A Vampire for Christmas Part 5

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"Yes. I can't imagine you did anything to him to make him hate you."

Chris sighed deeply, his chest pressing heavily to Jesse's back. "I did do something."

"You did?"

Chris nodded, his hair brus.h.i.+ng Jesse's skin. "I existed."

Jesse stilled. "What do you mean? Just because you exist he wants you dead?"

"That's all the reason Noiret needs."

A sudden rush of bile invaded Jesse's gut. Even in his most rambunctious slaying days, he always had a reason to kill other than the simple desire to take another's life. Justice, for one. And he'd never killed anyone weaker than himself who couldn't fight back.

"I know,mon amour , it's brutal. All the more reason we need love in the world, not more hate."

Jesse's breath pumped faster and he felt slightly dizzy from the fear of losing Chris and the helplessness of not being able to rescue his sister.

"Jesse, we're going to get your sister back. I give you my word."

Jesse sighed.We and which army? "No army.Lascaux , myself, and whomever he brings with him."

Jesse stiffened. He'd forgotten that Chris mentioned something about asking for help. The concept was so alien to him; he'd dismissed the statement as soon as it was made. Now, reminded again of his mind link with his new lover, it hit him. "Lascaux? He's coming here?"

Chris pressed another small kiss into the back of Jesse's neck. "Oui, mon amour. He's already on his way. A sire, unless he's a complete b.a.s.t.a.r.d, will always answer a distress call from a protege. He'll be here by tomorrow, late afternoon."

A heated curl of jealousy snaked through Jesse, in spite of Chris's earlier a.s.surances. Maybe Chris andLascaux were never lovers, yet here the other vampire was coming from G.o.d knows where to help his protege. Obviously there was still a strong bond there. Knowing the bond between himself and his lover, he hated the thought that Chris had such a deep connection toLascaux , who'd sired him.

"Jesse, I love you. In time, you'll come to know how true that is." Chris's voice held a degree of tenderness in it that Jesse had never imagined existed. His words and voice soothed the jealousy away.

Jesse kissed the vampire's hand again, his lips lingering on Chris's skin. "Chris ... I ... love you."

"I know. Don't ever feel jealous ofLascaux . I honor him only as my sire.You I adore. He's coming here to help us. The only way to fight a vampire as old and powerful as Noiret is with a vampire even older and more powerful."

Jesse rolled over, the lack of Chris's warm body pressed close to him forcing him awake. He blinked several times, the heavy canopy of the bed above him coming into focus. Pale winter sunlight made a rectangle of light on the hardwood floor and a section of the Oriental rug and a fire crackled in the large hearth across from the bed.

Slowly Jesse sat up, his glance falling on the bedside table where his knife still lay. The fact that Chris had left it there showed the trust and faith he'd placed in his new lover. No, Jesse hadn't tried to kill him again.

Jesse's heart warmed in his chest. As able as he'd ever been to deny the reality of love, he couldn't now when Chris had placed that trust in him. Regardless of the fact that Chris was stronger than he, Jesse could still give him a fair fight if he decided to try.

The warmth in his heart morphed into an ache. He wished Chris were here in bed with him, waiting for him to awaken. Where had he gone? To get food? WasLascaux here already and Chris had gone to welcome him? He hated to think of that. The jealousy was still there, a product of having gone so long without love. His trust and faith were fragile, like seedlings just sprouted from the earth. Anything could trample them.

Realizing his physical strength had nearly completely returned, he sat up, determined to look for Chris. He swung to a sitting position, his feet touching the floor, and tested his limbs, stretching and then flexing his muscles. d.a.m.n, it felt good not to be so friggin' weak. As much as he'd come to enjoy his physician's care ...

Hmm, maybe Chris had had to go to the hospital. After all, Chris did work as a doctor, strange as the thought was. Jesse turned his head to stretch the muscles in his neck. As he did so, his eye fell on something on the rug in front of the fire. It looked like a tray, covered with a large white cloth. Jesse stared at it. Could it be breakfast? Maybe Chris had left it for him before going to wherever he was now.

