The Ramayana Part 83

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Thus entertained he pa.s.sed the night, Then, with the morning's early light, To all the hermits bade adieu And sought his onward way anew.

He pierced the mighty forest where Roamed many a deer and pard and bear: Its ruined pools he scarce could see.

For creeper rent and prostrate tree, Where shrill cicada's cries were heard, And plaintive notes of many a bird.

Deep in the thickets of the wood With Lakshma? and his spouse he stood, There in the horrid shade he saw A giant pa.s.sing nature's law: Vast as some mountain-peak in size, With mighty voice and sunken eyes, Huge, hideous, tall, with monstrous face, Most ghastly of his giant race.

A tiger's hide the Rakshas wore Still reeking with the fat and gore: Huge-faced, like Him who rules the dead, All living things he struck with dread.

Three lions, tigers four, ten deer He carried on his iron spear, Two wolves, an elephant's head beside With mighty tusks which blood-drops dyed.

When on the three his fierce eye fell, He charged them with a roar and yell As furious as the grisly King When stricken worlds are peris.h.i.+ng.

Then with a mighty roar that shook The earth beneath their feet, he took The trembling Sita to his side.

Withdrew a little s.p.a.ce, and cried: "Ha, short lived wretches, ye who dare, In hermit dress with matted hair, Armed each with arrows, sword, and bow, Through Da??ak's pathless wood to go: How with one dame, I bid you tell, Can you among ascetics dwell?

Who are ye, sinners, who despise The right, in holy men's disguise?

The great Viradha, day by day Through this deep-tangled wood I stray, And ever, armed with trusty steel, I seize a saint to make my meal.

This woman young and fair of frame Shall be the conquering giant's dame: Your blood, ye things of evil life, My lips shall quaff in battle strife."

He spoke: and Janak's hapless child, Scared by his speech so fierce and wild, Trembled for terror, as a frail Young plantain s.h.i.+vers in the gale.

When Rama saw Viradha clasp Fair Sita in his mighty grasp, Thus with pale lips that terror dried The hero to his brother cried: "O see Viradha's arm enfold My darling in its cursed hold,- The child of Janak best of kings, My spouse whose soul to virtue clings, Sweet princess, with pure glory bright, Nursed in the lap of soft delight.

Now falls the blow Kaikeyi meant, Successful in her dark intent: This day her cruel soul will be Triumphant over thee and me.

Though Bharat on the throne is set, Her greedy eyes look farther yet: Me from my home she dared expel, Me whom all creatures loved so well.

This fatal day at length, I ween, Brings triumph to the younger queen.

I see with bitterest grief and shame Another touch the Maithil dame.

Not loss of sire and royal power So grieves me as this mournful hour."

Thus in his anguish cried the chief: Then drowned in tears, o'erwhelmed by grief, Thus Lakshma? in his anger spake, Quick panting like a spell-bound snake:

"Canst thou, my brother, Indra's peer, When I thy minister am near, Thus grieve like some forsaken thing, Thou, every creature's lord and king?

My vengeful shaft the fiend shall slay, And earth shall drink his blood to-day.

The fury which my soul at first Upon usurping Bharat nursed, On this Viradha will I wreak As Indra splits the mountain peak.

Winged by this arm's impetuous might My shaft with deadly force The monster in the chest shall smite, And fell his shattered corse."

Canto III. Viradha Attacked.

Viradha with a fearful shout That echoed through the wood, cried out:

"What men are ye, I bid you say, And whither would ye bend your way?"

To him whose mouth shot fiery flame The hero told his race and name: "Two Warriors, n.o.bly bred, are we, And through this wood we wander free.

But who art thou, how born and styled, Who roamest here in Da??ak's wild?"

To Rama, bravest of the brave, His answer thus Viradha gave: "Hear, Raghu's son, and mark me well, And I my name and race will tell.

Of Satahrada born, I spring From Java as my sire, O King: Me, of this lofty lineage, all Giants on earth Viradha call.

The rites austere I long maintained From Brahma's grace the boon have gained To bear a charmed frame which ne'er Weapon or shaft may pierce or tear.

Go as ye came, untouched by fear, And leave with me this woman here: Go, swiftly from my presence fly, Or by this hand ye both shall die."

Then Rama with his fierce eyes red With fury to the giant said: "Woe to thee, sinner, fond and weak, Who madly thus thy death wilt seek!

Stand, for it waits thee in the fray: With life thou ne'er shalt flee away."

He spoke, and raised the cord whereon A pointed arrow flashed and shone, Then, wild with anger, from his bow, He launched the weapon on the foe.

Seven times the fatal cord he drew, And forth seven rapid arrows flew, Shafts winged with gold that left the wind And e'en Supar?a's(406) self behind.

Full on the giant's breast they smote, And purpled like the peac.o.c.k's throat, Pa.s.sed through his mighty bulk and came To earth again like flakes of flame.

