Castle Craneycrow Part 34

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"Gone, by G.o.d!" exclaimed Quentin, in helpless amazement. No one had given thought to his illness in the excitement of the moment. He had been called forth with the rest, and when he coughed not even he took note of the fact. This was no time to think of colds and fevers and such a trifling thing as death. He s.h.i.+vered, but it was not with the chill of a sick man; it was the s.h.i.+ver of fear.

"Good Lord, he can't be the one! Turk would die for me!" he cried, almost piteously.

"He is gone, and so is she," grated Lord Bob. "What are we to infer?

He has sold us out, Quentin; that's the truth of it."

"I'm d.a.m.ned!" almost wept d.i.c.key Savage. "They'll have a pack of officers here before morning. I don't give a hoot for myself, but Lady Saxondale and--"

"Great heaven! what have I brought you to in my folly?" groaned Quentin, covering his face with his hands.

"Open the gate!" called a hoa.r.s.e voice outside the wall, and every heart stopped beating, every face went white. A heavy boot crashed against the gate.

"The officers!" whispered Lady Jane, in terror. d.i.c.key Savage's arm went round her.

"Let me in! Git a move on!'

"It's Turk!" roared Quentin, springing toward the gate. An instant later Turk was sprawling inside the circle of light shed by the lantern, and a half-dozen voices were hurling questions at him.

The little man was in a sorry plight. He was dirt-covered and b.l.o.o.d.y, and he was so full of blasphemy that he choked in suppressing it.

"Where is she? Where have you been?" cried Quentin, shaking him violently in his agitation.

"Gimme time, gimme time!" panted Turk. "I've got to git my breath, ain't I? She's flew th' coop, an' I couldn't head her off. Say, has a priest been loafin' aroun' here lately?"

"A priest!" cried Lord Bob. "There hasn't been one here since Father Bivot came three years ago to--"

"I mean this week, not t'ree years ago. She's gone with a priest, an' I'm nex' to who he is, too. He ain't no more priest 'n I am.

It's that French detective, Courant, an' he's worked us to a fare-you-well. He's th' boy!"

This startling news threw the party into deeper consternation than before. The little ex-burglar was not a fluent talker at best, but he now excelled himself in brevity. In three minutes he had concluded his story, and preparations were well under way for the pursuit.

He was, according to his narrative, sitting in the lower end of the courtyard about nine o'clock, calmly smoking his pipe, when his attention was caught by the long, shrill call of a night bird. No such sound had come to his ears during his stay at the castle, and his curiosity was aroused. Not dreaming of what was to follow, he slowly walked toward the front of the castle. A woman stood in the shadow of the wall near the gate. Hardly had his eyes made out the dim figure when the whistle was repeated. Before he fully grasped the situation, the big gate swung slowly inward and another figure, at first glance that of a woman, stood inside the wall. He heard the woman call softly: "Is that you, Father?" A man's voice replied, but the words were too low to be distinguished. The woman drew back as if to return to the house, but the newcomer was at her side, and his hand was on her arm.

There was a moment of indecision, then resistance, two or three sharp words from the man, and then the two seemed to fade through the wall. The ponderous gate was closing before the dumbfounded watcher could collect his wits. Like a shot he was across the stones, now alive to the meaning of the strange proceeding. With desperate hands he grasped the bar of the gate and pulled, uttering a loud shout of alarm at the same time. Surprised by the sudden interference, the man on the other side gave way and Turk was through the opening and upon him. A stunning blow on the head met him as he hurled himself forward, and he plunged headlong to the ground. As he struggled to his feet another blow fell, and then all was darkness.

When he opened his eyes again two figures were careening down the steep path, a hundred yards away. They were running, and were plainly distinguishable in the moonlight. Turk knew that the woman was Dorothy Garrison. He had heard her cry, after the first blow, "Don't! Don't kill him, Father! It is Turk!" Crazed with anger and determined to recapture her single-handed, Turk neglected to call for help. With the blood streaming down his face, he dashed off in pursuit. There was in his heart the desire to kill the man who had struck him down. Near the foot of the hill he came up with them and he was like a wildcat.

Miss Garrison had fallen to her knees and was moaning as if in pain.

The priest crouched behind her, protecting his person from a possible shot from the pursuer. "For G.o.d's sake, don't shoot him!"

screamed the girl, but a moment later there was a flash of light, a report, and a pistol ball whizzed by Turk's ear. He was unarmed, but he did not stop. Throwing himself forward, he stretched out his arms to grasp the crouching priest, hoping to prevent the firing of another shot. But he had not reckoned on the cleverness of the man at bay. The priest dropped flat to the ground and Turk plunged over his body, wildly clutching for the prostrate man as he went. With the cunning of a fox, the priest, on realizing that he could not avoid a personal conflict, had looked about for means to end the pursuit effectually.

r.e.t.a.r.ded in his progress by the tired, trembling girl, he saw that a stand against the oncomer was unavoidable. He cleverly selected the spot for this stand, and braced himself as for the onslaught.

