The Ramayana Part 152

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And, at my death or capture, dies The hope of Rama's enterprise.

For none can leap, save only me, A hundred leagues across the sea.

It is a sin in me, I own, To talk with Janak's child alone.

Yet greater is the sin if I Be silent, and the lady die.

First I will utter Rama's name, And laud the hero's gifts and fame.

Perchance the name she holds so dear Will soothe the faithful lady's fear."

Canto x.x.xI. Hanuman's Speech.

Then in sweet accents low and mild The Vanar spoke to Janak's child: "A n.o.ble king, by sin unstained, The mighty Dasaratha reigned.

Lord of the warrior's car and steed, The pride of old Ikshvaku's seed.

A faithful friend, a blameless king, Protector of each living thing.

A glorious monarch, strong to save, Blest with the bliss he freely gave.

His son, the best of all who know The science of the bended bow, Was moon-bright Rama, brave and strong, Who loved the right and loathed the wrong, Who ne'er from kingly duty swerved, Loved by the lands his might preserved.

His feet the path of law pursued; His arm rebellious foes subdued.

His sire's command the prince obeyed And, banished, sought the forest shade, Where with his wife and brother he Wandered a saintly devotee.

There as he roamed the wilds he slew The bravest of the Rakshas crew.

The giant king the prince beguiled, And stole his consort, Janak's child.

Then Rama roamed the country round, And a firm friend, Sugriva, found, Lord of the Vanar race, expelled From his own realm which Bali held, He conquered Bali and restored The kingdom to the rightful lord.

Then by Sugriva's high decree The Vanar legions searched for thee, Sampati's counsel bade me leap A hundred leagues across the deep.

And now my happy eyes have seen At last the long-sought Maithil queen.

Such was the form, the eye, the grace Of her whom Rama bade me trace."

He ceased: her flowing locks she drew To s.h.i.+eld her from a stranger's view; Then, trembling in her wild surprise, Raised to the tree her anxious eyes.

Canto x.x.xII. Sita's Doubt.

Her eyes the Maithil lady raised And on the monkey speaker gazed.

She looked, and trembling at the sight Wept bitter tears in wild affright.

She shrank a while with fear distraught, Then, nerved again, the lady thought: "Is this a dream mine eyes have seen, This creature, by our laws unclean?

O, may the G.o.ds keep Rama, still, And Lakshma?, and my sire, from ill!

It is no dream: I have not slept, But, trouble-worn, have watched and wept Afar from that dear lord of mine For whom in ceaseless woe I pine, No art may soothe my wild distress Or lull me to forgetfulness.

I see but him: my lips can frame No syllable but Rama's name.

Each sight I see, each sound I hear, Brings Rama to mine eye or ear, The wish was in my heart, and hence The sweet illusion mocked my sense.

'Twas but a phantom of the mind, And yet the voice was soft and kind.

Be glory to the Eternal Sire,(848) Be glory to the Lord of Fire, The mighty Teacher in the skies,(849) And Indra with his thousand eyes, And may they grant the truth to be E'en as the words that startled me."

Canto x.x.xIII. The Colloquy.

Down from the tree Hanuman came And humbly stood before the dame.

Then joining reverent palm to palm Addressed her thus with words of balm: "Why should the tears of sorrow rise, Sweet lady, to those lovely eyes, As when the wind-swept river floods Two half expanded lotus buds?

Who art thou, O most fair of face?

Of Asur,(850) or celestial race?

Did Naga mother give thee birth?

For sure thou art no child of earth.

Do Rudras(851) claim that heavenly form?

Or the swift G.o.ds(852) who ride the storm?

Or art thou Rohi?i(853) the blest, That star more lovely than the rest,- Reft from the Moon thou lovest well And doomed a while on earth to dwell?

Or canst thou, fairest wonder, be The starry queen Arundhati,(854) Fled in thy wrath or jealous pride From her dear lord Vasish?ha's side?

Who is the husband, father, son Or brother, O thou loveliest one, Gone from this world in heaven to dwell, For whom those eyes with weeping swell?

Yet, by the tears those sweet eyes shed, Yet, by the earth that bears thy tread,(855) By calling on a monarch's name, No G.o.ddess but a royal dame.

Art thou the queen, fair lady, say, Whom Rava? stole and bore away?

Yea, by that agony of woe, That form unrivalled here below, That votive garb, thou art, I ween, King Janak's child and Rama's queen."

Hope at the name of Rama woke, And thus the gentle lady spoke: "I am that Sita wooed and won By Dasaratha's royal son, The n.o.blest of Ikshvaku's line; And every earthly joy was mine.

But Rama left his royal home In Da??ak's tangled wilds to roam.

Where with Sumitra's son and me, He lived a saintly devotee.

The giant Rava? came with guile And bore me thence to Lanka's isle.

Some respite yet the fiend allows, Two months of life, to Rama's spouse.

Two moons of hopeless woe remain, And then the captive will be slain."

Canto x.x.xIV. Hanuman's Speech.

Thus spoke the dame in mournful mood, And Hanuman his speech renewed: "O lady, by thy lord's decree I come a messenger to thee.

Thy lord is safe with steadfast friends, And greeting to his queen he sends, And Lakshma?, ever faithful bows His reverent head to Rama's spouse."

Through all her frame the rapture ran, As thus again the dame began: "Now verily the truth I know Of the wise saw of long ago: "Once only in a hundred years True joy to living man appears."

He marked her rapture-beaming hue, And nearer to the lady drew, But at each onward step he took Suspicious fear her spirit shook.

"Alas, Alas," she cried in fear.

"False is the tale I joyed to hear.

'Tis Rava?, 'tis the fiend, who tries To mock me with a new disguise.

If thou, to wring my woman's heart, Hast changed thy shape by magic art, And wouldst a helpless dame beguile, The wicked deed is doubly vile.

But no: that fiend thou canst not be: Such joy I had from seeing thee.

But if my fancy does not err, And thou art Rama's messenger, The glories of my lord repeat: For to these ears such words are sweet."

The Vanar knew the lady's thought,(856) And gave the answer fondly sought: "Bright as the sun that lights the sky Dear as the Moon to every eye.

He scatters blessings o'er the land Like bounties from Vaisrava?'s(857) hand.

Like Vish?u strong and unsubdued, Unmatched in might and fort.i.tude.

Wise, truthful as the Lord of Speech, With gentle words he welcomes each.

Of n.o.blest mould and form is he, Like love's incarnate deity.

He quells the fury of the foe, And strikes when justice prompts the blow.

Safe in the shadow of his arm The world is kept from scathe and harm.

Now soon shall Rava? rue his theft, And fall, of realm and life bereft.

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The Ramayana Part 152 summary

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