The Man Without a Memory Part 45

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The only thing that really mattered was to contrive somehow that Nessa should be allowed to continue the journey, and it wasn't impossible that Freibach might be able to see to that. He would be willing enough, because he had been very kindly treated by the Caldicotts in London.

Moreover, he had got us into this mess and was obviously distressed about it.

The whispered conference at the other side of the carriage ended by the major jumping up and leaving the carriage, muttering something about not being able to breathe the same air with us, and then his companion turned to me.

"You will appreciate the seriousness of the position to us, Herr La.s.sen, and that we are compelled to investigate it," he said. His tone was somewhat curt, but more official than offensive.


"We are to understand that Baron von Gratzen has employed you on a special mission, knowing that you are an Englishman?"

"I have already given you the facts, but of course I am not at liberty to explain to you all his Excellency's reasons. He would not have given me that authority otherwise."

"It is unfortunately too mutilated to be intelligible."

"It was couched in the widest terms. It was to notify to all concerned that I was to be allowed to go where I pleased and that every a.s.sistance was to be afforded me. You can still see a part of the official stamp."

"It is most extraordinary. Incomprehensible."

"Not if I were free to explain why it was given to me."

"Who gave it you?"

"Baron von Gratzen wrote it himself in my presence. If you know his handwriting, there is enough of it left unburnt for you to identify it."

"I do not."

"Again in my presence he handed it to his secretary, Herr von Welten, to be stamped, and von Welten gave it to me as I left the office. You have heard that he was at the station and himself reserved this compartment for Miss Caldicott and me."

"That's the most remarkable thing of all."

"On the contrary, it was a perfectly natural step. There was a matter I had to arrange before leaving, and his chief was anxious to know that it had been done exactly in accordance with my instructions."

"What was that?"

"That is a question to be put to the Baron. My lips are sealed."

"And you an Englishman! It sounds incredible."

"Do you suppose I should have telegraphed to Baron von Gratzen if it were incredible?"

This worried him not a little, and he sat thinking with his hand pressed to his head. Not having the key to the riddle, he might well be baffled. "And your companion, Miss Caldicott, is going to England?"

"Certainly. You have been quite courteous and I have no objection whatever to show you her papers;" and I took them out and handed them over. "You will see that they also bear the official hallmark of Baron von Gratzen's office."

He was obviously impressed. "Both tickets are through to Rotterdam, I notice. Are you going to England also?"

"My instructions are to see Miss Caldicott across the frontier, and to return to Berlin as soon as my task is finished, unless his Excellency sends for me sooner."

It was such a lovely mixture of the truth and the other thing that it appeared quite flawless, and he couldn't make head or tail of it. "Of course you understand that you will have to remain at Osnabruck while this is being investigated?" he said at length, returning the tickets.

"That is for you to decide, and so far as I myself am concerned it is not of the least consequence. But it's different with Miss Caldicott.

It is essential that her journey should not be interrupted."

Nessa started at this and spoke for the first time. "I shall not go on without you," she protested.

"I must ask you to recall that, Miss Caldicott, if you please. I shall, of course, be placed under some sort of restraint until this gentleman----"

"I am Captain Brulen," he interposed.

"Until Captain Brulen has satisfied himself. His Excellency's instructions are that you proceed at once; and for you to remain there would be extremely invidious and possibly unpleasant."

"I shall not go on if you're stopped," she insisted. It was like her to wish to stick by me in the coming trouble, but impossible, so I adopted an official tone.

"If you persist in your refusal, Miss Caldicott, it will compel me to take a line I should deeply regret. My instructions _must_ be carried out; they were very peremptory."

"I don't care what you do. I won't go on without you," she declared.

"Any delay at Osnabruck will render it impossible for me to see you across the frontier personally, and I shall have to ask Captain Brulen to detail some one for the purpose, Miss Caldicott. I can, of course, rely upon your doing that?" I asked him.

The poor man didn't know what to make of this little interlude and replied with a perplexed gesture.

"I won't go," cried Nessa obstinately. "And if you send me as a prisoner, I'll come straight back. I've made up my mind absolutely."

This dogged att.i.tude was growing dangerous and it became necessary to explain it, so I asked the Captain to come into the corridor, and he complied after a slight hesitation.

"I had better explain one point to you in reference to that young lady.

Until quite recently I have been living in London--on Baron von Gratzen's instructions, of course. I met Miss Caldicott's friends there frequently; they are influential people and were extremely useful to know, you will understand. They have always regarded me as an Englishman, and at one time there was a sort of engagement between us.

That was when your fellow officer, Lieutenant Freibach, met me. He also takes me for English. You will now understand her att.i.tude just now."

He swallowed it like mother's milk. "Why on earth didn't you tell us all this before?"

"Partly because of Major Borsch's disgusting manner; but mainly for the reason which is on the surface, surely. It is not impossible I may receive a wire to go on to England. You see my meaning. Under no circ.u.mstances must either of them know what I have told you. You will now see why Miss Caldicott must go on to-night and must not be allowed to return. The whole of my work in London would be utterly ruined if she and her friends knew I was a German."

"Of course. I am at liberty to tell Major Borsch this?"

"Emphatically not. It is for your own ears solely. I never trust that type of man. Personally, all I care about is to get Miss Caldicott off my hands; and the sooner the better. This business about me will be cleared up in half an hour when we reach Osnabruck; but not in time for me to continue in the train, probably. There will be a wire from the Baron; but that may not be considered sufficient. I don't blame you in the least; but I shall certainly report the Major's conduct."

"I can probably get Freibach to see to Miss Caldicott."

"Nothing could be better. Please von Gratzen immensely," I replied, smiling. "And if you leave us two alone again, no doubt I could persuade Miss Caldicott to agree."

He did this; and as soon as Nessa and I were alone I told her the arrangement and began the persuasion campaign.

Her reception of the news was just what might have been expected. She was furiously indignant. Was that my opinion of her, she demanded. Did I think she was a German and likely to desert any one who had run all this risk to help her? Did I take her for a despicable coward? Was she so abominably mean a thing in my eyes? And a great deal more to the same effect.

It's always best to let that sort of thing empty the petrol tank; so I just listened with becoming meekness which appeared to keep the engine running long after the tank was exhausted. Then: "And how do you think you can help me?" I asked smoothly.

Another vigorous outburst. She didn't care about that. No one should be able to say she had run away in such a case; and so on.

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The Man Without a Memory Part 45 summary

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