Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Chapter 26

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Yasashī s.h.i.+njitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Vol II Chapter 26

Nyotalia Characters as maids


here was a collective gasp around the room. 

The ladies were in a fl.u.s.tered uproar.

‘I want her to be the epitome of a woman the world admires, who is at the leading edge. Mattie, the Empress, the woman at the highest peak. Right now, she mostly wears her clothes from Ice-Coretta. Although they are well made, they are not the height of Imperial Barens.h.i.+aga fas.h.i.+on. Neither does she use much make-up, do you?’ (Zuben: Leann don’t talk too much, she might revert again!)

‘No…’ she gave a wry smile at the accurate a.s.sessment. (Zuben: He does see you everyday)

‘Right now, we do not have a social salon where the n.o.ble ladies can meet artists and poets and other people of distinction. In a setting like this, what the ladies wear would be one of the topics of conversation, so the Princess can’t be seen as frugal.’

‘That’s right the other n.o.bles would look down upon a simplistic and frugal Princess,’ Julia said. (Zuben: I really don’t understand why this woman does not have a name, despite being in the story quite a bit.) ‘However, it can be known that the Crown Prince adores his practical and simple Princess.’

‘That being said, I would like to have a discussion with you all on how we want to portray Mattie, the future Empress. There is no limit to what can be spent on outfitting her with the best and stylish clothing, underthings, jewellery and anything else she would need. This would be a collaborative effort.’ Leandroth said to the astonished women in the room.

‘For today, we will begin with introductions and listen to your preliminary opinions on the matter. Can someone take minutes of the meeting as well so they can be reviewed and those who are off won’t miss anything?’

Leandroth took a sip of the honey drink to wet his throat then turned to Matilda,

‘Well, would you choose who starts first as the chairperson of this salon, Matilda?’

Matilda blinked. Their expectant gaze was on her.

‘Well…I’ll ask Paola to start.’

Paola was the youngest, ‘A few days ago you hurt your foot, are you better now’ Matilda asked the younger girl.

Paola looked panic-stricken, she blushed from her hairline to her neck, but she nodded,

‘I am Paola. I am the second daughter of a minor baron, Baron Sevilla of the Alfertel Province,’

‘Sprains are to recurring, so make sure you see the doctor if it happens again. Alfertel is near the sea with a military port?’

‘Yes, my father works for the Port Authority.’

‘May I ask a question?’ Leandroth said interrupting them,

‘Yes, your Majesty.’

‘Why did you chose Paola to go first?’ Leandroth asked.(Zuben: What does it matter?)

‘I asked Paola to go first because, it can be very nerve wracking waiting for  your turn and thinking of what you would say, now she can calm down and listen well to everyone else.’

She tilted her head as she answered, Leandroth stroked her head and smiled. (Zuben: ¬.¬)


‘Ioan.’ Matilda replied

The maid rose, ‘h.e.l.lo all I am Ioan, I am nineteen, my family are in trade. We deal in heavy woven textiles; our shop is in the western side of Obiolus the capital. The fabrics are woven in other provinces of Barens.h.i.+aga, they can be used for carpets or wall hangings.’ She bowed.1

‘I’m curious about how they are made, but I did not want to bother Ioan. Are there wall tapestries in the palace?’ Matilda asked Julia

‘Yes, there are.’

‘I would love to see them if I may.’

‘Of course,’ the older lady replied, bowing.

‘Nuria, you’re next. You’re from Acedo right, hope your home wasn’t affected in the war there?’

‘h.e.l.lo all, I am Nuria. I am nineteen, I am from Acedo State. My father was honoured with a medal of the Salznas Inst.i.tute of Dignity for saving the Emperor in the war. I am his eldest daughter.’

‘Is your father well?’

‘Yes, he’s happily waving his spear around.’

The introductions continued in this way (Zuben: I don’t know why, they should all have known this before) until it came to Matilda,

‘h.e.l.lo all, I am Matilda Martina IceCoretta (Zuben: @.@). I am twenty six. I know I am the future empress but please call me by name, treat me as a friend who you can come to in times of trouble.’

When she was finished she bowed to Leandroth,

‘I am Leandroth Levan Barens.h.i.+aga. I am twenty seven. Nice to properly get to know you all,’

Did he have to introduce himself as well? Matilda wondered

‘Isn’t that obvious?’ she asked.

‘My lady is very serious so everyone’s a.s.sistance is necessary. Don’t let her hide or cry, if she does you can call me, don’t worry me being busy. She would be good for Barens.h.i.+aga, don’t you think?’

‘Your Majesty, when you first decided on your Lady we were surprised,’ Julia said, ‘But now that we’ve gotten to know her, we feel that your choice is right.’

At the kind compliments of the Chief of Staff, Matilda blushed.

‘Now, with your majesty's permission, we need to discuss a few important things.’


‘We would need to appoint a secretary for the Salon, who will perform the preparations needed for the meeting, take the minutes and make sure plans are organised and carried out. I would like to nominate Agata for this role. As for the clerk, she and you can choose.’

Agata sat up straighter and bowed, ‘I am humbled,’ she said to Julia.

‘Next thing, as for calling you by name; although I approve, others may not understand why we, the servants, are calling the imperial princess by her name. To them it would be the height of rudeness.’ 

