A Vampire for Christmas Part 3

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Christian, too, was erect, the veined reddish shaft of his c.o.c.k thick and heavy, the lobes of the circ.u.mcised head taut and smooth. He turned slightly as he stepped out of his fallen trousers and tugged off his socks, giving Jesse an eyeful of the full ruddy sac below his c.o.c.k and the nest of dark golden hair around the whole beautiful package. Christian's pale round b.u.t.tocks flexed with tensed power, as did the sleek, chiseled muscles of his back, the upper portion partially hidden by his long wheat-colored hair.

Jesse swallowed hard. He knew a fellow warrior when he saw one, and Christian had obviously spent much time in this occupation before having been sired. No other way could he have developed such a G.o.d-like physique.

Christian straightened and stilled, evidently caught by the appreciation that must have showed in Jesse's gaze. His softly sculpted lips, dusky pink, quirked. The glint of gold stubble on his upper lips and jaw only heightened the supple, erotic curve of those lips. "Thank you," he breathed, "but your admiration is only a mirror for what you are."

Jesse didn't know how to respond. Even "thank you" was difficult to say. He'd spent so long on his own, staying away from other living beings, both kith, kin and human, that he felt completely divided. Part of him was soaking up Christian's kindness and reveling in the potent erotic attraction between them. The other part of him remembered a world devoid of any other trustworthy companion than his sister. The two parts warred with each other even as his erection tightened painfully under Christian's heated gaze.

For the moment, the erotic, love-starved part was winning.

Christian's hands closed gently on Jesse's upper arms again and for a brief, blood-warming moment, Jesse thought the vampire was going to kiss him. He realized with a stab of disappointment that he was wrong.

Christian gently drew him away from the support of the wall and guided him into the decadently enormous shower to the bench along the wall. The vampire lowered Jesse onto the seat, the marble already warm from the hot water and steam, and positioned him with his back against the wall.

The vampire then reached for the showerhead, detached it and lowered the force of the spray before gently turning it onto Jesse's hair and body.

In spite of the arousal coursing through every nerve ending, Jesse closed his eyes and let his body sag against the tiles, the ma.s.sage of the water dappling his skin in the most pleasant way.

The rinsing made him feel renewed and when he opened his eyes a tiny bit, he saw the dried blood was.h.i.+ng off his skin, running into the drain in the center.

Jesse's eye fell on the magnificent vampire standing before him. He watched droplets of water stream off Christian's muscles, beading from the tiny nipples on his chest. His blond hair had darkened, on his head, chest, on his legs, and around his thick c.o.c.k, plastered to his pale skin, emphasizing the bulges of muscle. Those same muscles flexed with his movements as he replaced the showerhead and reached for a bottle of shampoo.

The scent of heated sandalwood filled the shower as Christian squeezed out the content of the bottle into one large hand. He set the bottle down, rubbed his palms together and then took a step closer to Jesse. Christian's c.o.c.k, still erect, hovered that much closer to Jesse's face.

Jesse stared, his entire being trapped in an erotic haze. Christian's large fingers worked Jesse'shair and scalp, making a lather with the richly scented shampoo. Jesse's body went languid with the delicious ma.s.sage. Christian's c.o.c.k bobbed lightly with the movements of his body as he shampooed Jesse's hair, his hands gently tilting Jesse's head back so that the soap wouldn't go into his eyes.

"Close your eyes, Jesse." The vampire's smooth voice made his entire body tingle.

Jesse obeyed and heard the showerhead being detached again, followed by the gentle stream of water on his head, rinsing the suds from Jesse's hair.

"Your hair is magnificent," Christian said, smoothing Jesse's wet hair back as he rinsed out the shampoo. Jesse opened his eyes again and watched as Christian replaced the showerhead and reached for a washcloth.

Jesse's body hummed in antic.i.p.ation of the next part of his bath and he almost forgot to respond to the praise. "Thanks," he murmured.

