The Ramayana Part 178

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He ceased: the giants ventured near And bent their lowly heads in fear.

Then k.u.mbhakar[n.]a glared with eyes Still heavy in their first surprise, Still drowsy from his troubled rest, And thus the giant band addressed.

"How have ye dared my sleep to break?

No trifling cause should bid me wake.

Say, is all well? or tell the need That drives you with unruly speed To wake me. Mark the words I say, The king shall tremble in dismay, The fire be quenched and Indra slain Ere ye shall break my rest in vain."

Yupaksha answered: "Chieftain, hear; No G.o.d or fiend excites our fear.

But men in arms our walls a.s.sail: We tremble lest their might prevail.

For vengeful Rama vows to slay The foe who stole his queen away, And, matchless for his warlike deeds, A host of mighty Vanars leads.

Ere now a monstrous Vanar came, Laid Lanka waste with ruthless flame, And Aksha, Rava?'s offspring, slew With all his warrior retinue.

Our king who never trembled yet For heavenly hosts in battle met, At length the general dread has shared, O'erthrown by Rama's arm and spared."

He ceased: and k.u.mbhakar?a spake: "I will go forth and vengeance take; Will tread their hosts beneath my feet, Then triumph-flushed our king will meet.

Our giant bands shall eat their fill Of Vanars whom this arm shall kill.

The princes' blood shall be my draught, The chieftains' shall by you be quaffed."

He spake, and, with an eager stride That shook the earth, to Rava? hied.

Canto LXI. The Vanars' Alarm.

The son of Raghu near the wall Saw, proudly towering over all, The mighty giant stride along Attended by the warrior throng; Heard k.u.mbhakar?a's heavy feet Awake the echoes of the street; And, with the l.u.s.t of battle fired, Turned to Vibhisha? and inquired: "Vibhisha?, tell that chieftain's name Who rears so high his mountain frame; With glittering helm and lion eyes, Preeminent in might and size Above the rest of giant birth, He towers the standard of the earth; And all the Vanars when they see The mighty warrior turn and flee."

"In him," Vibhisha? answered, "know Visravas' son, the Immortals' foe, Fierce k.u.mbhakar?a, mightier far Than G.o.ds and fiends and giants are.

He conquered Yama in the fight, And Indra trembling owned his might.

His arm the G.o.ds and fiends subdued, Gandharvas and the serpent brood.

The rest of his gigantic race Are wondrous strong by G.o.d-giving grace; But nature at his birth to him Gave matchless power and strength of limb.

Scarce was he born, fierce monster, when He killed and ate a thousand men.

The trembling race of men, appalled, On Indra for protection called; And he, to save the suffering world, His bolt at k.u.mbhakar?a hurled.

So awful was the monster's yell That fear on all the nations fell, He, rus.h.i.+ng on with furious roar, A tusk from huge Airavat tore, And dealt the G.o.d so dire a blow That Indra reeling left his foe, And with the G.o.ds and mortals fled To Brahma's throne dispirited.

"O Brahma," thus the suppliants cried, "Some refuge for this woe provide.

If thus his maw the giant sate Soon will the world be desolate."

The Self-existent calmed their woe, And spake in anger to their foe: "As thou wast born, Pulastya's son, That worlds might weep by thee undone, Thou like the dead henceforth shalt be: Such is the curse I lay on thee."

Senseless he lay, nor spoke nor stirred; Such was the power of Brahma's word.

But Rava?, troubled for his sake, Thus to the Self-existent spake: "Who lops the tree his care has reared When golden fruit has first appeared?

Not thus, O Brahma, deal with one Descended from thine own dear son.(971) Still thou, O Lord, thy word must keep, He may not die, but let him sleep.

Yet fix a time for him to break The chains of slumber and awake."

He ceased: and Brahma made reply; "Six months in slumber shall he lie And then arising for a day Shall cast the numbing bonds away."

Now Rava? in his doubt and dread Has roused the monster from his bed, Who comes in this the hour of need On slaughtered Vanars flesh to feed.

Each Vanar, when his awe-struck eyes Behold the monstrous chieftain, flies.

With hopeful words their minds deceive, And let our trembling hosts believe They see no giant, but, displayed, A lifeless engine deftly made."

