you say something? You stare at me as if you thought me raving mad!


I don't know what to say.


Oh, I suppose you're shocked and scandalised. I ought to go on posing. I ought to act the part decently to the end. _You_ would never have had the courage to do what I did, and yet, because I've failed, you think you can look down on me from the height of your moral elevation.

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Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honor Part 154 summary

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