The Eye of Istar Part 13

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"Then give ear unto me," said the Khalifa, in a low, earnest tone.

"Thou hast admitted that we have both much to gain by the downfall of thy Sultan, therefore we must act together carefully, with perfect trust in one another. My suggestion is that exactly four moons from to-day my fighting-men, to the number of sixteen thousand, shall encamp at various points two days distant, ready to converge upon this city. On thy part, thou wilt invent some grievance against the Sultan to stir up discontent among the guards, Janissaries and slaves, and let the dissatisfaction spread to the army itself. Then, when they are ripe for revolt, an announcement will be made that the Dervishes are already in force at the city gates, and that if they are prepared to live under better conditions, with thyself as ruler under the Khalifa, they must throw down their arms. This they will a.s.suredly do, and my Ansar will enter the city and the Fada as conquerors. They will have orders to kill the Sultan at once, and to secure his daughter Azala, of whose wondrous beauty I have heard much, for my harem. In the meantime, Katsena and Sokoto will be immediately subdued by my hors.e.m.e.n, and before sundown I shall be proclaimed ruler throughout the Empire. a.s.suredly, I shall not forget thee, and thy gains will be large. This palace, with the whole of the harem and half the treasure it containeth, shall be given unto thee, and thou wilt continue to reside here and rule on my behalf.

Under my suzerainty thy power will be absolute, and with the army of the Soudan at thy back thou wilt fear none."

"Thou temptest me, O Khalifa," the Aga said, still undecided to turn traitor to the monarch who reposed in him the utmost confidence. "But even if thou gavest unto me this palace I should not have the means to keep it up. Of a verity I am a poor man, and--"

"Do my bidding and thou shalt be wealthy," Abdullah exclaimed, impatiently. "As Governor of Sokoto thine expenses will come from the Treasury, therefore trouble thyself not upon that score. Stir up the revolt, and take precaution that the life of the Princess Azala is preserved; leave the rest unto me."

"The daughter of the Sultan hath already a lover," Khazneh said suddenly, his words causing my heart to beat so quickly that I could distinctly hear it.

"A lover!" cried the Khalifa. "Who dareth to gaze upon her with thoughts of affection?"

"A spy from thy camp."

"From my camp?" he repeated, puzzled.

"I had intended that he should lose his head, but the Sultan himself pardoned him because he feared the consequence of some strange symbol the spy bore upon his breast."

"Was he the Arab horseman captured at the well of Sabo-n-Gari?" asked the Khalifa, with knit brows, evidently recollecting the description I had given of the attack.

"The same. The Lalla Azala saved his life, and declared to me that she loved him."

"Then I, the Khalifa, have a rival in Zafar, the chief of my body-servants!" my master cried angrily, between his teeth. "I will give orders to-day for his removal."

"Send his head to her as a present," suggested the Aga, with a brutal laugh. "The sight of it will break her spirit."

"Thy lips utter words of wisdom. I will send it to thee, that thou mayest convey it to her."

Thus I stood, hearing my fate being discussed, not daring to move a muscle, for so close was I to the pair, that I could have struck them dead with the keen _jambiyah_ I carried in my sash.

"Then it is thine intention to annex Sokoto unto thine already extensive domains," the Aga exclaimed, in a few moments.

The Khalifa nodded an affirmative, adding, "Hesitate no longer, but give thy decision. If thou wilt open the gates of Kano for the admission of my Ansar, thou shalt, as reward, occupy the highest and most lucrative post in the Empire. If not--" And he shrugged his shoulders significantly.

"And if not?" the Aga asked, slowly.

"If not, then every man in Omdurman capable of bearing arms shall come forth unto this thy city, and take it by a.s.sault. Then a.s.suredly will little mercy be shown those who have defied the Ruler of the Soudan,"

and his brow darkened. "The Empire, as thou hast said, is badly governed. Men are appointed to all offices who are unfit, war languishes, thine enemies rejoice, the leaders of thy troops prefer their harems to their camps, and from the cadis the people obtain no justice. Therefore give me the promise of thine a.s.sistance, and let us together gather the reins of office in our hands. Thou hast no power now outside the Courts of Enchantment, and no wealth beyond thine emoluments, but it is within thy reach to acquire both wealth and greatness."

"But if, while I sought to alienate the guards and soldiers against the Sultan, my seditious words should be whispered into his ear? a.s.suredly my head would fall beneath the _doka_ of the executioner."

"Fear not," answered the head of the Mahdists. "If thou art willing to carry out my suggestion, I shall make an excuse for remaining as guest of thy Sultan, by continuing the negotiations for the defensive treaty against those dogs of English. At sundown to-night a trusty messenger will leave, bearing orders to my emirs to a.s.semble the troops and speed hither with all haste, and while the Sultan is unsuspecting, his doom will fast approach. What craft cannot effect, gold may perchance accomplish. If thy treasonable practices are detected, then will I intercede for thee, and he cannot act in direct opposition to the entreaty of his guest. But hearken! Some one is astir!"

