Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 51.1

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Chapter 51.1 - Help you get him drunk

After the live stream, it seemed like the results were good.

There were new users on Spirit Road and new users who began to watch the game being live streamed.

The Buddhist temple server became a lot rowdier because a lot of players tried to cram in to see Tang Xiao.

This old server became even more popular than newer servers.

Tang Xiao went on her alt account to steal some cabbage but ended up getting scared by a whole gang of people.

Inside Spirit Road, every player has their own garden and you can normally grow some vegetables, flowers and even upgrade your garden resources.

Even though Tang poem’s account had been stolen, Tang Xiao would still sneakily grow some vegetables in her garden and then sneakily use her alt account to steal them.

Now, it was night time and Tang poem’s house was as busy as a market.

A huge amount of players all hung around, chilling out and some even playing PK.

Tang Xiao was using her support nurse account so she was shocked when she saw this.

Buddhist temple server had already become a tourist spot and Tang poem’s house was a hot spot.

All of the players all had the same idea: if there’s nothing to do, we might as well hang out and if we’re lucky, we might even see Tang Xiao online.

Then on the way, they’d steal her vegetables too.

But once it got too popular, her vegetables weren’t enough so they’d steal her neighbour’s.

Tang Xiao’s neighbourhood quickly became a hotspot for vegetable stealing.

[Now] Monster’s strong, you go first: Selling vegetables stolen from Tang Xiao’s house, only 10,000 per vegetable, it’s a limited edition item, first come first served.

[Now] This emperor: Monster’s strong! You freaking stole my vegetables, spit them out!

[Now] Monster’s strong, you go first: Do you think that you’re bird’s nest? As if spitting it out and then swallowing it again would be nutritious?

[Now] This emperor: Your mom, if you have guts, don’t stand in the safety area, your daddy (me) will teach you how to be a new person.

[Now] Monster’s strong, you go first: I don’t have guts, why don’t I pull out some p.o.o.p for you instead? Fresh out of the oven, hot and steamy, gentleman, eat up this hot and fresh pot.

[Now] King calls me: ……

On the channel, This emperor and Monster’s strong were still arguing and fighting viciously.

Tang Xiao ran to her garden to take a look at that and found out that there wasn’t even one left.

[Private] This emperor to you: Little Tang poem?

[Private] You to This emperor: …. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Eat it while it’s still hot and fresh.

[Private] This emperor to you: ……..

In the middle of the night, her vegetables had been stolen so she could only bully This emperor to let out some steam.

[Private] This emperor to you: In two days, it’ll be Spirit Road’s contest, are you and boss Su going to partic.i.p.ate? Leg Hair asked me to ask you guys, can you guys come and meet up in real life?

Normally, Chief Ning would give her personal time but lately, the paparazzi had been following her tightly and once she was careless and slipped, she’d easily make it into the headlines again.

[Private] You to This emperor: I’ll go ask first and then tell you later.

The second day, she reported to Chief Ning and Chief Ning’s face scrunched up, his head hurt.

In two more days, it’d be the Spirit Road contest and players who partic.i.p.ated in the compet.i.tion would all arrive at H city.

Ranzhi and j.a.panese Rose had sent quite a few people.

Leg hair had booked a private meeting place, it was very private.

He opened up a room and the gang all drank and ate happily, even singing some songs.

Xiao Lin and Xia Ziyang first went off to shake off the paparazzi while Mu Cheng brought Tang Xiao inside.

In the end, they saw a scene from heaven and h.e.l.l, added with a bit of “Sparta”.

j.a.panese Rose and Ranzhi had split into two opposite sides.

Ranzhi’s gang were slowly eating and drinking, occasionally making some dirty jokes.

j.a.panese rose on the other hand, Leg hair and the others, hogged the microphone and were belting out romantic karaoke songs.

The rest of the people, were playing up that policy of scamming their own, trying their hardest to get each other as drunk as possible and it seemed like the fire was burning into Ranzhi as well.

Once Tang Xiao walked in, she saw July and Xiao Lin getting Olden day dawn drunk.

“You guys are finally here!” Leg hair boomed.

All of the eyes in the room suddenly swivelled over to them.

Tang Xiao had seen a lot of the people at Leg hair’s wedding and there were quite a few of them here today.

It was pretty much nearly all of the high levelled characters of the Buddhist temple server attending, even Peach Blossom was sitting in a corner chatting with a girl.

“Little Tang poem! Quickly come and sit!” July threw away Olden day dawn and gestured to Tang Xiao.

“F****, what is this, so many people?”

July introduced everyone, one by one.

Back then, when she tried to escape marriage with Mu Cheng, all of the legendary players who chased after her to kill her, were all here.

Mu Cheng seemed to have actively partic.i.p.ated in events like this in the past, so a lot of the players weren’t shocked to see him.

They just nodded in greeting to him.

But they were curious about Tang Xiao, constantly measuring her up and down.

“You guys … what is this?”

She turned around and saw that Xiao Lin was already playing games with Olden day dawn.

“We both ask each other a question and if you can’t answer it, take a drink.” Xiao Lin secretly rubbed an open bottle of white spirits as Olden day dawn’s eyelid twitched.

“Me first! Do you know how many hairs are on Powerful hotpot’s head?” Xiao Lin first threw out a question.

Powerful hotpot had already drunk quite a bit and was resting to the side.

Olden day dawn turned to look at her and shook his head.

“Drink!” Xiao Lin had already poured a cup of white spirits for him.

“You’re serious?” Olden day dawn’s expression was a bit complicated.

“Yup!” Xiao Lin said. “Okay, you just asked your question. Me again, do you know how many eyelashes Powerful hotpot has?”

Olden day dawn: ………

Tang Xiao had finally figured it out, this was just a twisted way of getting people drunk.


TL note:

Birds nest - bird’s spit that’s considered very nutritious in Chinese medicine, I swear it’s a real thing. Also crazy expensive. It doesn’t taste great.

Hmmmmmm, looking forward to either Mu Cheng or TX getting drunk?

(someone posted "this looks interesting" for the first chapter of WNSYM and then they deleted the comment, did they drop it after a chapter? orzzzz

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Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 51.1 summary

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