Agata raised her hand, she was given nod to speak, ‘How about giving Matilda-sama a flower name,’

‘A flower name?’

‘In a western country. Valseon, it is said that the Valseon harem name their women after flowers. It is a bit too much but we can adopt that as a nickname for the Empress, no one would complain then.’

‘Like every one calls Christina, Chris, and Celestina, Ceres, because their names are similar,’ (Zuben: ¬.¬ seriously author, is this woman really smart or do you think your readers are stupid? Matilda just like you call Leann and he calls you Mattie, nincomp.o.o.p)


‘Then the name would be decided by the Emperor and then we’ll adopt it. Then we’ll consult with Matilda-sama about the officers for the Salon by the next meeting.’

The rest of the room nodded.

‘Next is to decide the first n.o.bles to visit the Imperial Princess, I would like to organise a series of tea parties with the n.o.ble ladies and daughters before the wedding.’

‘Who have you decided?’ Leandroth asked.

‘Sofia, Baroness Varano. What do you think?’

‘Who is she?’ Matilda asked.

‘She is a very enthusiastic patron of the church and the adjoining orphanage. She helps keep the children of the orphanage from unscrupulous people who want to exploit the children,’

(Zuben: What is with j.a.panese writers and their romantic view of the church and their orphanages? Every ‘western  historical’ seems to have to have them.)

‘She also helps with educating the children in trades.’

‘Oh…how amazing.’ Matilda said in surprise. It seems that there were many amazing people in the world. (Zuben: I ask again what did Matilda do in Ice-Coretta and what kind of people were there?)

‘Julia-sama, that would give society the impression that Matilda-sama is interested in service and welfare.’ Cardina said

‘Post war redevelopment, education of the children who are the custodians of the future. Considering Matilda-sama’s achievement at home, this would be the best side to portray.’

‘I think it’s too hard and too serious and people would be intimidated.’ Another of the Ladies in Waiting said.

‘Why do you think so?’

‘A too serious queen would be dismissed by those in society not interested in politics. The younger members of society would think her conservative,’ Benaza replied.

‘I think that she should also have a playful side to her.’ Nuria spoke up energetically.

The rest of the room seemed to agree with her.

It seemed like it was a compliment.

With laughter in his eyes, Leandroth turned to her and whispered in her ear,

‘How nice, everyone likes you. I am relieved; I can relax and get back to work. Please come to my office when you are finished.’

He gave a her a lingering kiss on her cheek, and turned to the rest of the room,

‘Everyone, I must return to work. Please continue and let me know the results of your discussion.’

‘His Majesty really adores you, Matilda-sama,’ Paola said after Leandroth left the room.

‘Those stuffed toys; the rabbit, bear, cat and dog are gifts from his Majesty, aren’t they?’

Matilda shyly replied, ‘Yes.’

They were birthday presents from Leandroth. (Zuben: What? When? Where?)

They had cute clothes in matching colours, on. They were clothes Matilda made. She really liked cute things, even though she felt they did not suit her.

She liked sewing and embroidering, flowers and appliqués, lace and ribbons. She liked to knit with different types of yarn. She never told people about her pa.s.sion for sewing and knitting.

‘Love is being nurtured with plush toys, how cute.’ Gemma murmured.

No, that isn’t the case, Matilda wanted to say, but she kept silent. Then Christina said, ‘Matilda-sama likes cute and pretty things, don’t you?’ (Zuben: Who doesn’t?)

‘What?’ Matilda squeaked.

‘I’ve seen you admiring various lace and smiling as you study embroidery,’ (Zuben: So she likes embroidery…?), ‘Smiling happily while changing the clothes on the stuffed dolls.’

Zuben: I had to take out the list of the maids and ladies in waiting for this chapter. No one’s name made any sense. At this point I am glad I took the time to write out the maids and ladies in waiting. 

That list is helped. I have left it below for you all to consult if you can sit through his boring yet mildly interesting chapter.

Also, it seems I was wrong Matilda likes knitting and sewing. I have changed Chapter 2 to reflect that.

Her maids; the blonde haired – blue eyed Agatha who was the eldest, Berta with red hair and black eyes, Clara who had light brown hair and eyes, Elba who had black and eyes, Gemma with dark grey hair, silver haired and purple eyed Lara, silver blonde Ioan, Nuria with wavy auburn hair, Chia who had chestnut brown hair, honey blonde Emma, flaxen-haired Gala and the youngest Paola with orange hair like a lion’s mane.

As for her ladies in waiting: Augustina wife of Earl Burgos, Countess Bertrand with orangey blonde hair; Benaza, Lady Camino, with rich brown hair; Calderina with hair red as fire, the daughter of the Earl of Crotette; Celestia with silver hair like morning dew, the daughter of the Earl of Randall; Miranda with sky blue eyes and blonde hair, the Dame Saiseido; pale blonde Christina, the daughter of the Lord Vischetique; Regina who had straight black hair, daughter of the Earl of Urbano; Rosa Maria with hair like cream. Christina and Regina were heirs to their t.i.tles.

I wanted to put up two chapters but I'm stuck on two lines and I can't seem to reword them. I'm going to switch to 'Please be more serious' for now. The next chapter isn't anymore interesting than this one. No hanky panky, yo.

Thanks for reading. Be well all :)

⚔ Chapter 27

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Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Chapter 26 summary

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