The Ramayana Part 69

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Canto Lx.x.xIII. The Journey Begun.

Then Bharat rose at early morn, And in his n.o.ble chariot borne Drove forward at a rapid pace Eager to look on Rama's face.

The priests and lords, a fair array, In sun-bright chariots led the way.

Behind, a well appointed throng, Nine thousand elephants streamed along.

Then sixty thousand cars, and then, With various arms, came fighting men.

A hundred thousand archers showed In lengthened line the steeds they rode- A mighty host, the march to grace Of Bharat, pride of Raghu's race.

Kaikeyi and Sumitra came, And good Kausalya, dear to fame: By hopes of Rama's coming cheered They in a radiant car appeared.

On fared the n.o.ble host to see Rama and Lakshma?, wild with glee, And still each other's ear to please, Of Rama spoke in words like these: "When shall our happy eyes behold Our hero true, and pure, and bold, So l.u.s.trous dark, so strong of arm, Who keeps the world from woe and harm?

The tears that now our eyeb.a.l.l.s dim Will vanish at the sight of him, As the whole world's black shadows fly When the bright sun ascends the sky."

Conversing thus their way pursued The city's joyous mult.i.tude, And each in mutual rapture pressed A friend or neighbour to his breast.

Thus every man of high renown, And every merchant of the town, And leading subjects, joyous went Toward Rama in his banishment.

And those who worked the potter's wheel, And artists skilled in gems to deal; And masters of the weaver's art, And those who shaped the sword and dart; And they who golden trinkets made, And those who plied the fuller's trade; And servants trained the bath to heat, And they who dealt in incense sweet; Physicians in their business skilled, And those who wine and mead distilled; And workmen deft in gla.s.s who wrought, And those whose snares the peac.o.c.k caught; With them who bored the ear for rings, Or sawed, or fas.h.i.+oned ivory things; And those who knew to mix cement, Or lived by sale of precious scent; And men who washed, and men who sewed, And thralls who mid the herds abode; And fishers of the flood, and they Who played and sang, and women gay; And virtuous Brahmans, Scripture-wise, Of life approved in all men's eyes; These swelled the prince's lengthened train, Borne each in car or bullock wain.

Fair were the robes they wore upon Their limbs where red-hued unguents shone.

These all in various modes conveyed Their journey after Bharat made; The soldiers' hearts with rapture glowed, Following Bharat on his road, Their chief whose tender love would fain Bring his dear brother home again.

With elephant, and horse, and car, The vast procession travelled far, And came where Ganga's waves below The town of Sringavera(361) flow.

There, with his friends and kinsmen nigh, Dwelt Guha, Rama's dear ally, Heroic guardian of the land With dauntless heart and ready hand.

There for a while the mighty force That followed Bharat stayed its course, Gazing on Ganga's bosom stirred By many a graceful water-bird.

When Bharat viewed his followers there, And Ganga's water, blest and fair, The prince, who lore of words possessed, His councillors and lords addressed: "The captains of the army call: Proclaim this day a halt for all, That so to-morrow, rested, we May cross this flood that seeks the sea.

Meanwhile, descending to the sh.o.r.e, The funeral stream I fain would pour From Ganga's fair auspicious tide To him, my father glorified."

Thus Bharat spoke: each peer and lord Approved his words with one accord, And bade the weary troops repose In separate spots where'er they chose.

There by the mighty stream that day, Most glorious in its vast array The prince's wearied army lay In various groups reclined.

There Bharat's hours of night were spent, While every eager thought he bent On bringing home from banishment His brother, great of mind.

Canto Lx.x.xIV. Guha's Anger.

King Guha saw the host spread o'er The wide expanse of Ganga's sh.o.r.e, With waving flag and pennon graced, And to his followers spoke in haste: "A mighty army meets my eyes, That rivals Ocean's self in size: Where'er I look my very mind No limit to the host can find.

Sure Bharat with some evil thought His army to our land has brought.

See, huge of form, his flag he rears, That like an Ebony-tree appears.

He comes with bonds to take and chain, Or triumph o'er our people slain: And after, Rama will he slay,- Him whom his father drove away: The power complete he longs to gain, And-task too hard-usurp the reign.

So Bharat comes with wicked will His brother Rama's blood to spill.

But Rama's slave and friend am I; He is my lord and dear ally.

Keep here your watch in arms arrayed Near Ganga's flood to lend him aid, And let my gathered servants stand And line with troops the river strand.

Here let the river keepers meet, Who flesh and roots and berries eat; A hundred fishers man each boat Of the five hundred here afloat, And let the youthful and the strong a.s.semble in defensive throng.

But yet, if, free from guilty thought 'Gainst Rama, he this land have sought, The prince's happy host to-day Across the flood shall make its way."

He spoke: then bearing in a dish A gift of honey, meat, and fish, The king of the Nishadas drew Toward Bharat for an interview.

When Bharat's n.o.ble charioteer Observed the monarch hastening near, He duly, skilled in courteous lore, The tidings to his master bore: "This aged prince who hither bends His footsteps with a thousand friends, Knows, firm ally of Rama, all That may in Da??ak wood befall: Therefore, Kakutstha's son, admit The monarch, as is right and fit: For doubtless he can clearly tell Where Rama now and Lakshma? dwell."

