Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 23.2

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Chapter 23.2 - For the sake of love and beauty

In the end, j.a.panese rose opened ma.s.sacre mode and even began beating up their own people.

Parting song had to protect July on one hand and on the other hand, take her beating before finally not being able to hold it in, began beating them up too.

He could finally understand Su Muzhe’s feelings, it was really d.a.m.n restraining.

Fighting for half the night, the group decided to then go to sleep.

Maybe it was because like attracts like, while different types repelled each other, but after a messy night of battle, Su Muzhe and Parting song didn’t have a single problem afterwards.

Instead, Tang poem and Powerful hotpot, these two female accounts, were hated on.

Whenever they went out to fight monsters, there’d be a group of other accounts to make a mess.

They were all low level accounts and Tang Xiao, Powerful hotpot, both weren’t the type to be merciful.

So however many came, were however many they killed.

In the next moment, the same group of small accounts started crying and complaining to the world.

[World] Ling long: High levelled characters are that great? So they can go s.n.a.t.c.h other people’s monsters? Tang poem, Powerful hotpot, how did us low level characters provoke you?

Powerful hotpot’s mood hadn’t been great lately and got worse after these low levelled accounts complained online.

[Private] July to you: Little Tang poem, hurry and go on Tieba. Someone put up a video and said you were kill-stealing.

(Tieba = Chinese forum)

[Private] You to July: ???

July sent over a URL.

In Tieba, there were a bunch of forum posts.

Tang Xiao clicked on a link and saw a video of Tang poem and Hotpot beating up low levelled accounts in a brutal manner.

In Tieba, lots of people then listed out their crimes.

They even dragged out something Tang poem had done half a year ago.

Then they added on Hotpot’s, their coming and goings, and after 5 pages, they still had more to go.

Tang Xiao read a bit more carefully.

She sent it to Hotpot and the two started chatting.

Tang Xiao: Aiyo, f***, you killed this idiot? I know him, he’d ask other girls to go on the internet but never ask them out for water.

Powerful hotpot: That’s nothing, the idiot underneath is so ugly, he has pock marks all over his face and still tries to hook up with girls everywhere, so I killed him.

They blabbered on for half a day, reminiscing about their glory days.

Cutting back to the game screen, Lightly falling brought a big group of people and started picking a fight with j.a.panese rose players.

A huge group of players who’d been bullied before all started complaining about the two.

[World] Wind blows pants: Aiyo, wanting to start a fight this early in the morning?

[World] Lightly falling: Killing low levelled accounts, you should at least give an apology. Tang poem and Powerful hotpot normally bully a lot of people, but they’ve turned into cowards now?

[World] Ling Long: Why are they hiding out the back and not coming out? They’re that useless? After all, they’re j.a.panese rose guild’s people, how could they be so weak?  

[World] Lightly falling: Tang poem, what are you proud of? Aren’t you just relying on Ranzhi and j.a.panese rose to back you up? Without them, what are you?

Tang Xiao then saw their real reason.

Previously, kill-stealing their monsters was just a pretense, that was just their ploy.

Lightly falling and the rest of them were just trying to pick a fight.

Tang Xiao had played for so long but this was the first time that she’d seen someone throw dirty water on her like that.

Their ability to pick fights really was higher than hers.

For what reason, she really didn’t understand.

After all, which idiot would offend the two biggest guilds?

[Guild] Wind blows pants: This is obviously just trying to pick a fight. They’re so, I’m gonna go teach them a lesson.

[Guild] Tang poem: If you go, it’ll turn into a whole guild thing. I saw the forum post and there were a lot of replies. I’ll go with Hotpot to resolve this, after all, it’s not like we haven’t stirred up a lot of things before.

[Guild] July: Aiyo, since when were we afraid of those people?

[Guild] Tang poem: It doesn’t matter for us but how are the low levelled characters in our guild going to complete their quests? Before, when we fought with Ranzhi, we both agreed not to beat up low levelled accounts.

Before, when little Tang poem beat up other guilds’ peoples, she’d never get j.a.panese rose to fight on her behalf with another guild.

She’d always clean up her own messes and fight one on one.

On this side, j.a.panese rose hadn’t done anything substantial but on the otherside, Su Muzhe had already ran over to start beating them up.

This time, Su Muzhe was really merciless.

Normally, when he fought with little Tang poem, it was just a small fight and a small argument.

They’d drink HP potions on one hand and on the other hand, casually beat each other up.

But this time, he slaughtered out a b.l.o.o.d.y path.

If this was put in real life, it was basically a walking menstrual pad that was soaking up blood.

[Guild] July: F***, we accidentally let Su Muzhe go first! Little Tang poem! Rub your chest and speak! Do you or do you not want to go beat up those sh*t talking girls!!! Do you want to go teach them how to be a new person!

[Guild] Tang poem: His mom! Why are we still talking! Go go go! Let them die, and their chrysanthemum flowers all bloom!

Tang poem started running towards Su Muzhe and das.h.i.+ng to his side.

She helped him clear out a huge swathe.

Su Muzhe had already gotten his eyes red from killing, his character in a long flowing white gown, floating among the corpses.

[World] Tang poem: It’s really not me being a coward, but I was just giving you the opportunity to be a hero. Come, you guys continue.

[World] Su Muzhe: Seeing as how you said little Tang poem was relying on Ranzhi fighting for her. Then, Ranzhi players, whenever you see Top of the Forbidden city players, no matter high or low level, kill-steal their monsters and kill them.

When Su Muzhe spoke, he didn’t just represent Ranzhi, but all of those high levelled legendary players who came to his wedding.

In a moment, even Ranzhi got into this mess.

[World] Ling Long: Do you really think this game was made by your family! You’ve lost all meaning in real life so you have to find enjoyment in a game? Do you really feel that accomplished beating up low levelled characters?

Olden Day dawn turned on his buffs and then ran to kill-steal and beat up Ling Long first.

His crime points from the Yellow Springs hadn’t disappeared yet, so after beating up a few more people, his ID became dripping red.

[Now] July: Aiyo, f****, is Olden day getting angry for his woman? Hotpot, your play of forcing an honest woman to be a prost.i.tute is really working.

[Now] Tang poem: Wife, do you sense a bit of adultery~

[Now] Su Muzhe: En.

[Now] Olden day dawn: Stop talking nonsense, are you fighting or not.

[Now] Millions of lolis: Is this being a tsundere _(:з」∠)_

[Now] Powerful hotpot: Don’t talk nonsense.


TL note:

Forcing an honest woman into prost.i.tution - it’s a saying that kinda means forcing someone into debauchery.

Su Muzhe is so protective of TX omg.

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Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 23.2 summary

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