Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 14

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They spent two days at the inn with Mount Olympus rearing in the background. Fiona insisted she buy herself clothes, over Casa and Polas protests that she looked fine naked. She indulged herself in an embroidered cotton blouse and colorful skirt and a pair of new sandals. The outfit was very unlike her work clothes, and she felt pretty in them.

Besides, she could hardly go to cafs and tavernas in nothing but Hansa t-s.h.i.+rt. Cas and Pol insisted that they could stay in the bedroom constantlya"no need to go out, but Fiona reminded them that humans got hungry.

The only slight worry in the orgy of delights that Cas and Pol gave her was what would happen next. Cas and Pol were immortal. She was not. The slight powers that the ritual had borrowed from Cas and Pol and put in Fiona were gone, and she reasoned that briefly sharing their power would not make her immortal as well.

She would have to return to her job and her life and they might not want to come with her, let alone watch her age and die.

Cas and Pol seemed untroubled by this dilemma. They lived for the day, never minding about tomorrow. They taught her so much in those two days, how to arouse them and herself and how draw out the pleasure until they drowned in it.

Fiona never dreamed shead beg two men to tie her hands behind her back and let her bring them to readiness with her mouth alone. She never dreamed shead let a man bend her over a windowsill and f.u.c.k her from behind. Thankfully the street had remained deserted, but the possibility that someone could walk around the corner and see her and Cas at any time had excited her quickly into climax.

After breakfast on the third day, Cas announced that he was going to journey up Mount Olympus again.

aCome with me, Fiona?a Pol snorted and set down his coffee. aWhat do you want to go all the way up there for?a aTo find answers to a few questions.a Cas drank his coffee, his throat moving with his swallow.

Pol lost his smile. aI was avoiding the questions.a aWe cannot avoid them forever. Fiona?a Fiona nodded, thinking she knew what Cas was going to do.

Later, she and Cas rode the motorcycle up the main roads to the mountain then left it behind in a parking lot and proceeded on foot. Pol met them at the trailhead. The secret of him getting around so fast wasnat much of a secreta"he charmed his way into hitching rides with people.

They began the trek with other hikers, walking slowly. Fiona held both twinsa hands, not wanting to let either go.

As before when she walked this mountain, she began to feel dizzy, then a fog descended over her and she closed her eyes.

When she opened them again, the three of them stood in the meadow high on the mountainside, and a stag was just coming to a stream to drink. They waited, still hand in hand, while the stag finished satisfying its thirst.

It raised its head and began to walk toward them, morphing as he did so into the man-shape in which Dionysus had presented himself to Fiona before.

aImmortals in love with a mortal woman,a he said. aItas always a problem.a Cas slid his arm around Fionaas waist. It felt so natural to have him there beside her, warm and strong, a man who loved her.

Cas said, aIf youare about to offer me a big choicea"if youare about to say Cas, would you give up your immortality for her? my answer is yes. Itas an easy question.a aPretty easy for me as well,a Pol said. aIf Cas and Fiona are mortal, I will be too.a aWait a minute,a Fiona broke in. aYou canat give up immortality. Itas not the same thing as giving upa"I donat know, the motorcycle.a aOh, Iam keeping the motorcycle,a Cas said. aIam buying it from Hans.a Fiona faced him, exasperated. aScrew the motorcycle. Giving up immortality means growing old and dying. No more partying with the G.o.ds or floating around the constellations. It means working and hurting and having your strength fade. It means no more magic.a aIt also means loneliness,a Pol said.

Cas touched her face. aI would rather be mortal with you and do mundane things like work and eat and sleep than live forever without you. I want to be part of your life, not watch your life go by. And I wouldnat want to go on without you.a Fiona glanced at Pol, who nodded. aWhat Cas said.a aFine,a Dionysus interrupted.

