Wanderings in South America Part 11

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And now I take leave of thee, kind and gentle reader. The new mode of preserving birds, heretofore promised thee, shall not be forgotten. The plan is already formed in imagination, and can be penned down during the pa.s.sage across the Atlantic. If the few remarks in these Wanderings shall have any weight in inciting thee to sally forth and explore the vast and well-stored regions of Demerara, I have gained my end. Adieu.


_April_ 6, 1817.


{24} The negroes of the West Coast of Africa, as I am informed by Dr.

Kodjoe Benjamin William Kwatei-kpakpafio, of Accra, take their names from the day of the week on which they are born: Quas.h.i.+ (Kwasi) is Sunday; Kodjoe, Monday; Koffie, Tuesday.-N. M.

{31} "Natural History Essays," by Charles Waterton, edited, with a life of the author, by Norman Moore (Warne and Co.).

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