The Ramayana Part 101

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Wise lords, whose king, by pa.s.sion led, The path of sin begins to tread, Restrain him while there yet is time: But thine,-they see nor heed the crime.

These by their master's will obtain Merit and fame and joy and gain.

'Tis only by their master's grace That servants hold their lofty place.

But when the monarch stoops to sin They lose each joy they strive to win, And all the people people high and low Fall in the common overthrow.

Merit and fame and honour spring, Best of the mighty, from the king.

So all should strive with heart and will To keep the king from every ill.

Pride, violence, and sullen hate Will ne'er maintain a monarch's state, And those who cruel deeds advise Must perish when their master dies, Like drivers with their cars o'erthrown In places rough with root and stone.

The good whose holy lives were spent On duty's highest laws intent, With wives and children many a time Have perished for another's crime.

Hapless are they whose sovereign lord, Opposed to all, by all abhorred, Is cruel-hearted, harsh, severe: Thus might a jackal tend the deer.

Now all the giant race await, Destroyed by thee, a speedy fate, Ruled by a king so cruel-souled, Foolish in heart and uncontrolled.

Think not I fear the sudden blow That threatens now to lay me low: I mourn the ruin that I see Impending o'er thy host and thee.

Me first perchance will Rama kill, But soon his hand thy blood will spill.

I die, and if by Rama slain And not by thee, I count it gain.

Soon as the hero's face I see His angry eyes will murder me, And if on her thy hands thou lay Thy friends and thou are dead this day.

If with my help thou still must dare The lady from her lord to tear, Farewell to all our days are o'er, Lanka and giants are no more.

In vain, in vain, an earnest friend, I warn thee, King, and pray.

Thou wilt not to my prayers attend, Or heed the words I say So men, when life is fleeting fast And death's sad hour is nigh, Heedless and blinded to the last Reject advice and die."

Canto XLII. Maricha Transformed.

Maricha thus in wild unrest With bitter words the king addressed.

Then to his giant lord in dread, "Arise, and let us go," he said.

"Ah, I have met that mighty lord Armed with his shafts and bow and sword, And if again that bow he bend Our lives that very hour will end.

For none that warrior can provoke And think to fly his deadly stroke.

Like Yama with his staff is he, And his dread hand will slaughter thee.

What can I more? My words can find No pa.s.sage to thy stubborn mind.

I go, great King, thy task to share, And may success attend thee there."

With that reply and bold consent The giant king was well content.

He strained Maricha to his breast And thus with joyful words addressed: "There spoke a hero dauntless still, Obedient to his master's will, Maricha's proper self once more: Some other took thy shape before.

Come, mount my jewelled car that flies.

Will-governed, through the yielding skies.

These, goblin-faced, shall bear Us quickly through the fields of air.

Attract the lady with thy shape, Then through the wood, at will, escape.

And I, when she has no defence, Will seize the dame and bear her thence."

Again Maricha made reply, Consent and will to signify.

With rapid speed the giants two From the calm hermit dwelling flew, Borne in that wondrous chariot, meet For some great G.o.d's celestial seat.

They from their airy path looked down On many a wood and many a town, On lake and river, brook and rill, City and realm and towering hill.

Soon he whom giant hosts obeyed, Maricha by his side, surveyed The dark expanse of Da??ak wood Where Rama's hermit cottage stood.

They left the flying car, whereon The wealth of gold and jewels shone, And thus the giant king addressed Maricha as his hand he pressed:

"Maricha, look! before our eyes Round Rama's home the plantains rise.

His hermitage is now in view: Quick to the work we came to do!"

Thus Rava? spoke, Maricha heard Obedient to his master's word, Threw off his giant shape and near The cottage strayed a beauteous deer.

With magic power, by rapid change, His borrowed form was fair and strange.

A sapphire tipped each horn with light; His face was black relieved with white.

The turkis and the ruby shed A glory from his ears and head.

His arching neck was proudly raised, And lazulites beneath it blazed.

With roseate bloom his flanks were dyed, And lotus tints adorned his hide.

His shape was fair, compact, and slight; His hoofs were carven lazulite.

