The Hunchback Part 22

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The thought's a sudden one,--that will excuse Defect in your appointments. A plain dress,-- So 'tis of white,--will do.

_Helen_. I'll dress in black.

I'll quit the castle.

_Wal_. That you shall not do.

Its doors are guarded by my lord's domestics, Its avenues--its grounds. What you must do, Do with a good grace! In an hour, or less, Your father will be here. Make up your mind To take with thankfulness the man he gives you.

Now, [Aside] if they find not out how beat their hearts, I have no skill, not I, in feeling pulses.

[Goes out.]

_Helen_. Why, cousin Modus! What! will you stand by And see me forced to marry? Cousin Modus!

Have you not got a tongue? Have you not eyes?

Do you not see I'm very--very ill, And not a chair in all the corridor?

_Mod_. I'll find one in the study.

_Helen_. Hang the study!

_Mod_. My room's at hand. I'll fetch one thence.

_Helen_. You shan't I'd faint ere you came back!

_Mod_. What shall I do?

_Helen_. Why don't you offer to support me? Well?

Give me your arm--be quick! [MODUS offers his arm.]

Is that the way To help a lady when she's like to faint?

I'll drop unless you catch me! [MODUS supports her.]

That will do.

I'm better now--[MODUS offers to leave her] don't leave me! Is one well Because one's better? Hold my hand. Keep so.

I'll soon recover so you move not. Loves he--


Which I'll be sworn he does, he'll own it now.

Well, cousin Modus?

_Mod_. Well, sweet cousin!

_Helen_. Well?

You heard what Master Walter said?

_Mod_. I did.

_Helen_. And would you have me marry? Can't you speak?

Say yes or no.

_Mod_. No, cousin!

_Helen_. Bravely said!

And why, my gallant cousin?

_Mod_. Why?

_Helen_. Ay, why?-- Women, you know, are fond of reasons--why Would you not have me marry? How you blus.h.!.+

Is it because you do not know the reason?

You mind me of a story of a cousin Who once her cousin such a question asked.

He had not been to college, though--for books, Had pa.s.sed his time in reading ladies' eyes.

Which he could construe marvellously well, Though writ in language all symbolical.

Thus stood they once together, on a day-- As we stand now--discoursed as we discourse,-- But with this difference,--fifty gentle words He spoke to her, for one she spoke to him!-- What a dear cousin! Well, as I did say, As now I questioned thee, she questioned him.

And what was his reply? To think of it Sets my heart beating--'twas so kind a one!

So like a cousin's answer--a dear cousin!

A gentle, honest, gallant, loving cousin!

What did he say?--A man might find it out, Though never read he Ovid's Art of Love-- What did he say? He'd marry her himself!

How stupid are you, cousin! Let me go!

_Mod_. You are not well yet?

_Helen_. Yes.

_Mod_. I'm sure you're not.

_Helen_. I'm sure I am.

_Mod_. Nay, let me hold you, cousin! I like it.

_Helen_. Do you? I would wager you You could not tell me why you like it. Well?

You see how true I know you! How you stare!

What see you in my face to wonder at?

_Mod_. A pair of eyes!

_Helen_. At last he'll find his tongue--[Aside.]

And saw you ne'er a pair of eyes before?

_Mod_. Not such a pair.

_Helen_. And why?

_Mod_. They are so bright!

You have a Grecian nose.

_Helen_. Indeed.

_Mod_. Indeed!

_Helen_. What kind of mouth have I?

_Mod_. A handsome one. I never saw so sweet a pair of lips!

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The Hunchback Part 22 summary

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