Fiona raised her hands. aWait. You canat take away their immortality. Not for me. The sacrifice is too much.a Dionysus gave her a patient look. aIs that what you truly wish?a aOf course it is. I donat want them dying because of me.a aBut we are alive because of you,a Cas said. aYou brought us back from the jar.a aI know I did. And I want you to go on being the demiG.o.ds of good times. Always.a aWhat a sweetheart,a Dionysus chuckled. aNo more arguing. Iave made my decision.a aWhat decision?a Fiona asked in suspicion.

aMy decision. It would break my big G.o.d heart to see any of you pining for each other. The three of you will live out a mortal lifespan and when you die, you will all return to Mount Olympus to rejoin the Pantheon. All right?a aWeall be mortal?a Pol asked.

aFor a while. Starting right now.a Cas waited then frowned. aThat is all? I do not feel any different.a aYou will. But in about fifty years, youall return to me and be demiG.o.ds again. Castor and Pollux and their s.e.xy demiG.o.ddess Fiona.a Pol cupped Fionaas backside. as.e.xy demiG.o.ddess. I like it.a aIall even fix it so you can both live as her life mates without the humans thinking thereas anything odd,a Dionysus said.

aThank you,a Fiona breathed. She twined her hand with Casa, her heart lightening. She would not have to lose them or make them choose between her and their own world.

aHey, this is the fun part about being a G.o.d.a Dionysusa eyes took on a wicked twinkle. aThe other fun part is the orgies.a * * * * *

Back at the Agora a few days later, Hans Jorgensen pointed happily to a mostly intact jar head unearthed. aI thought youad want to see this, Fiona.a The painting on the jar depicted a portion of a woman in a short tunic, her blonde hair wildly curling, running with her hunting bow. She seemed to be chasing an overly voluptuous female demon dressed all in black. The fragment of inscription that the potter had painted said, aArtemis pursuesaa Fiona chuckled. Hans glanced at her in surprise. aWhat is funny?a aNothing. Thank you, Hans. When itas ready, Iall move it to the pottery room.a She walked away from the stoa with a light heart. Somewhere Artemis was enjoying herself.

When she walked into her bedroom, she felt slightly uneasy, though she saw no one there.

Then the door slammed behind her. Before she could turn around, strong hands pinned her arms and a blindfold slid over her eyes.

aNo,a she protested. aI have to go back to work.a Hands unb.u.t.toned her shorts and pushed them down. aNot without clothes, you donat,a Pol whispered in her ear.

She started to laugh with dismay. She felt Polas fingers at the waistband of her underwear, tugging it from her hips. aI think these should stay off.a aI agree,a Cas said behind her. She felt his warmth, the length of his tall, unclothed body at her back, the rigid press of his c.o.c.k.

aWe played a blindfold game before,a Pol breathed in her ear. aRemember? You had to tell us who you touched. This time, you get to tell us who is touching you.a aOh.a Fiona s.h.i.+vered in excitement, cream pooling in her quim, and the game began.

About the Author.

Allyson James is yet one more name for a woman who has racked up four pseudonyms in the first two years of her career. She often cannot remember what her real name is and has to be tapped on the shoulder when spoken to.

Allyson began writing at age eight (a five-page story that actually contained goal, motivation, and conflict). She learned the trick of standing her math book up on her desk so she could write stories behind it. She wrote love stories before she knew what romances were, dreaming of the day when her books would appear at libraries and bookstores. At age thirty, she decided to stop dreaming and do it for real. She published the first short story she ever submitted in a national print magazine, which gave her the false illusion that getting published was easy.

After a long struggle and inevitable rejections, she at last sold a romance novel, then, to her surprise, sold several mystery novels, more romances, and then Romanticaa" to Elloraas Cave. She has been nominated for two Romantic Times Revieweras Choice awards and has had starred reviews in Booklist and Top Pick reviews in Romantic Times.

Allyson met her soulmate in fencing cla.s.s (the kind with swords, not posts-and-rails). She looked down the length of his long, throbbing rapier and fell madly in love.

Allyson welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

Also by Allyson James.

Christmas Cowboy.

Elloraas Cavemen: Dreams of the Oasis I anthology Tales of the Shareem: Maia and Rylan Tales of the Shareem: Rees Tales of the Shareem: Rio Discover for yourself why readers canat get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Elloraas Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.

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Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 14 summary

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