The fiend the Maithil dame unclasped; In his fierce hand his spear he grasped, And wild with rage, pierced through and through, At Rama and his brother flew.

So loud the roar which chilled with fear, So was the monster's spear, He seemed, like Indra's flagstaff, dread As the dark G.o.d who rules the dead.

On huge Viradha fierce as He(407) Who smites, and worlds have ceased to be, The princely brothers poured amain Their fiery flood of arrowy rain.

Unmoved he stood, and opening wide His dire mouth laughed unterrified, And ever as the monster gaped Those arrows from his jaws escaped.

Preserving still his life unharmed, By Brahma's saving promise charmed, His mighty spear aloft in air He raised, and rushed upon the pair.

From Rama's bow two arrows flew And cleft that ma.s.sive spear in two, Dire as the flaming levin sent From out the cloudy firmament.

Cut by the shafts he guided well To earth the giant's weapon fell: As when from Meru's summit, riven By fiery bolts, a rock is driven.

Then swift his sword each warrior drew, Like a dread serpent black of hue, And gathering fury for the blow Rushed fiercely on the giant foe.

Around each prince an arm he cast, And held the dauntless heroes fast: Then, though his gashes gaped and bled, Bearing the twain he turned and fled.

Then Rama saw the giant's plan, And to his brother thus began: "O Lakshma?, let Viradha still Hurry us onward as he will, For look, Sumitra's son, he goes Along the path we freely chose."

He spoke: the rover of the night Upraised them with terrific might, Till, to his lofty shoulders swung, Like children to his neck they clung.

Then sending far his fearful roar, The princes through the wood he bore,- A wood like some vast cloud to view, Where birds of every plumage flew, And mighty trees o'erarching threw Dark shadows on the ground; Where snakes and silvan creatures made Their dwelling, and the jackal strayed Through tangled brakes around.

Canto IV. Viradha's Death.

But Sita viewed with wild affright The heroes hurried from her sight.

She tossed her shapely arms on high, And shrieked aloud her bitter cry: "Ah, the dread giant bears away The princely Rama as his prey, Truthful and pure, and good and great, And Lakshma? shares his brother's fate.

The brindled tiger and the bear My mangled limbs for food will tear.

Take me, O best of giants, me, And leave the sons of Raghu free."

Then, by avenging fury spurred, Her mournful cry the heroes heard, And hastened, for the lady's sake, The wicked monster's life to take.

Then Lakshma? with resistless stroke The foe's left arm that held him broke, And Rama too, as swift to smite, Smashed with his heavy hand the right.

With broken arms and tortured frame To earth the fainting giant came, Like a huge cloud, or mighty rock Rent, sundered by the levin's shock.

Then rushed they on, and crushed and beat Their foe with arms and fists and feet, And nerved each mighty limb to pound And bray him on the level ground.

Keen arrows and each biting blade Wide rents in breast and side had made; But crushed and torn and mangled, still The monster lived they could not kill.

When Rama saw no arms might slay The fiend who like a mountain lay, The glorious hero, swift to save In danger, thus his counsel gave: "O Prince of men, his charmed life No arms may take in battle strife: Now dig we in this grove a pit His elephantine bulk to fit, And let the hollowed earth enfold The monster of gigantic mould."

This said, the son of Raghu pressed His foot upon the giant's breast.

With joy the prostrate monster heard Victorious Rama's welcome word, And straight Kakutstha's son, the best Of men, in words like these addressed: "I yield, O chieftain, overthrown By might that vies with Indra's own.

Till now my folly-blinded eyes Thee, hero, failed to recognize.

Happy Kausalya! blest to be The mother of a son like thee!

I know thee well, O chieftain, now: Rama, the prince of men, art thou.

There stands the high-born Maithil dame, There Lakshma?, lord of mighty fame.

My name was Tumburu,(408) for song Renowned among the minstrel throng: Cursed by Kuvera's stern decree I wear the hideous shape you see.

But when I sued, his grace to crave, The glorious G.o.d this answer gave: "When Rama, Dasaratha's son, Destroys thee and the fight is won, Thy proper shape once more a.s.sume, And heaven again shall give thee room."

When thus the angry G.o.d replied, No prayers could turn his wrath aside, And thus on me his fury fell For loving Rambha's(409) charms too well.

Now through thy favour am I freed From the stern fate the G.o.d decreed, And saved, O tamer of the foe, By thee, to heaven again shall go.

A league, O Prince, beyond this spot Stands holy Sarabhanga's cot: The very sun is not more bright Than that most glorious anchorite: To him, O Rama, quickly turn, And blessings from the hermit earn.

First under earth my body throw, Then on thy way rejoicing go.

Such is the law ordained of old For giants when their days are told: Their bodies laid in earth, they rise To homes eternal in the skies."

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The Ramayana Part 83 summary

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