Traditional Nursery Songs of England Part 7

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_Guy fights with the Giant Colbran, and having overcome him, discovers himself to the King, then to his Wife, and dies in her Arms._

The Danes, having intelligence of King Athelstan's retreat to Winchester, drew all their forces thither; and seeing there was no way to win the city, they sent a summons to King Athelstan, desiring that an Englishman might combat with a Dane, and that side to lose the whole whose Champion was defeated. On this mighty Colbran singled himself from the Danes, and entered upon Morn Hill, near Winchester, breathing venomous words, calling the English cowardly dogs, whose carcases he would make food for ravens. "What mighty boasting," said he, "hath there been in the foreign nations of these English cowards, as if they had done deeds of wonder, who now like foxes hide their heads."

Guy, hearing proud Colbran, could no longer forbear, but went immediately to the King, and on his knee begged a combat; the King, liking the courage of the pilgrim, bade him go and prosper. Whereupon Guy departed out of the North gate to Morn Hill, where Colbran, the Danish Champion, was. When Colbran espied Guy he disdained him, saying, "Art thou the best Champion England can afford?" Quoth Guy, "It is unbecoming a professed Champion to rail; my sword shall be my orator."

No longer they stood to parley, but with great courage fought most manfully; but Guy was so nimble, that in vain Colbran struck; for every blow fell upon the ground. Guy still laid about him like a dragon, which gave great encouragement to the English; until Colbran in the end growing faint, Guy brought the Giant to the ground. Upon which the English all shouted with so much joy, that the welkin rang again. After this battle the Danes retired back again to their own country.


King Athelstan sent for this Champion to honour him; but Guy refused honours, saying, "My Liege, I am a mortal man, and have set the vain world at defiance." But at the King's earnest request, on promise of concealment, Guy discovered himself to him; which rejoiced Athelstan's heart, and he embraced his worthy Champion. But Guy took leave of his Sovereign, and went to seek a solitary cave, wherein to spend the remainder of his life. From time to time he repaired to Warwick Castle, and received alms at the hands of his dear Lady, who showed more bounty to pilgrims than any lady in the land besides.


At length finding his hour draw nigh, he sent a messenger to Felice, with a gold ring, at the sight of which token she hastened to her Lord.

And Guy soon after died in the arms of his beloved Felice, who, having survived him only fifteen days, was buried in the same grave.

_Now is the Story brought to an end of Guy the bold Baron of price, and of the fair maid Felice._


Gammer Gurton's Story-Books.

Newly revised and amended, for the amus.e.m.e.nt and delight of all good little Masters and Misses, by _Ambrose Merton_, Gent. F. S. A.

_Sixpenny Series._

1. The Famous History of Sir Guy of Warwick.

2. A True Tale of Robin Hood.

3. Gammer Gurton's Garland.

4. The Renowned History of Sir Bevis of Hampton.

5. The Doleful Story of the Babes in the Wood.

6. A Merry Tale of the King and the Cobbler.

7. The Famous History of Friar Bacon.

8. The Romantic Story of the Princess Rosetta.

9. A Rare Ballad of the Beggar's Daughter.

10. The Excellent History of Tom Hickathrift.

11. The Mad Pranks of Robin Goodfellow.

12. A Famous Ballad of Fair Rosamond.

13. The Pleasant Story of Patient Grissell.

_The following will shortly be published._

1. The Songs of the Fairies.

2. Whittington and his Cat.

3. Goody Two Shoes.

4. Valentine and Orson.

5. The Hermit of Warkworth.

6. The Seven Champions.

7. Tom Thumb.

8. Nursery Jingles.

9. Fortunio.

10. Brave Lord Willoughby.

11. Wise Men of Gotham.

12. George a Green.

13. The Fair One with Golden Locks.


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Traditional Nursery Songs of England Part 7 summary

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