Christian poured the contents of another bottle into the wet washcloth. This time the scent of something spicy, like cloves and frankincense diffused into the steamy air. In the next moment, Christian knelt on the marble floor directly in front of Jesse, his blue eyes glowing with a mixture of amus.e.m.e.nt and dusky need. "You're welcome." He leaned his brawny torso over Jesse, the hand holding the washcloth coming toward him.

Jesse sucked in a breath at the heated invasion of masculine energy. His c.o.c.k twitched and tightened beyond pain. His b.a.l.l.s practically vibrated from the vampire's closeness.

The wet soapy cloth landed gently on his throat. Christian swished it around, reaching up behind Jesse's ears and swiping the back of his neck. Their gazes locked. Christian paused, the energy humming between them practically palpable in its force. Christian visibly gathered himself and stayed where he was, running the cloth down to Jesse's chest.

In swirling motions, Christian wiped over each shoulder, gently lifting Jesse's arms, one at a time, to wash his armpits. Jesse's erection strained, wanting nothing more than Christian's hand wrapped around it, bringing him release. Or better yet, his mouth. His lips, too, tingled wildly, wanting only kisses, instinctively craving the light of those incisors against his skin.

Christian trailed the cloth down the center of Jesse's chest to his belly, stopping at his navel. The vampire's gaze rested on Jesse's straining c.o.c.k, the skin of which registered the heat of Christian 's breath. When Christian finally lifted his eyes to Jesse's, the blue pools glowed with hunger. "

You're free to tell me to stop," he rasped.

The husky voice sent s.h.i.+mmers of heat through Jesse's body. His gaze fell on Christian's broad chest, the soft hair over the iron muscles plastered down from the water. Water beaded on Christian's collarbone, making Jesse itch to lick it off.

"Don't stop. Please." Jesse watched him, his eyelids heavy, his chest heaving.

Christian nodded, his own gaze almost disappearing under his hooded eyes. Water beaded off his nose and lips and chin as he moved the cloth lower, past Jesse's navel, into his pubic hair.

Jesse groaned. His body sagged languidly against the marble wall. He was completely helpless under the mind-blowingly erotic rasp of the wet, soapy cloth where it sloshed against the base of his c.o.c.k.

Christian's other hand came out, the thick, strong fingers wrapping lightly around the base. The contact made Jesse thrust his hips upward, wanting more, needing release. Christian lifted the shaft and wiped the washcloth around Jesse's b.a.l.l.s, anointing them with a reverent touch. Jesse's eyes began to flutter closed, but he forced them to remain open, wanting to watch what Christian was doing to him. He rolled his hips upward, giving the vampire more access to his bottom, his effort immediately rewarded with the slide of the warm soapy cloth past his b.a.l.l.s, toward his tight, wanting hole.

Christian paused on the little s.p.a.ce of flesh between his b.a.l.l.s and a.s.s, rasping the cloth in tiny movements over the sensitive skin. Each tiny movement sent sparks of heat through Jesse's b.a.l.l.s, straight up into his shaft. His wet hands gripped the edge of the marble bench, his fingers pressing into the stone, bracing himself as he absorbed the onslaught of pleasure.

Christian moved the cloth in a torturously slow trail toward Jesse's a.s.s, the material teasing the exposed undersides of his b.u.t.tocks, brus.h.i.+ng the sensitive skin just enough to make him moan. "

Please ... Christian." His plea came out in a panting groan and his fevered gaze caught the flash of a mischievous grin on the vampire's lips.

"Whatever you desire,mon amour ." Christian slid the cloth directly down to Jesse's throbbing hole, teasing the puckered opening with several more gentle swipes.

Jesse hissed in pleasure, then heard the wet cloth hit the shower floor, the material touch replaced with the heated probe of fingertips on his bare flesh. He responded by pulling his legs back further, wanting Christian's fingers deep inside him.

He didn't have to wait long. The soap had made his opening slippery and one thick finger pushed its way in with a searing jolt of pleasure.

Instinctively, Jesse threw his head back, his mouth open, panting.

Christian pulsed his finger in slow slick motions, stretching Jesse open, coaxing from him his complete surrender.

"Yes," Jesse rasped, feeling the pressure build swiftly in his c.o.c.k.