Still naked, Jesse slipped off the bed to his feet, standing a moment to steady himself before trying to walk. Aside from a light rush of blood to his head, he was fine. Chris had nursed him back to complete health. He crossed the short distance from the bed to the s.p.a.ce by the fire. The flames dancing in the hearth warmed him as he drew close and knelt by the tray.

Reaching out, he grasped a corner of the cloth and dragged it off. When he saw what was there, his blood froze. He scrambled back, a yell ripping from his throat, his gaze frozen on Chris's head, the eyes staring lifeless, blood covering the jagged broken skin where someone had cut it from his body.

Chapter Nine.

Chris nearly dropped the tray of food he'd prepared for Jesse. Jesse's bloodcurdling shout had echoed through the entire house. He set down the tray and bounded out of the kitchen and up the stairs, nearly skidding into the bedroom. He scanned the room for Jesse, but his lover was nowhere to be seen.

Chris's gaze fell on the mold he'd made earlier that morning while Jesse slept. The drop cloth lay in a heap next to it and immediately he understood what had happened. f.u.c.k! He'd only meant to be gone a minute. It figured Jesse would have woken up and seen it in the two minutes Chris had been gone from the room.

He turned and saw that Jesse's knife was also missing from the bedside table. Poor Jesse. He thought someone had stolen in and murdered his lover while he slept.

Jess, I'm here. Alive. That was a mold I made for you to give to Noiret. I shouldn' t have left it there like that. I'm sorry, mon amour. That said through their mind link, Chris stood quietly and waited.

Chris? Is that really you? If you' re an imposter, I' ll f.u.c.king gut you.

Chris stifled a chuckle. He felt Jesse's grief at thinking his lover dead. Sorrow at his carelessness intermingled with the sweetness of realizing someone cared about him so much.I swear it's me, Jess. I was getting you something to eat. I did a stupid thing .

Pause.Where the h.e.l.l am I? This place is huge .

Chris chuckled out loud now. He yanked his velour bathrobe from the back of the door and went out into the hallway.Describe what you see .

I went down a back staircase. It's friggin' dark in here.

Chris went down the stairs to the living room.Stay where you are. I'm coming for you . He crossed the large, airy room, warmed by the lights twinkling on the large ribbon-and-light-decorated Scotch pine in the corner, and headed for the obsolete servants'

staircase in the hallway. In a tiny alcove off the hall, he opened a door, revealing Jesse, standing there in all his glorious nudity, staring at him, his knife gripped in one hand.

Chris had to force himself not to stare at the smooth olive skin hugging the terrain of lithe muscles as he held the robe out for Jesse. Remorse gripped him again. "Jesse, I'm so sorry." Jesse blinked, the pupils of his large dark eyes shrinking from the intrusion of light. He stepped forward, pus.h.i.+ng one arm into the sleeve of the robe. "Your hair." His voice held both wonder and disappointment.

With his hands on Jesse's arms, Chris turned him gently, taking the knife from his hand and helping him into the robe. Jesse was pliant under his touch, obviously relieved his lover hadn't been murdered. Chris closed the robe, loosely belting it. When he'd finished, one hand went to his closely shorn scalp. He'd needed to cut off his hair for the fake head. Apparently, he'd done a good job, and in record time. "It'll grow back," he murmured, reaching for Jesse and pulling him gently into an embrace.

Jesse's lips pressed into the crook of his neck, his hands resting lightly on Chris's back, over his baggy s.h.i.+rt. "I thought I'd lost you." Jesse's breath was warm on Chris's skin.

"Please forgive me," Chris said in a near-whisper. Finally he released Jesse and began to lead him toward the living room. "I 'd only meant to be gone for a minute to bring you your food. I was going to show you the mold then."

"It's all right."

Chris led Jesse to the sofa in the living room, a wide, deep piece of furniture with plenty of cus.h.i.+ons and pillows. He arranged Jesse amidst the pillows and then built a fire in that hearth.

Leaving him alone again only long enough to retrieve the tray of food, he served it to him and then sat next to him when he'd finished eating, cuddling him close. They had a little bit of time untilLascaux arrived and Chris wanted to make the most of it.

Jesse leaned forward to set down his coffee cup. When he leaned back, the belt of the robe had come loose and the sides of the robe fell open a bit, revealing a large portion of Jesse's leanly sculpted chest. Chris leaned into him, brus.h.i.+ng their lips together, one hand reaching under the robe and lightly caressing his lover's chest, the silky dusting of ebony hair brus.h.i.+ng pleasantly against his fingertips.

