The Ramayana Part 79

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Back to her home she turned once more, And there her promised son she bore.

Because her rival mixed the bane To render her conception vain, And her unripened fruit destroy, Sagar she called her rescued boy.(391) He, when he paid that solemn rite,(392) Filled living creatures with affright: Obedient to his high decree His countless sons dug out the sea.

Prince Asamanj was Sagar's child: But him with cruel sin defiled And loaded with the people's hate His father banished from the state.

To Asamanj his consort bare Bright Ansuman his valiant heir.

Ansuman's son, Dilipa famed, Begot a son Bhagirath named.

From him renowned Kakutstha came: Thou bearest still the lineal name.

Kakutstha's son was Raghu: thou Art styled the son of Raghu now.

From him came Purushadak bold, Fierce hero of gigantic mould: Kalmashapada's name he bore, Because his feet were spotted o'er.

Sankhan his son, to manhood grown, Died sadly with his host o'erthrown, But ere he perished sprang from him Sudarsan fair in face and limb.

From beautiful Sudarsan came Prince Agnivar?a, bright as flame.

His son was Sighraga, for speed Unmatched; and Maru was his seed.

Prasusruka was Maru's child: His son was Ambarisha styled.

Nahush was Ambarisha's heir With hand to strike and heart to dare.

His son was good Nabhag, from youth Renowned for piety and truth.

From great Nabhag sprang children two Aja and Suvrat pure and true.

From Aja Dasaratha came, Whose virtuous life was free from blame.

His eldest son art thou: his throne, O famous Rama, is thine own.

Accept the sway so justly thine, And view the world with eyes benign.

For ever in Ikshvaku's race The eldest takes his father's place, And while he lives no son beside As lord and king is sanctified.

The rule by Raghu's children kept Thou must not spurn to-day.

This realm of peerless wealth accept, And like thy father sway."

Canto CXI. Counsel To Bharat.

Thus said Vasish?ha, and again To Rama spake in duteous strain: "All men the light of life who see With high respect should look on three: High honour ne'er must be denied To father, mother, holy guide.

First to their sires their birth they owe, Nursed with maternal love they grow: Their holy guides fair knowledge teach: So men should love and honour each.

Thy sire and thou have learned of me, The sacred guide of him and thee, And if my word thou wilt obey Thou still wilt keep the virtuous way.

See, with the chiefs of every guild And all thy friends, this place is filled: All these, as duty bids, protect; So still the righteous path respect.

O, for thine aged mother feel, Nor spurn the virtuous dame's appeal: Obey, O Prince, thy mother dear, And still to virtue's path adhere.

Yield thou to Bharat's fond request, With earnest supplication pressed, So wilt thou to thyself be true, And faith and duty still pursue."

Thus by his saintly guide addressed With pleas in sweetest tones expressed, The lord of men in turn replied To wise Vasish?ha by his side: "The fondest son's observance ne'er Repays the sire and mother's care: The constant love that food provides, And dress, and every need besides: Their pleasant words still soft and mild, Their nurture of the helpless child: The words which Dasaratha spake, My king and sire, I ne'er will break."

Then Bharat of the ample chest The wise Sumantra thus addressed; "Bring sacred gra.s.s, O charioteer, And strew it on the level here.

For I will sit and watch his face Until I win my brother's grace.

Like a robbed Brahman will I lie,(393) Nor taste of food nor turn my eye, In front of Rama's leafy cot, And till he yield will leave him not."

When Bharat saw Sumantra's eye Looked up to Rama for reply, The Prince himself in eager haste The sacred gra.s.s in order placed.

Him great and mighty Rama, best Of royal saints, in turn addressed: "What, Bharat, have I done, that thou Besiegest me,(394) a suppliant now?

Thus streched, to force redress for wrongs To men of Brahman birth belongs, Not those upon whose kingly head The consecrating drops are shed.

Up, lord of men! arise, and quit This fearful vow for thee unfit.

Go, brother, seek Ayodhya's town, Fair city of supreme renown."

But Bharat, as his seat he took, Cast all around an eager look: "O people, join your prayers with mine, And so his stubborn heart incline."

And all the people answered thus: "Full well is Rama known to us.

