A Vampire for Christmas Part 7

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Noiret squeezed harder. Jesse choked.

Lascaux and Serge flew across the s.p.a.ce dividing them andLascaux ripped Noiret off Jesse.

Jesse grabbed his throat as he slid to the floor. He was unable to move even to retrieve his knife and could only rub his throat whileLascaux grappled with Noiret.

The two goon vampires, their thrall obviously broken, charged Serge. The small office filled with the sounds of hissing and crashes as fighting escalated.Lascaux grabbed Noiret and threw him across the room into the opposite wall.

Jesse's wind came back enough for him to inch forward and grab his knife. He looked up at the screen and sighed in relief. Chris and Philippe were bent over Hannah, removing her bonds.

Jesse, help! More vampires are attacking me!

It's all right, Hannah. They' re with me. They' re rescuing you. I promise.

On the screen he saw Chris help Hannah sit up. She was looking at him, her expression less frightened. She was going to be okay.

He turned to see what was happening in the fight around him.

Serge had felled one of his attackers. The vampire lay on the floor, lifeless, his head half off.

Nausea churned Jesse's gut but he struggled to his feet.Lascaux and Noiret still fought ferociously, cuts open on their faces, healing quickly before they delivered more blows. The furniture in the room was in shards, so much broken, Jesse couldn't even see the bag with the head in it on the floor.

Noiret recovered from one of Lascaux's tackles and rushed his sire, pus.h.i.+ngLascaux onto his back across the rubble of what had once been an office. Noiret's eyes glowed fiercely and his fangs were bared, displaying his obvious hunger to endLascaux 's existence. Jesse watched the silent struggle of wills, realizing that even now,Lascaux wanted to end the fight without ending his protege's life.

Yes, the oldest vampirehad gone a bit soft. But softer ... Jesse knew now, was better. Noiretrepresented everything wrong with the world.

Anger surged hot and fierce in Jesse's blood. He raised his knife and charged, his old slaying instincts and skills resurging at full force.

In one strike, he took Noiret's head clean off. There was not even a second for Noiret to look astonished as his head tumbled off his neck to the rubble.

The hands loosened their grip onLascaux and the body slid off him, landing next to the head.

Jesse stared atLascaux , his heart still pounding, his chest heaving from the effort of slicing through Noiret. "Are you all right?" He extended a hand to the vampire.

Lascauxreached out and accepted his help just as Serge came to their sides, having finished off his other attacker.

"I 'm fine." He sat up slowly and looked at Jesse, a sorrowful expression creasing his handsome features.

Sudden shame and guilt flooded Jesse. "I 'm ... I'm sorry,Lascaux . I didn't have any --"

Lascauxcut him off. "Stop. You couldn't have done differently." He sighed deeply and turned his dark gaze onto Serge. Affection softened his eyes. "Not everyone can be saved, no matter how much you care about them."

Serge leaned over, gently takingLascaux 's hand and helping him off the rubble of broken furniture, to his feet. When Lascaux was standing, Serge pulled Lascaux gently into his embrace, his love forLascaux filling the s.p.a.ce around them.

Lascauxstared down at his dead protege for another moment before looking back up at Jesse. "

Come, now. Let's go to your sister. Chris and Philippe should have her back to the car by now."

Jesse nodded, aching to see Hannah again and to feel Chris in his arms. He stepped away from the rubble where Noiret's body lay strewn next to his head. Jesse almost threw his knife down too, but changed his mind at the last second. The world was still full of creatures like Noiret, and he wanted to be able to defend those he loved. "What about the goons outside?"

"Don't worry about them,"Lascaux answered as they picked their way through the rubble. "The thrall will take them again as we pa.s.s. When it's over, they won't know who's done this to Noiret."

Jesse sighed. He wiped his knife and tucked it back under his belt, following Serge andLascaux from the office, thinking only of Chris and of the life he hoped to be spending with him, making love endlessly. Starting in the next few hours, too, with any luck.

