Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 38.2

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Chapter 38.2 - Xiao Lin your guts are really big 2

Second sponsored chapter thanks to Djanae ✨✨ (2/2) 


Xiao Lin s.n.a.t.c.hed in front, “F****, you’re really strong. Not only did you sleep with Mu Cheng, you even defiled Qiao Yijing too?”

Mu Cheng: …..

Qiao Yijing: ….

“Please don’t use words recklessly like that. We’re all very pure.” Tang Xiao’s head started to hurt.

“Tang Xiao told us a whole night of stories.” Mu Cheng said helplessly.

Tang Xiao’s head started to hurt even more.

She’d probably said too much last time.

She looked Xiao Lin up and down.

Her hair was messed up, her neck had some faint pink hickeys, her s.h.i.+rt was missing a few b.u.t.tons.

Mu Cheng and Qiao Yijing read the atmosphere and discreetly left.

“I messed up.” Xiao Lin opened her mouth.

Tang Xiao: “What did you do?”

“It’s not what I did, it’s what Chief Ning did to me!” Xiao Lin grabbed at her hair.

“Who did you spend last night with?” Tang Xiao’s face was serious.

Xiao Lin’s face was full of regret, “If I said it, you won’t believe me but I freaking slept Chief Ning again.”

Tang Xiao: ….

She digested that for a few moments.

She thought she was hearing things.

Did Xiao Lin just say that she slept Chief Ning?

Like, she’d did this and then did that to Chief Ning?

Like, he defiled Chief Ning?

Xiao Lin … slept …. Chief Ning ….

And again?


“Again?” Tang Xiao didn’t know how to describe her feelings.

Her two hands covered her face, rubbing her temples.

Xiao Lin’s expression was a bit fidgety, “You heard wrong, I didn’t say ‘again’.”

“Ps.h.!.+ Your daddy’s hearing is fantastic! You just said ‘again’! You’re actually sneaking behind my back and sleeping together!”

Xiao Lin shrunk her neck backwards, “I didn’t.”

“Where’s Chief Ning now?”

“I hit him and he pa.s.sed out.”

“!!!!” Tang Xiao felt like she hadn’t woken up completely or maybe she was still drunk.

Everything was a mess.

“What did you use to hit him!!”

Xiao Lin looked at grievously, “I used my hand to chop the back of his neck. But don't’ worry, I controlled my strength, he’s fine.”


Tang Xiao didn’t even put on her shoes and flew out.

After half a moment, she ran back to drag Xiao Lin by her hand, deeply saying to her, “Hero! You’re amazing! Other people go to pluck the tiger’s whiskers but you defiled the tiger!!! Right, which room?”

“Room 1106, the door’s unlocked.”

Tang Xiao flew out.

Xiao Lin had a misgiving, why did she feel like in Tang Xiao’s steps, she could feel that she was excited?!!!

When Tang Xiao crashed through the door, she ran straight into Mu Cheng.

Mu Cheng’s attention was instantly drawn to Tang Xiao’s bare feet.

He pulled at her, “Where are you going, not wearing shoes?”

Tang Xiao was stomping on the ground, “No time to explain, get in the car! I’m rus.h.i.+ng to save the emperor!”

Mu Cheng furrowed his brows, “First, put on your shoes.”

The hotel was carpeted so when Tang Xiao stepped on it, she even felt comfortable.

“No time! Hurry and come with me! Maybe in the future, we’ll even remember your achievements in saving the emperor and seal you as a country-saving general! Do you know ….”

She hadn’t even finished speaking before Mu Cheng ran with her.

‘Do you know’ - those three words were like a curse in his head.

Tang Xiao dragged Mu Cheng by his arm to room 1106.

In the middle, she even dragged the Qiao Yijing who was in the elevator.

The three people vigorously rushed through half of the eleven storey building.

Tang Xiao’s heart right now was like rus.h.i.+ng gra.s.s mud horses.

Room 1006’s door wasn’t even closed, Tang Xiao crashed through.

The room had been tidied up, the room had been aired out like no one had lived in there.

On the bed, there was a corpse like shape wrapped in a blanket.

Tang Xiao rushed over to check if Chief Ning was still alive.

Xiao Lin used the blanket to cover Chief Ning’s head, so Tang Xiao thought that Chief Ning had died.

She suddenly pulled apart the blanket, a **** body!

Mu Cheng was the first to react.

When the blanket was lifted up, he instantly covered Tang Xiao’s eyes and turned her around.

Qiao Yijing also quickly placed the blanket back on the body.

Mu Cheng then let go.

“F***! So intense!” Tang Xiao had already thought Chief Ning was intense enough, seeing the marks on Xiao Lin’s neck.

The marks on her body were probably even more intense too.

But now that she’d seen Chief Ning’s neck, the long fingernail scratch marks went all the way down.

In this, Xiao Lin really didn’t lose to him!

“Xiao Lin said that she knocked him out, are there going to be any after effects?” Tang Xiao placed her finger underneath her nose.

When she felt him breathing, she was finally relieved.

“I don’t know, we should probably go take him to the hospital,” Qiao Yijing suggested.

Tang Xiao silently stared at him. “If we take him to the hospital, when Chief Ning wakes up, he’d definitely chop the three of us into pieces.”

What a joke, as someone who loved face as much as he did, the moment that he woke up, this whole place would probably actually turn into a murder investigation.

“I remember he has a private doctor, you should call him.” Mu Cheng said.

Tang Xiao followed her memory and tried to remember Chief Ning’s phone PIN.

Surprisingly, she actually remembered correctly and she flipped through his phone book.

The private doctor quickly agreed to come.

“It really is black and white.” Qiao Yijing looked at the underwear on the bedside table.

“Director Qiao purposely came to see what colour it’d be?”

“Do I need to check yours?”

“Sorry, I don’t want to step in between you and Chief Ning’s affair.”


Tang Xiao was confused, “Wha-wha-what, what are you guys talking about?”

Mu Cheng and Qiao Yijing turned to face her at the same time, staring at her.

Mu Cheng’s face was finely carved, Qiao Yijing’s was rugged like he had a bit of mixed blood in him.

These two different faces looked at her and Tang Xiao felt like the pressure on her was big.

“.... You guys continue … just pretend I’m not here … please continue ….”

Qiao Yijing didn’t just discover that, but he also found a piece of paper pressed down by a cup.

It clearly wrote: If you dare try to kill me to silence me, I’ll send your nudes to the press!!!

Qiao Yijing: …..

Mu Cheng: ….

Tang Xiao: ….. F****! There are even nudes!


TL note:

Slept Chief Ning - I purposely wrote slept Chief Ning because in Chinese, there’s more emphasis on her *doing* Chief Ning, instead of a happy mutual “slept with Chief Ning”, you feel?

Gra.s.s mud horses - h.o.m.onym Cao (Gra.s.s/F***) Ni (Mud/Your) Ma (Horse/Mom)

Thanks to Djanae for the two sponsored chapters

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Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 38.2 summary

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