Then Rama called to Nila: "Haste, Let troops near every gate be placed, And, armed with fragments of the rock And trees, each lane and alley block."

Thus Rama spoke: the chief obeyed, And swift the Vanars stood arrayed, As when the black clouds their battle form, The summit of a hill to storm.

Canto LXII. Ravan's Request.

Along bright Lanka's royal road The giant, roused from slumber, strode, While from the houses on his head A rain of fragrant flowers was shed.

He reached the monarch's gate whereon Rich gems and golden fretwork shone.

Through court and corridor that shook Beneath his tread his way he took, And stood within the chamber where His brother sat in dark despair.

But sudden, at the grateful sight The monarch's eye again grew bright.

He started up, forgot his fear, And drew his giant brother near.

The younger pressed the elder's feet And paid the King observance meet, Then cried: "O Monarch, speak thy will, And let my care thy word fulfil.

What sudden terror and dismay Have burst the bonds in which I lay?"

Fierce flashed the flame from Rava?'s eye, As thus in wrath he made reply: "Fair time, I ween, for sleep is this, To lull thy soul in tranquil bliss, Unheeding, in oblivion drowned, The dangers that our lives surround.

Brave Rama, Dasaratha's son, A pa.s.sage o'er the sea has won, And, with the Vanar monarch's aid, Round Lanka's walls his hosts arrayed.

Though never in the deadly field My Rakshas troops were known to yield, The bravest of the giant train Have fallen by the Vanars slain.

Hence comes my fear. O fierce and brave, Go forth, our threatened Lanka save.

Go forth, a dreadful vengeance take: For this, O chief, I bade thee wake.

The G.o.ds and trembling fiends have felt The furious blows thine arm has dealt.

Earth has no warrior, heaven has none To match thy might, Paulastya's son."

Canto LXIII. k.u.mbhakarna's Boast.

Then k.u.mbhakar?a laughed aloud And cried; "O Monarch, once so proud, We warned thee, but thou wouldst not hear; And now the fruits of sin appear.

We warned thee, I, thy n.o.bles, all Who loved thee, in thy council hall.

Those sovereigns who with blinded eyes Neglect the foe their hearts despise, Soon, falling from their high estate Bring on themselves the stroke of fate.

Accept at length, thy life to save, The counsel sage Vibhisha? gave, The prudent counsel spurned before, And Sita to her lord restore."(972)

The monarch frowned, by pa.s.sion moved And thus in angry words reproved: "Wilt thou thine elder brother school, Forgetful of the ancient rule That bids thee treat him as the sage Who guides thee with the lore of age?

Think on the dangers of the day, Nor idly throw thy words away: If, led astray, by pa.s.sion stirred, I in the pride of power have erred; If deeds of old were done amiss, No time for vain reproach is this.

Up, brother; let thy loving care The errors of thy king repair."

To calm his wrath, his soul to ease, The younger spake in words like these: "Yea, from our bosoms let us cast All idle sorrow for the past.

Let grief and anger be repressed: Again be firm and self-possessed.

This day, O Monarch, shalt thou see The Vanar legions turn and flee, And Rama and his brother slain With their hearts' blood shall dye the plain.

Yea, if the G.o.d who rules the dead, And Varu? their battalions led; If Indra with the Storm-G.o.ds came Against me, and the Lord of Flame, Still would I fight with all and slay Thy banded foes, my King, to-day.

If Raghu's son this day withstand The blow of mine uplifted hand, Deep in his breast my darts shall sink, And torrents of his life-blood drink.

O fear not, in my promise trust: This arm shall lay him in the dust, Shall leave the fierce Sugriva dyed With gore, and Lakshma? by his side, And strike the great Hanuman down, The spoiler of our glorious town."(973)

Canto LXIV. Mahodar's Speech.

He ceased: and when his lips were closed Mahodar thus his rede opposed: "Why wilt thou shame thy n.o.ble birth And speak like one of little worth?

Why boast thee thus in youthful pride Rejecting wisdom for thy guide?

How will thy single arm oppose The victor of a thousand foes, Who proved in Janasthan his might And slew the rovers of the night?

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The Ramayana Part 178 summary

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