As they made their way through the enthralled crowd, Jesse realized he did have loved ones now to defend. And he would defend them.

Chapter Eleven.

Jesse sat between Hannah and Chris onLascaux 's jet. Hannah was in shock, both from having been a prisoner and from having been fed on excessively by Noiret and his goons. She clung to her brother, falling asleep with her head against his shoulder.

Apparently, Noiret had been able to penetrate her mind link with Jesse and so she kept as much as possible from her brother, protecting him, while she waited for rescue. Chris held Jesse's hand through the entire flight, squeezing Jesse's fingers comfortingly every so often. Jesse's heart brimmed with love and grat.i.tude to Chris and everything he'd done for him.

Chris and Philippe had found Hannah easily and were able to fight off the vampires guarding her.

Because Chris wasn't completely a CE, he had gone against his vow not to kill, making an exception for Jesse and Hannah's sakes.

Jesse looked up at him.Chris . He spoke through their mind link so as not to disturb Hannah.

Chris returned his gaze, a questioning look on his face.What is it , mon amour?

Jesse glanced away briefly, preparing himself to speak his heart, something that had always been difficult for him.You don' t know what it means to me, your helping me this way .

Chris leaned over and kissed Jesse's mouth softly. He lingered there, lips parting slightly, silently urging Jesse to return the kiss.

Jesse took the invitation to taste him more deeply, sliding his tongue along Chris's upper lip and then slipping inside to dance it against Chris's tongue.

With rising heat, Chris pressed more firmly, closing his lips together, tugging sensually on Jesse'

s lips before ending the kiss. His blue eyes smoldered down into Jesse's, full of erotic promise.

Stop thinking you' re the only sinner on the planet, Jesse . And with that, Chris turned forward in his seat again, squeezing Jesse's hand where it rested in his on the armrest.

They remained that way for the rest of the flight and then again, in the limousine that brought them from the airport to Chris's door.

Chris caught a glance of the Christmas tree lights blinking through his living room window.

Finally, coming home was not a lonely prospect. He smiled as he helped Jesse bring his exhausted, traumatized sister up the front steps, withLascaux and his lovers behind them. For the first time in centuries, Chris felt a bit of holiday warmth and spirit and was glad he'd succ.u.mbed once again to the temptation to put up a tree.

Once inside the house, Jesse scooped up his sister and carried her to the bedroom Chris directed him to. He watched Jesse pull back the covers and lower his sister down, taking time only to remove her boots. Chris had given her a sedative that would help her sleep well through the night to the next morning. Even though she'd survived her ordeal, immortals were subject to many of the same slings and arrows as their mortal human counterparts and she needed rest.

Chris felt Jesse's affection for his sister practically swirling in the air around them. She was obviously Jesse's twin, judging by her ebony hair, olive skin and Roman beauty. Chris was moved by the gentle, protective way her brother handled her. Watching Jesse's hands as he pulled up the covers up over her, tucking them under her chin, Chris was struck with the sudden intense longing to have those same hands all over his own body.

Jesse left his sister sleeping peacefully and joined Chris. The other three vampires stood out in the hall, enquiring after her.

"She'll be fine after she's rested." Jesse looked at Valmont. "I 'll never be able to repay all of you for what you've done." Jesse bowed his head.

Lascauxpatted Jesse's dark hair. "If you want to repay us, just take good care of Chris here."

Jesse looked up, lips parted in obvious surprise. Slowly, he smiled and looked at Chris. "I can dothat."

Chris stood in front of his sire, his ethereal heart overwhelmed with affection for him. "Valmont, I can never thank you enough for this."

Lascauxreached out, his hands coming to rest on Chris's shoulders. "You're welcome and all that is required of you in return is a room for the night." A grin spread across his dark features and he nodded, indicating his two companions. "One with avery large bed."

Finally, alone again with Chris.

