Tamburlaine the Great Volume I Part 15

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but in ed. 1617 "injury" is altered to "iniure."]

[Footnote 32: ALL] So the 4to.--0mitted in the 8vo.]

[Footnote 33: Who, travelling, &c.] The halting metre shews that there is some corruption in this and the next line.]

[Footnote 34: thorough] So the 8vo.--The 4to "through."]

[Footnote 35: unvalued] i.e. not to be valued, or estimated.]

[Footnote 36: conceit] i.e. fancy, imagination.]

[Footnote 37: Rhodope] Old eds. "Rhodolfe."]

[Footnote 38: valurous] i.e. valuable.]

[Footnote 39: pools] So the 8vo.--The 4to "Poles."]

[Footnote 40: resolv'd] i.e. dissolved.--So the 8vo.--The 4to "desolu'd."]

[Footnote 41: Shall we all offer] The 8vo "Shall we offer" (the word "all" having dropt out).--The 4to "WE ALL SHALL offer."]

[Footnote 42: in] The 8vo "it."--Omitted in the 4to.]

[Footnote 43: triumph'd] So the 8vo.--The 4to "tryumph."]

[Footnote 44: brave] i.e. splendidly clad.]

[Footnote 45: top] So the 4to.--The 8vo "foot."]

[Footnote 46: mails] i.e. bags, budgets.]

[Footnote 47: lance] So the 4to.--Here the 8vo has "lanch;" but more than once in the SEC. PART of the play it has "lance."]

[Footnote 48: this] So the 8vo.--The 4to "the."--Qy. "Where is this Scythian SHEPHERD Tamburlaine"? Compare the next words of Theridamas.]

[Footnote 49: vaults] Here the 8vo has "vauts,"--"which," says one of the modern editors, "was common in Marlowe's time:" and so it was; but in the SEC. PART of this play, act ii. sc. 4, the same 8vo gives,--

"As we descend into the infernal VAULTS."]

[Footnote 50: thy] So the 8vo.--The 4to "the."]

[Footnote 51: brave] See note ? in preceding column.[i.e. note 44.]]

[Footnote 52: renowmed] i.e. renowned.--So the 8vo.--The 4to "renowned."

--The form "RENOWMED" (Fr. renomme) occurs repeatedly afterwards in this play, according to the 8vo. It is occasionally found in writers posterior to Marlowe's time. e.g.

"Of Constantines great towne RENOUM'D in vaine."

Verses to King James, prefixed to Lord Stirling's MONARCHICKE TRAGEDIES, ed. 1607.]

[Footnote 53: cliffs] So the 8vo.--The 4to "cliftes."]

[Footnote 54: merchants] i.e. merchant-men, s.h.i.+ps of trade.]

[Footnote 55: stems] i.e. prows.]

[Footnote 56: vail] i.e. lower their flags.]

[Footnote 57: Bootes] The 8vo "Botees."--The 4to "Boetes."]

[Footnote 58: compet.i.tor] i.e. a.s.sociate, partner (a sense in which the word is used by Shakespeare).]

[Footnote 59: To these] Old eds. "ARE these."]

[Footnote 60: renowmed] See note , p. 11.[i.e. note 52.]--So the 8vo.

--The 4to "renowned."]

[Footnote 61: statues] So the 4to.--"The first edition reads 'statutes,'

but, as the Scythians wors.h.i.+pped Pylades and Orestes in temples, we have adopted the reading of the quarto as being most probably the correct one." Ed. 1826.]

[Footnote 62: kings] So the 8vo.--The 4to "king."]

[Footnote 63: Nor thee nor them] The modern editors silently print "Nor THEY nor THEIRS."]

[Footnote 64: will] So the 8vo.--Omitted in the 4to.]

[Footnote 65: pitch] Is generally equivalent to--stature. ("I would have you tell me what PITCH he was of, Velim mihi dicas qua STATURA fuerit." Coles's DICT.) But here it means the highest part of the body,--the shoulders (see the 10th sign. of PITCH in Halliwell's DICT. OF ARCH. AND PROV. WORDS),--the "pearl" being, of course, his head.]

[Footnote 66: and] So the 4to.--The 8vo "with."]

[Footnote 67: His arms and fingers long and sinewy] So the 8vo, except that, by a misprint, it has "snowy" for "sinewy."--The 4to gives the line thus,--

"His armes long, HIS fingers SNOWY-WHITE."!!

(and so the line used to stand in Lamb's SPEC. OF DRAM. POETS, till I made the necessary alteration in Mr. Moxon's recent ed.

of that selection.)]

[Footnote 68: subdu'd] So the 8vo.--The 4to "subdue."]

[Footnote 69: Nature doth strive with Fortune, &c.] Qy did Shakespeare recollect this pa.s.sage when he wrote,--

"Nature and Fortune join'd to make thee great"?

KING JOHN, act iii. sc. 1.]

[Footnote 70: port] i.e. gate.]

[Footnote 71: is] So the 8vo.--The 4to "in."]

[Footnote 72: In fair, &c.] Here "fair" is to be considered as a dissyllable: compare, in the Fourth Act of our author's JEW OF MALTA,

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Tamburlaine the Great Volume I Part 15 summary

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