Christian's thumb caressed Jesse's perineum while his finger moved in Jesse's hole. In the next moment, the moist warmth of Christian's mouth engulfed Jesse's c.o.c.k.

Jesse's eyes flew open to see the blond water-darkened head bobbing up and down. Those soft lips slid in a fevered rhythmic motion up and down Jesse's aching shaft, the vampire's hot tongue sliding over his veins and muscle while Christian's fingers worked Jesse's bottom, overwhelming him with bliss.

Jesse watched Christian's mouth slide up to the head of his c.o.c.k, then plunge back down again, taking him almost to the base. The suction pulled a groan from Jesse's throat each time, and he squeezed his eyes shut again, all his consciousness trapped by the hot suction on his c.o.c.k and the delicious pressure in his a.s.s.

Christian pulled back, sucking hard, sliding down again, obviously taking care not to Jesse's c.o.c.k with his incisors. The glide of Christian's hot tongue on the sensitive skin brought Jesse closer to the edge ... closer ....closer ... the pressure building, aided by the tiny sparks of heat from Christian's skilled fingers.

Christian sucked. Jesse exploded, his c.u.m squirting in hot jolts into Christian's mouth. Christian'

s throat muscles worked visibly as he swallowed, taking Jesse's essence into his own body, not letting Jesse's c.o.c.k slip from his mouth until he'd sucked down the last drop.

Christian's palm caught Jesse's softening, relieved c.o.c.k and brought it gently to rest against his upper thigh. That hand slid over Jesse hip and upward, until he'd reached Jesse's shoulder andrested, as his blue gaze rested on Jesse's face.

Jesse stared back at him, unable to speak right away. The spirals of pleasure still whispered through his body. He'd received pleasure and given pleasure many times over the centuries, but never before had he felt so wors.h.i.+ped, so adored in the act.

One thing was absolutely unmistakable. Christian loved him.

Years of lonely torment broke Jesse open and he pushed his back away from the wall, reaching for Christian. His hands closed on the vampire's brawny shoulders, the wet muscles quivering from his touch.

Christian's lips parted, his eyes widening at Jesse's unexpected advance. He moved closer, leaning into him, one hand coming to rest on Jesse's cheek.

Jesse stared at him, lost in the tenderness in Christian's eyes.You really did bring me back to life . The words rose in his mind before he remembered their mind link.

"So did you," Christian murmured. His other hand laced into Jesse's wet hair, the large palm cradling the back of his head as his other hand slipped down Jesse's chest, across his upper arm, around his back.

Jesse sighed, the tiny sound captured by the sudden press of Christian's lips onto his. The vampire was gentle, tenderly prodding the seam of Jesse's lips with the tip of his tongue. Jesse parted for the moist warm invasion of Christian's spicy flavor filling his taste buds. He weakened languidly in the vampire's embrace, falling backward to the support of the marble wall, bringing Christian with him, their mouths pressed together, tongues mated.

Their wet chests fused together, the warm skin melded from the dampness. Jesse parted his legs and Christian's muscled body slipped between them, his hard c.o.c.k sliding against Jesse's with a soul-searing glide of pleasure.

Jesse's hands slipped from Christian's shoulders, fingertips skating over his wet collarbone, up his throat to cup his cheeks, drawing their faces closer together. Their kiss deepened with the movement, Jesse's tongue sliding against Christian's, the tip exploring the smooth ridges of his palate and teeth, returning to the lightly rough moistness of his lover's tongue.

Jesse pulled his mouth away. "Please, let me pleasure you in return."

Christian's gaze smoldered and his lips were swollen from their kiss. He reached up, pus.h.i.+ng Jesse's wet hair back. "Not yet," he murmured. "You still need food and a bit more rest."

Without another word, Christian stood up, his thick hard c.o.c.k still straining from lack of release.

He turned off the shower and then gently helped Jesse to his feet. He opened the shower door and pulled a towel from the bar, opening it up and drying Jesse's back.

Jesse felt so much tenderness in the way Christian ministered to him that he knew, then and there, the thought of killing his new lover made Jesse want to die himself. How the h.e.l.l would he save Hannah now?