Jesse stood by the edge of the huge bed, watching Chris rekindle the fire in the hearth and drop a branch of something scented into the flames. In moments, the scent of sandalwood permeated the air, making his body grow languorous. His mouth watered in antic.i.p.ation of dragging his tongue down the center of Chris's hard stomach, moving closer to the delicious bulge waiting for his mouth ...

Chris stood up and approached him. His large blue eyes reflected the glow of the fire, the light gently dancing off his pale skin and soft dusky lips.

All Jesse wanted to do was pleasure Chris, to shower on him the same bliss he'd given Jesse earlier, loving him and nursing him back to health in spite of the circ.u.mstances that had brought them together.

Rising up slightly on his toes, Jesse bridged the gap in their heights, his hands coming up to touch Chris's rugged, yet smooth cheeks. On his back, he felt the press of Chris's large hands, gently pulling him closer, closing the s.p.a.ce between their bodies. And mouths.

Jesse closed his eyes, slanting his lips over Chris's. Mmm, so soft, yet so hard. Chris's musky scent blended with the spices wafting in the air, urging a primal rhythm in Jesse's heart that traveled down the length of his body to his rising c.o.c.k.

With rising hunger, he slipped his tongue between Chris's lips. Chris answered with the slide of his tongue over Jesse's, tasting his teeth, sensuously tickling the roof of his mouth. The moist hot dance of their tongues urged Jesse to pull Chris closer, to slide his palms around Chris's head, the shorn hair silky against his palms.

f.u.c.k. Chris tasted so incredible, his scent and flavor filling Jesse completely. One hand slipped down the back of Chris's head to the strong column of his neck, the tiny muscles s.h.i.+fting and flexing as they kissed.

Jesse's erection pushed to full hardness, straining against the jeans Chris had given him to wear.

His hands slipped down to Chris's s.h.i.+rt, working the b.u.t.tons open with frantic fingers. He didn't stop until he could slide his palms against that broad chest, the muscles warm and hard against his skin, the dusky nipples smooth and flat, tightening when he brushed them with his fingertips.

Jesse cupped both hillocks of muscles, squeezing them, delighting in the light rasp of hair, the quivering of the hard strength. He paused. Something was pulsing under his hand, deep inside Chris's chest. Was that ...? Could it be?

He pulled his mouth away from Chris's and looked into the deep blue eyes, half hidden under his lids, the golden lashes like soft fans.

"What is it,mon amour? " Chris's smooth voice rasped slightly from arousal. Jesse swallowed, uncertain as to whether he should venture to tell his lover what he felt under his hand. "Heartbeat," he whispered after several moments.

Chris tensed under his hands. "What did you say?"

Jesse gazed up at him, concerned at the surprise in his lover's face. "I feel your heart beating."

Chris's lips parted slightly and he turned, sinking onto the bed. His hands slid down Jesse's arms and grasped Jesse's hands, holding them lightly. "By the G.o.ds," he murmured, his eyes still appearing as if he'd just witnessed a miracle ... or something of that nature. "Darelle told me once that this could happen." He lifted his gaze to Jesse. "I didn't believe her."

"What did she tell you could happen?"

Chris hesitated another moment, his blue gaze liquid in the soft glow of firelight. "She told me once, centuries ago, that there would be one being on this earth who would be able to feel my heart beat." He shook his head. "I thought it was a romantic fancy of hers. Not something real."

Jesse's own heart thumped. He remembered the first time he'd touched Chris's chest, searching for that heart and hadn't found it. "I didn't feel it before."

Chris nodded. "I know. But ... you didn't love me in that moment. You do now, don't you?"

Jesse reached out and cupped his lover's cheek, brus.h.i.+ng his thumb across the smooth pale skin. "Yes. I do." With one knee, he nudged Chris's legs apart and stepped between them, sliding his hands over the bulging muscle in Chris's back. He leaned over and pressed a kiss onto Chris'

s hair, at the same time reaching down to tug Chris's s.h.i.+rt off the rest of the way.