The patter of bare feet upon the polished pavement broke the silence as intently we listened. A black slave was approaching.

"Come, give me thine answer quickly, and before sundown our written undertakings under seal shall be secretly exchanged."

Khazneh hesitated. Apparently he was distrustful of the Khalifa's true intentions, although the generous reward promised for his services in securing the entry of the Dervishes without opposition was a tempting bait. His fingers toyed nervously with the jewelled hilt of his sword-- the keen, curved weapon that had struck off so many fair heads within the brilliant Courts of Enchantment--and again he bit his uneven fingernails.

"Think! Thou hast much to gain, with naught to lose," urged the Khalifa. "Under me thou wilt occupy the same position as thine Imperial Master. Come, speak; and let us part ere we are remarked."

"I--I will a.s.sist thee," the Aga stammered at last, in a low, half-frightened whisper. "At sundown let our secret compact be concluded."

My astute master well knew that the temptation to secure wealth and power would induce the scheming Aga of the Women to become his catspaw.

He had not approached his accomplice without thoroughly fathoming his character, and noting his weaknesses. I could detect from his face that from the first he had been confident of success.

"Then upon thee be perfect peace, even until the day of Al-Ja.s.sasa,"

answered the Khalifa, with a sinister smile of satisfaction, and without further speech the two men parted, walking in different directions, and leaving me, excited and apprehensive, to my own reflections.



Allah took me into his keeping. I made a solitude and called it peace.

Half-an-hour later I succeeded in escaping unrecognised from the Fada, and pa.s.sing out by the great gate, hurried breathlessly through the slave-market, already alive with Arabs, negroes and herds of half-starved slaves, through the Yaalewa quarter, past the Palace of Ghaladima, and down many quaint and narrow streets of square, flat-roofed houses, their walls intensely white against the bright, unclouded blue, with pa.s.sages from the Koran inscribed over the doors.

The great market presented a most animated scene, for business is transacted in Kano before the sun becomes powerful. All the idioms of the Sahara, Soudan and Northern Africa, from the blue Mediterranean and grey Atlantic to Lake Tsad, were to be heard there, and beneath the white turban or red fez were all the different types of negro races-- Berber, Songhoi, Bambara, Toucoulem, Malinka, among the blacks; and Foulbes, Moors, Tuaregs, and Tripolitans among the whites. Rows of shops bordered three sides of the market, and the fourth opened upon the Mosque, as if in reminder that honesty and good faith should preside over all its transactions. Sitting surrounded by calabashes and potteries, the women, with neatly-plaited black hair, sold vegetables, milk, manioc, incense, baobab flour, karita, spices, soap and f.a.gots of wood. In the centre of the market were three shops in which were sold the choicer goods--native and European textiles, Manchester calicoes and Lyons silks, with salt, kola nuts, slippers, mirrors, pearls, knives, etc. The money-changer was also stationed there, with his black face showing out from between his little mountain of cowries.

For native gold (in rings like the money of the Pharaohs) he gave and took hundreds and thousands of the little, grinning broadly the while. Further on, amid a perfect babel of tongues, magic roots, gold dust, emeralds, pearls and amber, provisions dried in the sun, hair torn from the heads of dead negresses, old Korans, gongs, poniards, ancient jewellery, ginkris, flint guns, and amulets, were bought and sold, while everywhere beggars, ragged and dirty, and lepers, rendered hideous by their horrible white ulcers, held forth lean, talon-like hands, crying aloud in the name of the One Allah for alms.

The people who crowded the narrow thoroughfares beyond the market were of every variety of national form--the olive-coloured Arab, the dark Kanouri with his wide nostrils, the tall, stately, black-veiled Tuareg, the small-featured, light and slender ba-Fellenchi, the broad-faced ba-w.a.n.gara, the stout, masculine-looking Nupe female, and the comely ba-Haushe woman. But I sped onward, thinking only of the dastardly plot by which the Sultan was to be overthrown, and the woman I loved spirited away to the great harem in far-off Omdurman. a.s.suredly the register of the actions of the wicked is in Sejjin, the book distinctly written, which cannot be denied as a falsehood.

At first I had felt impelled to seek an audience of the Sultan, but on reflection I saw that such a course would achieve no purpose. Already he had forbidden me to set foot within his Empire, and it was not likely that he would believe my statement if flatly contradicted by both the Khalifa and the villainous Khazneh, as undoubtedly it would be.

