The Hunchback Part 4

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_Julia_. I guess nought.

_Helen_. You do!

At your grave words, your lips, more honest, smile, And show them to be traitors. Hie to him.

_Julia_. Hie thee to soberness.

[Goes out.]

_Helen_. Ay, will I, when, Thy bridemaid, I shall hie to church with thee.

Well, Fathom, who is come?

_Fath_. I know not.

_Helen_. What! Didst thou not hear his name?

_Fath_. I did.

_Helen_. What is't?

_Fath_. I noted not.

_Helen_. What hast thou ears for, then?

_Fath_. What good were it for me to mind his name?

I do but what I must do. To do that Is labour quite enough!

_Wal_. [Without.] What, Fathom!

_Fath_. Here.

_Wal_. [Entering.] Here, sirrah! Wherefore didst not come to me?

_Fath_. You did not bid me come.

_Wal_. I called thee.

_Fath_. Yes.

And I said "Here;" and waited then to know Your wors.h.i.+p's will with me.

_Wal_. We go to town.

Thy mistress, thou, and all the house.

_Fath_. Well, sir?

_Wal_. Mak'st thou not ready then to go to town?

Hence, knave, despatch!

[FATHOM goes out.]

_Helen_. Go we to town?

_Wal_. We do; 'Tis now her father's will she sees the town.

_Helen_. I'm glad on't. Goes she to her father?

_Wal_. No: At the desire of thine she for a term shares roof with thee.

_Helen_. I'm very glad on't.

_Wal_. What!

You like her, then? I thought you would. 'Tis time She sees the town.

_Helen_. It has been time for that These six years.

_Wal_. By thy wisdom's count. No doubt You've told her what a precious place it is.

_Helen_. I have.

_Wal_. I even guessed as much. For that I told thee of her; brought thee here to see her; And prayed thee to sojourn a s.p.a.ce with her; That its fair s.p.a.ce, from thy too fair report, Might strike a novice less--so less deceive her.

I did not put thee under check.

_Helen_. 'Twas right,-- Else had I broken loose, and run the wilder!

So knows she not her father yet: that's strange.

I prithee how does mine?

_Wal_. Well--very well.

News for thee.

_Helen_. What?

_Wal_. Thy cousin is in town.

_Helen_. My cousin Modus?

_Wal_. Much do I suspect That cousin's nearer to thy heart than blood.

_Helen_. Pshaw! Wed me to a musty library!

Love him who nothing loves but Greek and Latin!

But, Master Walter, you forget the main Surpa.s.sing point of all! Who's come with you?

_Wal_. Ay, that's the question!

_Helen_. Is he soldier or Civilian? lord or gentleman? He's rich, If that's his chariot! Where is his estate?

What brings it in? Six thousand pounds a year?

Twelve thousand, may be! Is he bachelor, Or husband? Bachelor I'm sure he is Comes he not hither wooing, Master Walter?

Nay, prithee, answer me!

_Wal_. Who says thy s.e.x Are curious? That they're patient, I'll be sworn; And reasonable--very reasonable-- To look for twenty answers in a breath!

Come, thou shalt be enlightened--but propound Thy questions one by one! Thou'rt far too apt A scholar! My ability to teach Will ne'er keep pace, I fear, with thine to learn.

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The Hunchback Part 4 summary

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