Christian turned Jesse around and dried his front, wiping ever so carefully around his groin, swiping the fluffy towel across his b.u.t.tocks and down into the crevice.

Jesse balanced himself with a hand on Christian's strong shoulder. Just touching the muscle like that, feeling it flex, knowing it flexed because Christian was drying him off, was enough to make Jesse realize he loved Christian, too. He looked down, his cheeks burning wildly. "Thank you," he murmured through his suddenly tight jaw. Words of love did not fall as easily from him as his praise for Christian's physical beauty had earlier.

Christian stopped drying him and straightened, looking down into his eyes. Love swirled and churned in the blue depths. "You're welcome." After a moment's pause, he brushed several fingertips across Jesse's cheek. "Are you up to a shave before getting back into bed?"

Jesse nodded. Truthfully, after the shower and what Christian had done to himin the shower, he was feeling more restored with each pa.s.sing minute.

Christian sat him down on a small stool and prepared shaving things. Jesse watched Christian give his own cheeks and jaw a quick shave and then let Christian do the same to him. He was fast beginning to love the way Christian touched him, realizing how empty his existence had been without these simple small acts of tenderness.

When he'd finished, Christian led him back into the bedroom and helped him into bed. With a gentle hand on his back, Christian laid him against the pillows. "You rest now. There's a restaurant onBeacon Street . I'll go get you something there, seeing as I don't keep food on hand."

He smiled and pulled the heavy covers up over Jesse's naked body, tucking the soft down comforter around him.

Jesse looked up at him, his body still tingling and relaxed from the hot shower, the scrubbing and from Christian's mouth ma.s.sage. The musky tang of Christian's personal flavor lingered in his own mouth, a sweet reminder of what they'd done together. A potent wave of guilt blindsided him.

"Christian ... I came here to kill you and yet ..." He struggled to say the words that were so painful.

"I don't understand how you can be so kind."

Christian leaned over him, gentle fingertips skimming along his cheek, leaving soft heat in their trail. "Food first and then answers, all right? No one has to kill, I promise."

A pang gripped Jesse. He wished Christian didn't have to leave him even for a few minutes. All these centuries alone, except for Hannah, the gnawing ache for love had plagued him ... until now.

Christian must have read his thoughts, judging by the sympathy radiating from his blue eyes. The pad of his thumb moved back and forth on Jesse's cheek, a comforting gesture full of tenderness. "I won't be long. You must eat. Perhaps food will undo some of the physical harm you suffered." Softly he slanted his lips over Jesse's, tasting him slowly. The tip of his tongue nudged the seam, stealing inside to linger against his tongue.

Jesse reached up, slipping a hand into Christian's damp hair. The sensation was like golden silk against his callused flesh. In spite of his exhaustion and hunger, Jesse's c.o.c.k stirred again, wanting another loving, heated release. He parted his lips wider, sliding his tongue harder against Christian's. He almost groaned his disappointment when Christian pulled away.

His golden lover smiled down at him, blue eyes now smoldering. "More of that later, too," he murmured. "I promise."

As Jesse's hand slipped from Christian's hair, Christian caught his wrist. He turned Jesse's hand over and pressed his lips into the tender flesh. Jesse drew in a heated breath at the feeling of Christian's tongue flickering lightly against his wrist.

All too soon, Christian lifted his lips away and brought Jesse's hand to rest on the covers. "I 'd better go now, before I can't leave."

Jesse nodded, still in a daze from the mere touch of Christian's kiss, both on his lips and on his wrist. He watched Christian turn and walk from the room. Chapter Seven

Jesse sat back against the pillows after having practically inhaled the meal Christian had brought for him, a beautiful spread of scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, sausage, bacon, m.u.f.fins, coffee and juice. Admittedly, Christian had been correct; the large meal went a long way toward restoring more of his strength that the lead had stolen from him.

Christian removed the bed tray and took his seat again at the edge of the mattress.