Jesse moaned softly into his mouth and responded to the caresses with the slide of his tongue against Chris's. Chris could taste Jesse's musky flavor mingled with the coffee he'd drunk. Softly, he pulled his mouth from their kiss and looked into Jesse's heavy-lidded gaze. "You're all recovered now? I mean, from the lead?"

Jesse nodded, his full lips slightly parted, his lips glistening from their kisses. "Yes, and from the shock of seeing that head." His tone was light, communicating to Chris that he shouldn't feel guilty.

Jesse's hand came up and caressed the bristle of what had just hours before been a mane of golden hair. "Your hair ... was so beautiful."

Chris brushed a soft kiss across Jesse's lips and grinned at him. "I promise you it'll grow back, mon amour . Hair and nails never stop growing, even on a vamp." His insides lit up when Jesse smiled. His Roman lover had the most captivating smile he'd ever seen, more intoxicating because of the contrast between his smile and his usual heavy, dark expression of burden.

"It would be okay even if it didn't," Jesse said. "You're magnificent either way." He sat back slightly, the robe coming loose with the small movement, revealing his beautiful torso. A strange look came into his eyes, the dark irises br.i.m.m.i.n.g with what looked like emotional pain and sorrow. "Chris." His voice came out in a hoa.r.s.e whisper.

The sound rippled through Chris's chest, touching him deep inside. "What is it, Jess?"

A sheepish look stole into those magnificent eyes, large and sweet and softly dark, like a doe'seyes.I ... I ... mustn' t ever ... lose you .

He'd spoken through their mind link, as if a heartfelt confession were more easily made without sound.

Chris looked at him, his insides leaping. There was no other appropriate inner response to such a confession of love. Except for ...

He reached out, pulling Jesse to him. The robe slipped off almost completely, stopped only by Chris's hands on Jesse's arms. He caught a flash of Jesse's rising erection, jutting in a delicious curve from his leanly muscled body, the plump head stretching from its sheath. Next he saw Jesse's full lips and captured them.

Jesse sighed and surrendered, his chest sinking against Christian's, the friction ma.s.saging Chris 's nipples through his soft white s.h.i.+rt. His hands slipped around to Jesse's back, the lithe muscles warm and flexing under his hands.

Jesse returned his kisses with open-mouthed fervor, suckling Chris's tongue, his hands on Chris'

s cheeks, cupping them reverently. Pa.s.sion uncoiled in the delicious slide of his tongue against his lover's.

Chris slid his hand down the hard, delicious muscles of his lover's back, coming to rest on one firm, round b.u.t.tock.

Jesse moaned softly into his mouth and s.h.i.+fted closer, his hard c.o.c.k brus.h.i.+ng the front of Chris's trousers.

Chris inched his fingers over Jesse's a.s.s, heading toward the crevice between the two firm globes.

Jesse moaned again, rubbing his throbbing erection against Chris's front, the movements growing more demanding, hungrier.

Christian, my dear, I hope you' re decent. I'm almost to your front door.

Chris's hand froze.Lascaux . Gently he pulled his mouth from Jesse's and slid his hand away from the enticing body. He reached for the robe and held it up.

Jesse frowned. His chest was heaving from arousal. "What's the matter?"

Chris managed a smile, his body still coursing with heat despite the interruption. "Nothing, Jess. I just don't want you to be naked whenLascaux gets here."

Jesse fathomless eyes widened under their heavy fringes of dark lashes. "He's here?"

Chris nodded, holding the robe so Jesse could slip his arms into the sleeves. He closed it up in front, mournful at having to cover Jesse's incredible body. "Yes. He informed me just now."

Jesse nodded, looking down. "Your mind link."

Chris heard the tinge of jealous worry in his lover's voice. The sound made his heart squeeze and he reached out to cup Jesse's cheek. "Yes, every protege has one with his sire. It's unavoidable." He brushed his thumb across the smooth cheek still soft from having been shaved.

"I love you, Jesse."