His tail with every changing glow Displayed the hues of Indra's bow.

With glossy skin so strangely flecked, With tints of every gem bedecked.

A light o'er Rama's home he sent, And through the wood, where'er he went.

The giant clad in that strange dress That took the soul with loveliness, To charm the fair Videhan's eyes With mingled wealth of mineral dyes, Moved onward, cropping in his way, The gra.s.s and grain and tender spray.

His coat with drops of silver bright, A form to gaze on with delight, He raised his fair neck as he went To browse on bud and filament.

Now in the Ca.s.sia grove he strayed, Now by the cot in plantains' shade.

Slowly and slowly on he came To catch the glances of the dame, And the tall deer of splendid hue Shone full at length in Sita's view.

He roamed where'er his fancy chose Where Rama's leafy cottage rose.

Now near, now far, in careless ease, He came and went among the trees.

Now with light feet he turned to fly, Now, rea.s.sured, again drew nigh: Now gambolled close with leap and bound, Now lay upon the ground: Now sought the door, devoid of fear, And mingled with the troop of deer; Led them a little way, and thence Again returned with confidence.

Now flying far, now turning back Emboldened on his former track, Seeking to win the lady's glance He wandered through the green expanse.

Then thronging round, the woodland deer Gazed on his form with wondering fear; A while they followed where he led, Then snuffed the tainted gale and fled.

The giant, though he longed to slay The startled quarry, spared the prey, And mindful of the shape he wore To veil his nature, still forbore.

Then Sita of the glorious eye, Returning from her task drew nigh; For she had sought the wood to bring Each loveliest flower of early spring.

Now would the bright-eyed lady choose Some gorgeous bud with blending hues, Now plucked the mango's spray, and now The bloom from an Asoka bough.

She with her beauteous form, unmeet For woodland life and lone retreat, That wondrous dappled deer beheld Gemmed with rich pearls, unparalleled, His silver hair the lady saw, His radiant teeth and lips and jaw, And gazed with rapture as her eyes Expanded in their glad surprise.

And when the false deer's glances fell On her whom Rama loved so well, He wandered here and there, and cast A luminous beauty as he pa.s.sed; And Janak's child with strange delight Kept gazing on the unwonted sight.

Canto XLIII. The Wondrous Deer.

She stooped, her hands with flowers to fill, But gazed upon the marvel still: Gazed on its back and sparkling side Where silver hues with golden vied.

Joyous was she of faultless mould, With glossy skin like polished gold.

And loudly to her husband cried And bow-armed Lakshma? by his side: Again, again she called in glee: "O come this glorious creature see; Quick, quick, my lord, this deer to view.

And bring thy brother Lakshma? too."

As through the wood her clear tones rang, Swift to her side the brothers sprang.

With eager eyes the grove they scanned, And saw the deer before them stand.

But doubt was strong in Lakshma?'s breast, Who thus his thought and fear expressed:

"Stay, for the wondrous deer we see The fiend Maricha's self may be.

Ere now have kings who sought this place To take their pastime in the chase, Met from his wicked art defeat, And fallen slain by like deceit.

He wears, well trained in magic guile, The figure of a deer a while, Bright as the very sun, or place Where dwell the gay Gandharva race.

No deer, O Rama, e'er was seen Thus decked with gold and jewels' sheen.

'Tis magic, for the world has ne'er, Lord of the world, shown aught so fair."

But Sita of the lovely smile, A captive to the giant's wile, Turned Lakshma?'s prudent speech aside And thus with eager words replied: "My honoured lord, this deer I see With beauty rare enraptures me.

Go, chief of mighty arm, and bring For my delight this precious thing.

Fair creatures of the woodland roam Untroubled near our hermit home.

The forest cow and stag are there, The fawn, the monkey, and the bear, Where spotted deer delight to play, And strong and beauteous Kinnars(494) stray.

But never, as they wandered by, Has such a beauty charmed mine eye As this with limbs so fair and slight, So gentle, beautiful and bright.

O see, how fair it is to view With jewels of each varied hue: Bright as the rising moon it glows, Lighting the wood where'er it goes.

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The Ramayana Part 101 summary

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