Jesse stared up at him, bewitched by Christian's sheer physical beauty. The firelight danced off the vampire's pale skin and golden hair, and caused the blue in his eyes to glow. Even the jagged scar on his cheek only added to his rugged magnificence and Jesse wished he could have seen Christian in earlier times, clad in armor, his muscled legs showing beneath his tunic, his brawny arm wielding a sword.

"Thank you again, Chris." He started at his own use of a nickname. Hannah was the only other being he'd ever given a nickname.

The endearment obviously pleased his lover, who picked up Jesse's hand and held it against the smooth plane of his cheek, softer from having been shaved after their shower.

The guilt Jesse had felt before now resurfaced. He remembered that Chris had not answered his question of earlier.

Chris sighed. "Yes, I remember that I haven't answered your question," he said softly. "You were wondering why I'm being so loving with you when you really came here to kill me."

Jesse's heart lurched. His thought must have activated their mind link. He nodded.

Chris pressed a small kiss onto Jesse's hand, then lowered it, holding it between both his hands on his lap. "The answer is simple, Jesse. I fell in love with you." He glanced away, toward the fire and then back, his blue eyes sheepish. "Well, that's mostly why. You had me spellbound from the first moment, even before I fed on you. Even if I weren't Coeur Eternel --"

Jesse shot up to a seated position, his heart suddenly racing. "You're a CE?"

Chris's brow furrowed. "Yes, is that a problem?"

He shook his head. "No ... not at all. It's just that ... well, I suspected it because of the scar, but when I touched your chest there was no heartbeat."

Chris sighed again. "No, there wouldn't be. I'm what you could call a half-breed, I suppose."

Jesse blinked, his mind confused. "You mean, half human and half CE?"

"No. Half CE, half Sans Ame."

"I 've never heard of that. How ... uh ... how?"

Chris's bow-shaped lips curved in a smile. "It's rare, but it does happen. I was sired by Valmont Lascaux, the world's oldest vampire. More powerful even than Noiret. I was a Viking, raiding theNormans inBritain . Apparently,Lascaux at the time was acting as a Norman lord and it was his estate I attacked. Several of his knights ambushed me, stabbed me and then captured me. I was in too much pain at the time to realize thatLascaux was there, preventing his men from doing mein. Instead, he had them put me in his barn on a bed of straw." He sighed. "There I was, bleeding to death whenLascaux knelt over me.

"In spite of the fact I was so weak from loss of blood, I still remember how it felt, that initial piercing in my neck, the pleasure of the feeding. It wasn't until after that I blacked out. When I finally came to I didn't realize what I was yet. I still felt my heart beating, yet my wounds were all healed and I craved blood.Lascaux was there, the first face I saw. He realized that I had retained my heart in the ethereal sheath of my body."

Jesse frowned. "Ethereal?"

Chris nodded. "Yes. It means thatI can still feel and hear it beat, but it's not made of flesh as with other CE's." He chuckled softly. "Not many know this, but many centuries ago during his travels, Lascaux came upon a Buddhist monk in a cave in the mountains ofTibet , meditating. He fed off the monk and sired him, as wasLascaux 's wont to do. But when the monk re-awoke, he'd retained his heart and soul, and was only able to feed as an act of mercy to a person who was dying a painful death. Perhaps because of all the monk's years of meditation and prayer,Lascaux could only affect him so much. In any case, that monk was the first Coeur Eternel. And there are those of us, who, for whatever reason, fall somewhere in the middle." Chris shrugged. "Hey, life is complex for humans, why not for immortal creatures as well?"

Jesse's jaw dropped and it took a moment before he could respond. "I never knew about the origin of the CE's."

Chris's smile deepened. "Yes. That was one ofLascaux 's great foils, siring vampires who retained their heart and souls. For centuries, if a vampire, includingLascaux , sired a CE, their natures kept them apart, isolated. But recent events have brought about a new era of relations between the two strains of vampires."

Jesse found himself fascinated by Chris's narrative. He, himself, had spent so many centuries wandering about, isolated from most other people that the existence of a world of beings came rus.h.i.+ng upon him. His new, potent interest in life, he realized, was the effect of falling in love. "

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A Vampire for Christmas Part 3 summary

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