The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer Part 19

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I had a note from Mr. B---- this morning relative to our bill for 50_l._ I am very anxious about the matter. Will you call to-morrow, and bring as much money as you can collect? I am afraid he is inclined to be very disagreeable. I will do all I can.

Yours ever,

J. F. T.

_Reply to Question as to Rent of, and permission to View, a House._

Wandsworth, May 5th, 187--



As we are about to go abroad, we wish to let our house quickly, and for this purpose have consented to reduce our terms from ---- guineas to ---- guineas, furnished. We are quite convinced this is a very cheap rental for the style and accommodation of the place, which we think you will be pleased with, if you will favour it with a visit.

The scenery is beautiful; the parish church is close at hand, as also the station; the neighbourhood is excellent. There is a good market town within easy reach. Trusting to hear from you shortly,

I remain,

Yours faithfully,

H---- H----.

_From the Secretary of a Convalescent Hospital, applying for Expenses of Patients._

Denbigh, July 20th, 187--


I am directed by the committee of management to request you will remit the sum due for the maintenance of the sick people introduced by you during the last quarter. The amount due, I believe, was furnished you by the house surgeon a week or two since.

I remain, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

H---- H---- I----.

_From a Gentleman, enclosing a Certificate of Illness from a Medical Man, excusing himself from attending at his Office._

Brompton, May 28th, 187--


I enclose, as you wish, a certificate from Dr. R. P----, who has been attending me for the last few weeks. I hope most sincerely I shall be able to resume my duties about the middle of the week, particularly if I go on improving as I have done the last few days.

I trust you will tender my best thanks to all for their forbearance and a.s.sistance during my illness.

Believe me,

Yours very truly,

H. B. H.

_Medical Attendant's Certificate._

Brompton, May 28th, 187--

I beg to certify that Mr. J. W---- is unable to attend to his duties. For some weeks past he has suffered greatly, but I think in a week or ten days he will be in a position to resume his post.

B---- O----, M.D.

_Reply to an Advertis.e.m.e.nt for the Appointment of Medical Officer to an Union Division._

Bromley, May 14th, 187--


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The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer Part 19 summary

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