When Bharat heard Sumantra's rede, To his fair words the prince agreed: "Go quickly forth," he cried, "and bring Before my face the aged king."

King Guha, with his kinsmen near, Rejoiced the summoning to hear: He nearer drew, bowed low his head, And thus to royal Bharat said: "No mansions can our country boast, And unexpected comes thy host: But what we have I give thee all: Rest in the lodging of thy thrall.

See, the Nishadas here have brought The fruit and roots their hands have sought: And we have woodland fare beside, And store of meat both fresh and dried.

To rest their weary limbs, I pray This night at least thy host may stay: Then cheered with all we can bestow To-morrow thou with it mayst go."

Canto Lx.x.xV. Guha And Bharat.

Thus the Nishadas' king besought: The prince with spirit wisdom-fraught Replied in seemly words that blent Deep matter with the argument: "Thou, friend of him whom I revere, With honours high hast met me here, For thou alone wouldst entertain And feed to-day so vast a train."

In such fair words the prince replied, Then, pointing to the path he cried: "Which way aright will lead my feet To Bharadvaja's calm retreat; For all this land near Ganga's streams Pathless and hard to traverse seems?"

Thus spoke the prince: King Guha heard Delighted every prudent word, And gazing on that forest wide, Raised suppliant hands, and thus replied: "My servants, all the ground who know, O glorious Prince, with thee shall go With constant care thy way to guide, And I will journey by thy side.

But this thy host so wide dispread Wakes in my heart one doubt and dread, Lest, threatening Rama good and great, Ill thoughts thy journey stimulate."

But when King Guha, ill at ease, Declared his fear in words like these, As pure as is the cloudless sky With soft voice Bharat made reply: "Suspect me not: ne'er come the time For me to plot so foul a crime!

He is my eldest brother, he Is like a father dear to me.

I go to lead my brother thence Who makes the wood his residence.

No thought but this thy heart should frame: This simple truth my lips proclaim."

Then with glad cheer King Guha cried, With Bharat's answer gratified: "Blessed art thou: on earth I see None who may vie, O Prince, with thee, Who canst of thy free will resign The kingdom which unsought is thine.

For this, a name that ne'er shall die, Thy glory through the worlds shall fly, Who fain wouldst balm thy brother's pain And lead the exile home again."

As Guha thus, and Bharat, each To other spoke in friendly speech, The Day-G.o.d sank with glory dead, And night o'er all the sky was spread.

Soon as King Guha's thoughtful care Had quartered all the army there, Well honoured, Bharat laid his head Beside Satrughna on a bed.

But grief for Rama yet oppressed High-minded Bharat's faithful breast- Such torment little was deserved By him who ne'er from duty swerved.

The fever raged through every vein And burnt him with its inward pain: So when in woods the flames leap free The fire within consumes the tree.

From heat of burning anguish sprung The sweat upon his body hung, As when the sun with fervid glow On high Himalaya melts the snow.

As, banished from the herd, a bull Wanders alone and sorrowful.

Thus sighing and distressed, In misery and bitter grief, With fevered heart that mocked relief, Distracted in his mind, the chief Still mourned and found no rest.

Canto Lx.x.xVI. Guha's Speech.

Guha the king, acquainted well With all that in the wood befell, To Bharat the unequalled told The tale of Lakshma? mighty-souled: "With many an earnest word I spake To Lakshma? as he stayed awake, And with his bow and shaft in hand To guard his brother kept his stand: "Now sleep a little, Lakshma?, see This pleasant bed is strewn for thee: Hereon thy weary body lay, And strengthen thee with rest, I pray, Inured to toil are men like these, But thou hast aye been nursed in ease.

Rest, duteous-minded! I will keep My watch while Rama lies asleep: For in the whole wide world is none Dearer to me than Raghu's son.

Harbour no doubt or jealous fear: I speak the truth with heart sincere: For from the grace which he has shown Will glory on my name be thrown: Great store of merit shall I gain, And duteous, form no wish in vain.

Let me enforced by many a row Of followers, armed with shaft and bow For well-loved Rama's weal provide Who lies asleep by Sita's side.

For through this wood I often go, And all its shades conceal I know: And we with conquering arms can meet A four-fold host arrayed complete."

"With words like these I spoke, designed To move the high-souled Bharat's mind, But he upon his duty bent, Plied his persuasive argument: "O, how can slumber close mine eyes When lowly couched with Sita lies The royal Rama? can I give My heart to joy, or even live?

He whom no mighty demon, no, Nor heavenly G.o.d can overthrow, See, Guha, how he lies, alas, With Sita couched on gathered gra.s.s.

By varied labours, long, severe, By many a prayer and rite austere, He, Dasaratha's cherished son, By Fortune stamped, from Heaven was won.

Now as his son is forced to fly, The king ere long will surely die: Reft of his guardian hand, forlorn In widowed grief this land will mourn.

E'en now perhaps, with toil o'erspent, The women cease their loud lament, And cries of woe no longer ring Throughout the palace of the king.

But ah for sad Kausalya! how Fare she and mine own mother now?

How fares the king? this night, I think, Some of the three in death will sink.

With hopes upon Satrughna set My mother may survive as yet, But the sad queen will die who bore The hero, for her grief is sore.

His cherished wish that would have made Dear Rama king, so long delayed, "Too late! too late!" the king will cry, And conquered by his misery die.

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The Ramayana Part 69 summary

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