I strove to invent some means of acquainting the Sultan 'Othman of his impending doom, but could devise none. As I crossed the Zat Nakhl (Place of Palm Trees), I reflected that my secret would probably be the only result of my exposure of the plot. Four months must elapse ere the Dervishes could reach Kano, therefore I resolved to preserve silence, and go forth to fulfil my promise to Azala to try and elucidate the mystery.

At a little distance outside the Kofa-n-Kura, I found, as she had stated, two camels kneeling, with their bags ready packed, in charge of the dwarf Tiamo, who, when he saw me, ran forward, greeting me effusively, and urging me to hasten, so that we might leave the city ere our absence from the Fada was discovered. This advice I followed, and a few minutes later we were seated on the animals, speeding quickly away over the loose sand, leaving the gigantic white walls of Kano behind.

Once I turned to gaze upon the tower of the Fada that stood out clear and white, knowing that from behind one of those small lattices Azala was watching our departure with anxious, tearful eyes. Raising my hand I waved her a last farewell, then, with face set doggedly towards the west, I rode forward with my queer companion, in quest of the undiscovered spot that had so many times been reflected with such clearness of detail upon the sky.

On over the arid sands we journeyed, pausing not even during the blazing heat of noon, but pursuing our way with rapidity in order to put as great a distance as possible between ourselves and the city by sundown.

Instead of taking the caravan route to Kaoura we had turned off in a south-westerly direction over a confused agglomeration of _aghrud_, or high sandhills, almost impa.s.sable, in order to baffle our pursuers in case we were followed.

Just before sundown we paused at a spot where the light shadows of the palms, tamarisk, alfa and mimosa rested on the dry, parched thirst-land, and decided to halt for the night. Unloading and tethering our camels, I knelt to my two-bow prayer and repeated my _dua_, after which the dwarf became communicative. He was a pagan and believed not in Allah, or the Prophet. During the day he had apparently been too much concerned regarding my personal safety to speak much, but now we ate and took our _Cayf_ in the blue and purple haze, sitting silent and still, listening to the monotonous melody of the oasis, the soft evening breeze wandering through the brilliant sky and tufted trees with a voice of melancholy meaning, lounging in pleasant languor and dreamy tranquillity. Briefly my impish companion told me how his mistress had entrusted him with the arrangements for our journey, and had given him instructions to accompany me as servant.

I smoked my _s.h.i.+sha_ (travelling pipe), listening to the croaking voice of this strange being with his large, ugly head and small body, in whom Azala reposed such confidence; then I questioned him regarding his past.

It always pleased him if I addressed him by the soubriquet El-Sadic that Azala had bestowed upon him. His eyes grew brighter, his grin more hideous, and he fingered his numberless heathen amulets as he related to me the exciting story of how he had been captured by Arab slave-raiders at his home in the forest of Kar, beside the Serbeouel river in Baguirmi, and taken to Kano, where he was purchased by the Grand Vizier, and afterwards given to the Lalla Azala. As he spoke the mouth of this human monstrosity widened, displaying a hideous row of teeth, and this, combined with his croaking voice, rendered him a weird and altogether extraordinary companion. Yet his strength seemed almost double mine, for he had unloaded the camels without an effort, carrying with perfect ease packages that would have made me pant.

Sitting together on the mat we had spread, watching the sun sinking on the misty horizon, and the bright crescent moon slowly rising, I asked him whether he was aware of the nature of my quest.

"The Lalla Azala hath explained to me, O master, that thou seekest the Rock of the Great Sin," he answered.

"What knowest thou of the rock?" I inquired.

"Only that which hath been related by the storytellers," he answered.

"As in Kano, so we away on the Serbeouel river believe in its existence, though none has discovered its whereabouts. By my people, the negroes of Baguirmi, it is believed to be the entrance to the sacred land to which those who die valiantly in battle are transported, while those who betray cowardice are thrown into the Lake of the Accursed, wherein dwell crocodiles of great size, water-snakes who live on human flesh, and all kinds of venomous reptiles. The story-tellers of our tribe say that the reason none has found it is because there is emitted, from the Lake of the Accursed, vapours so deadly as to prevent any one from approaching the rock sufficiently near to distinguish its outline. It is the abode of the Death-G.o.d."

"Art thou not afraid to accompany me in this search?" I asked, knowing how superst.i.tious are the negroes.

"It is the Lalla's will," he answered, simply. "Thou, an Arab from the North and my lady's friend, art seeking to deliver her from bondage, therefore where thou goest, there also will I bear thee company."

"Bravely spoken," I said, and after a pause told him of the conspiracy that had been formed against the Sultan. With breathless interest he listened while I related how I had discovered its existence; then, when I had finished, he half rose, saying,--

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The Eye of Istar Part 13 summary

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