They might have eternity to make love, but he wasn't going to waste another second.

With gentle fingertips on Chris's jaw, he tilted the vampire's head gently back and kissed his lips, tasting them for what seemed a long time while his hands roamed over the warm muscles of Chris's back and shoulders, alive and hard. Enjoying every caress, he worked his way down, pulling away from their kiss so he could kneel and concentrate on working Chris's jeans open.

Chris leaned back, giving Jesse s.p.a.ce to work down the zipper and pull the fabric aside, allowing that thick, glorious c.o.c.k to spring free. It was already hard, the head full and taut, a drop of clear seed seeping from the tip.

The sight of the reddish veined shaft made Jesse's mouth water and he leaned over, taking it into his mouth in one hungry gulp.

A long groan filled his ears as he began to suck, taking Chris's c.o.c.k deep inside, his tongue sliding over Chris's satiny skin. He slid his lips almost to the base and drew back, the tip of his tongue lapping up the droplets of seed at the tiny opening.

He grasped Chris's jeans, urging him to lift his a.s.s so he could slide them the rest of the way off.

He tugged them down Chris's legs and over his feet, his mouth hesitating on the delicious shaft just a moment until he was free to concentrate.

He moved Chris's legs wider apart, giving him access to the rest of his jewels. He lifted his mouth away and pushed Chris gently onto his back. "Stay like that," he ordered in a husky voice.

Chris rose on his elbows, his face flushed. A tiny grin teased at his lips. "Whatever you say,mon amour ."

Jesse returned his smile and leaned into him again, taking Chris's shaft in his palm and pumpingit while he caressed the heavy sac underneath with his eager tongue. The wetness of his mouth caused his tongue to glide across the tender, musky skin. He feathered the tip of his tongue in quick circles, and then in larger ones, over each lobe of Chris's b.a.l.l.s and down to the perineum, each movement pulling a groan of enjoyment from his lover.

Jesse closed his eyes, drinking in the scents and flavors of Chris's muscular body, loving the sound of his moans, enjoyment thathe was giving Chris. His own body quivered and tensed, his bottom aching for the pounding hardness of his lover's c.o.c.k inside him.

Quickly Jesse stood and stripped off his own clothes, climbing onto the bed, straddling Chris before the vampire had a chance to move. He looked down at Chris's face, the rugged lines of his cheeks and jaw, the soft curves of his lips, and for one brief moment, his heart ached mercilessly that he had once contemplated killing this glorious, beautiful being. His soul mate.

Chris's look darkened and Jesse felt his concern. "What's the matter, Jesse?"

Not wanting to ruin the bliss they were sharing, he cast away the guilt. No doubt it would return, but for the moment, they had each other. He smiled. "Nothing's the matter. I was just thinking how badly I want you to f.u.c.k me."

Chris's look darkened further, taking on a feral glow. "I 'd love nothing more."

Jesse wet his hand with spit and rubbed his bottom and then slicked his hand over Chris's c.o.c.k, straining and hard. He pumped it several times with his hand and then rose up, guiding the swollen head to his tight hole. Maneuvering his bottom until the smooth head poked in, he hissed in pleasure and then pushed, impaling himself on Chris's delicious c.o.c.k in one smooth glide.

Jesse gasped from the sharp pleasure-pain, his vision blurring as their bodies met. Chris groaned and bucked his hips.

Jesse righted himself, finding his balance, which was difficult from the weakening effect of pleasure. He could feel Chris deep inside him, that gorgeous thick c.o.c.k rubbing all the right spots.

In slow even strokes, he found a rhythm, riding his lover's shaft and pumping his own c.o.c.k with one hand. Chris's large hands held his hips, keeping him astride, his strong arms adding more lift to his movements.

Jesse's eyes fluttered closed and his head tilted back, the pleasure building hard and fast, overwhelming him.

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A Vampire for Christmas Part 7 summary

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