Jesse's gaze shot up. Relief flooded those enchanting eyes.I love you, too . He looked at Chris a moment longer, then moved off his lap, his hands going to the belt of the robe to tighten it. Just then, the doorbell rang.

Jesse watched Chris open the door, trapped between terror and fascination. There was something about meeting the vampire who'd sired his soul mate that compelled him.

Chris opened the front door, revealing three figures, all male. Though they were strangers to him, Jesse knewLascaux in an instant. He'd never seen the vampire before, but the absolute masculinity that radiated from Chris's sire was unmistakable. Swarthy skin, raven hair swept back off a high forehead, piercing eyes and aristocratic Semitic features characterized the world's first vampire, his radiant beauty enhanced by the sleek black clothing he wore.

Lascaux's obsidian gaze lit on his protege and the piercing quality of his dark eyes softened noticeably. "Chris," he said, his voice surprisingly soft. He held out a large masculine hand.

Jesse watched Chris accept the handshake, noticingLascaux 's forbearance with him.Lascaux struck Jesse as someone who kissed or hugged those whom he loved, but in this case, he seemed respectfully distant.

"It's wonderful to see you, Valmont." The tone of mutual respect and admiration reflected in Chris'

s voice. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."

A smile curvedLascaux 's masculine lips. He ended the handshake and reached up, giving Chris'

s cheek a couple of affectionate pats. "As long as I'm not locked in a dungeon, I'll be there for you.

Chris's eyes went momentarily stricken and Jesse remembered the story he'd relayed earlier aboutLascaux 's centuries'-long imprisonment and torture in his own home. Guilt a.s.sailed Jesse for having ever been a slayer, in spite of the fact that his targets had not been ... upright, like the vampires he was meeting now.

Chris usheredLascaux and his companions out of the cold and into the foyer, offering to take their coats.

Jesse remained standing where he was by the fire, overcome with sudden, painful timidity. After all, he'd originally come to Chris with the intention of killing him. No doubt, Chris's sire would have something to say about that.

The eyes of all three guests turned on him in that moment and his heart thumped.Lascaux moved toward him, flanked by his companions. The other two men, though not as commanding in presence asLascaux , were no less gorgeous. One had ebony hair cut close to the scalp and startlingly blue almond shaped eyes, accentuated by high smooth cheekbones and full lips. He looked Russian, while the third man, blond and green eyed with tumbling curls surrounding his face, an unusual combination of pretty and rugged, appeared Nordic like his own lover.

Lascauxcame to stand in front of Jesse, his eyes remaining softer, less piercing. The other two men, presumably vampires, stood close behind him, also studying him.

"Chris has already told me who you are." A hand, also surprisingly gentle, came to rest on his shoulder, sending heat radiating into his shoulder. Immediately Jesse could see howLascaux could at once terrify and enchant someone. "Don't worry about the reason you're here to begin with. Chris has already pleaded your case and you come up innocent."

Jesse could barely suppress his sigh of relief. "I hope you're fully recovered because we must get going as soon as you are."

Jesse stared at him a moment, blinking. In a mere few days, his world had gone from solitary and loveless to having found his soul mate and along with him, several other beings, and vampires at that, willing to help him rather than wanting to kill him or to kill for them.

Apparently,Lascaux understood what Jesse was feeling. An understanding light glowed in the obsidian depths of his eyes and he nodded. "Yes," he murmured, "Chris is for real." He gestured with a nod of his head to the men standing behind him, then turned, taking the dark-haired Russian by one arm. "Serge here has taught me the meaning of the wordlove . For my entire captivity, over six hundred years, he waited for an opportunity to free me." He released Serge with a rub of his hand on the other vampire's sleeve.

Lascauxpointed to the blond. "And this is Philippe. He's a hybrid vamp like Chris. He, too, knows what it means to love." Philippe and Serge each shook Jesse's hand before stepping back atLascaux 's sides.

Lascaux's gaze went to Chris, who, Jesse realized in that moment, had come to stand close at Jesse's side. "Christian, do you have the mold?"

Chris nodded and Jesse sensed his sheepishness, remembering Jesse's introduction to the fake head. "I 'll bring it down."

"Yes, along with some clothing for your friend. We'll leave momentarily. We can make our plan en route."

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A Vampire for Christmas Part 5 summary

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