Scarcely a yard beyond his position there was a sharp declivity among the rocks, with a clear drop of a dozen feet or more to the bottom of a wide His shot went wild and he could not repeat it, for Dorothy was frantically clutching his arm. The strategem worked well, and he had the satisfaction of hearing a mighty oath as Turk, unable to check himself, slipped from the edge and went cras.h.i.+ng to the rocks below.

With the speed of a hunted animal, the priest leaped to his feet, dragging the girl after him, and a harsh laugh came from his throat as they dashed onward. A quick glance behind showed there had been but one pursuer, and the man in the robes of holiness chuckled exultantly. But, if Dorothy Garrison believed him to be the priest his robes declared, the moonlight told the fallen Turk the truth.

Indeed, it was the intentness with which the little ex-burglar gazed upon the white face of Courant that prevented him from seeing the ledge as he dashed up to the couple.

How long it was afterward that Turk came to his senses and crawled back to the roadway, dizzy, weak and defeated, he knew not. He could only groan and gnash his teeth when he stood erect again and saw that he was utterly alone. Courant and the girl were gone. In shame and humiliation he climbed the hill to call for help.

Just as the searching party was about to rush recklessly from the courtyard, servants having been instructed to bring out the horses, Lady Jane espied a white piece of paper on the ground near the gate.

And then it was that they read the parting message from the girl who was gone. With a trembling voice Lady Saxondale read:

"I have found a way, and I am going, if nothing prevents. With the help of my good angel I shall soon be far from this place. A holy man in pa.s.sing saw my signal of distress and promised rescue. You have been good to me, and I can only repay you by refusing to expose you. This priest does not know who you are. I shall not tell him or any who may be with him. No one shall ever know from me that you were my abductors. G.o.d grant that you may never have to pay the penalty. Go, while you may, for the truth may become known without my help, and I may not be able to save you. Save yourselves, all of you. I mean Philip Quentin, too, because I know he loves me.


Philip Quentin took the forlorn, even distressed, message from the hands of Lady Saxondale, kissed it devoutly, and placed it in his pocket.

"Philip is too ill to go out on this desperate chase," cried Lady Saxondale.

"Ill! I'll die if I am not gone from here in five minutes! Great Lord, Bob, those fools have been an hour getting the horses!"

groaned Quentin, pacing back and forth like a caged animal.

"Don't get excited, Phil; keep your head. You're not fit to be running about in a business like this, but all Christendom couldn't stop you. It may be a wild goose chase, after all," said Lord Bob.

"She's been carried back to the accursed villain who employs Courant, and I'll die before I'll let him have her. Oh, what fools we've been!"

"Here's a puzzler, old man," said d.i.c.key. "Why was not Ugo here to help Courant if he knew anything about the fellow's actions? By cracky, I don't believe Ugo knows anything about the Frenchman's find."

"He owns Courant, body and soul!"

"That jacky is out for the hundred thousand francs, and he's working on his own hook this time, my boy. He's after the reward, and he's the only one that has been keen enough to find us out. Mark me, he is working alone.

"Sure, he is," added Turk. "He's got no pardners in th' job, er he'd a' had em along to-night. S'pose he'd run into a gang like this alone if he had anybody t' fall back on? Not on your life. We're a mighty tough gang, an' he takes no chances with us if he's workin'

fer anybody else."

"We're not a tough gang!" wailed Lady Jane, in tears. "Oh, what will become of us!"

"The Lord only knows, if we fail to get both Dorothy and Courant,"

said Quentin, in real anguish.

"They may be in Luxemburg by this time," said Saxondale. "Gad, this is working in the dark!"

"That road down there don't go t' Luxemburg direct, m' lord,"

quickly interposed Turk. "It goes off into th' hills, don't you remember? An' then out th' valley some place 'way to th' north. If he'd been goin' to th' city he'd 'a' taken th' road back here an'

kep' from goin' down th' hill."

"You're right, Turk," exclaimed Lord Bob. "He has gone up the valley, headed for one of the little towns, and will steer clear of the Luxemburg officers for fear they may demand a part of the reward."

"G.o.d, Saxondale, are those horses never coming?" fumed Quentin. "I won't wait!" and he was off like a madman through the gate and down the steep. Behind him tore Turk, the faithful.


When Turk pitched over the crouching form of the priest and into the dark chasm beyond Dorothy for the first time began to appreciate the character of her cowled rescuer. Panting and terrified, she looked into his hideously exultant face as he rose and peered over the ledge after the luckless pursuer. It was not the face of a holy man of G.o.d, but that of a creature who could laugh in the taking of a human life.

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Castle Craneycrow Part 34 summary

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