The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer Part 28

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London, May 1st, 18--


Three Months after date, pay to me or my order One Hundred pounds.

Value received.



To Mr. Henry Jones, Liverpool.

To make this a negotiable doc.u.ment, it has to be accepted by being signed across the face by the party on whom it is drawn, and endorsed on the back by the drawer.

This admits of the following change, according to circ.u.mstances: instead of "three months after date," it may be "at sight," or at such a time "after sight," or at such a specified time, or "on demand;" and the instruction to pay may be "to A. B. or order."

_Form of a Promissory Note._

100. London, July 1st, 18--

Three Months after date, I promise to pay to Mr. Henry Jones, or order, One Hundred pounds, for value received.


Payable at The London Joint-Stock Bank, Chancery Lane Branch.

To make this a negotiable doc.u.ment, it has to be endorsed by being signed across the back by the party to whom it is made payable.

_Form of a Foreign Bill of Exchange._

100. Paris, June 1st, 18--

Sixty days after sight of this First of Exchange (Second and Third unpaid) pay to the order of Messrs. Jones and Robinson, One Hundred pounds sterling, value received; and charge to account, with or without advice of


To Mr. Thomas Kelley, Manchester. Payable in London.

The naming of the payee admits of the same variations as are exhibited in an ordinary Bill of Exchange. The time of payment may be, in like manner, variously expressed. The term "usance" is sometimes employed to express the period of running in foreign bills. It means a certain time fixed by custom as between any two places, and the period covered by a usance will therefore depend on the places of drawing and payment.

_Form of Ordinary Receipt._

London, May 2nd, 18--

Received of Mr. John Frost, Twenty-nine pounds twelve s.h.i.+llings and sixpence.

29 12_s._ 6_d._ C. CUTHBERT.

N.B.--All receipts for sums of Two pounds and upwards require to have a receipt stamp affixed to them, which stamp should be cancelled by being written across. The penalty for evading this law is 50_l._

_Form of Receipt for Rent._

London, August 18th, 18--

Received of A. Wigram, Esq., Fifteen pounds, being one quarter's rent due on Midsummer Day last, for the premises occupied by him at No. 14, South Rupert Street, W.C.

15 0_s._ 0_d._ T. PHILLIPS.

_Form of Agreement for Taking a House._

Memorandum of an undertaking entered into this ---- day of ----, 18--, between A. B. of ----, and C. D. of ----, as follows:--

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