Right is the word he speaks and he Is faithful to his sire's decree: Nor can we rashly venture now To turn him from his purposed vow."

Then Rama spoke: "O Bharat, heed Thy virtuous friends, and mark their rede.

Mark well what I and these advise, And duty view with clearer eyes.

Thy hand on mine, O hero, place, Touch water, and thy sin efface."

Then Bharat rose: his hand he dipped, And purifying water sipped: "Each citizen," he cried, "give ear, Attend, each counsellor and peer.

My mother planned, by me untaught, To win the sway I never sought: Ne'er Raghu's son could I despise, In duty's lore supremely wise.

Now if obedience to our sire This dwelling in the woods require, I, till the destined years be spent, Will dwell alone in banishment."

The virtuous Rama, wonder-stirred, The faithful speech of Bharat heard, And thus the hero's feelings found Due utterance, as he gazed around:

"Still to my father's word I hold, Whate'er he bought, or pledged, or sold: Ne'er shall his living promise be Annulled by Bharat or by me.

Not thus my task will I evade, My exile on another laid: Most wise was Queen Kaikeyi's rede, And just and good my father's deed.

Dear Bharat's patient soul I know, How reverence due he loves to show; In him, high-souled and faithful found, Must each auspicious grace abound.

When from the woods I turn again I with his aid shall n.o.bly reign, With one so good, of peerless worth, A glorious lord of happy earth.

Her boon Kaikeyi sought and won.

I, as my father swore, have done: And O, do thou, my brother dear, The monarch's name from falsehood clear.

Canto CXII. The Sandals.

High wonder mingled with delight Took the great sages at the sight, Thrilling their b.r.e.a.s.t.s who came to view The meeting of the peerless two.

The saints and sages' holy train Departed to their home again.

And high each holy voice was raised, And thus the glorious brothers praised.

"High fate is his, the sire of two Most virtuous souls, so brave and true: With wonder and with joy intense Our ears have heard their conference."

Then the great sages, longing all To see the ten-necked tyrant(395) fall, To Bharat, bravest of the brave, Their salutary counsel gave:

"O thou of lofty lineage born, Whom wisdom, conduct, fame adorn, Thou for thy honoured father's sake Shouldst Rama's righteous counsel take.

All debts to Queen Kaikeyi paid, Thy sire his home in heaven has made, So virtuous Rama we would see From filial obligation free."

Thus gave each royal sage advice, High saint, and bard of Paradise; Then quickly vanis.h.i.+ng from view Each to his proper home withdrew.

Then Rama's face his rapture showed, And his full heart with joy o'erflowed, While, as the sages parted thence, He paid his humble reverence.

Then Bharat shook in every limb As suppliant thus he spake to him: "The duty of a king respect, Held by our race in high respect: And O, thy gracious ear incline To heed my mother's prayer and mine.

The mighty realm to rule and guard For me alone is task too hard.

No power have I the love to gain Of n.o.ble, citizen, and swain.

All those who know thee, warrior, friend, On thee their eager glances bend, As labouring hinds who till the plain Look fondly for the Lord of Rain.

O wisest Prince, thy realm secure, And make its firm foundations sure.

Kakutstha's son, thy mighty arm Can keep the nation free from harm."

He spoke, and fell in sorrow drowned At Rama's feet upon the ground, And there the hero sued and sighed, And "Hear me, Raghu's son," he cried.

Then Rama raised him up, and pressed His brother to his loving breast, And sweetly as a wild swan cried To Bharat dark and lotus-eyed: "So just and true thy generous soul, Thy hand may well this earth control: But many a sage his aid will lend, With counsellor, and peer, and friend: With these advise: their counsel ask, And so perform thy arduous task.

The moon his beauty may forgo, The cold forsake the Hills of Snow, And Ocean o'er his banks may sweep, But I my father's word will keep.

Now whether love of thee or greed Thy mother led to plan the deed, Forth from thy breast the memory throw, And filial love and reverence show."

Thus spake Kausalya's son: again Bharat replied in humble strain To him who matched the sun in might And lovely as the young moon's light: "Put, n.o.ble brother, I entreat, These sandals on thy blessed feet: These, lord of men, with gold bedecked, The realm and people will protect."

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The Ramayana Part 79 summary

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