The Lost Manuscript Part 45

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The Princess compressed her lips. "My gracious lord and father, forgive me. I was not alone. I had the best protector with me that a princess of our house could have, that was your Highness's son, my brother."

The Prince drew back a few steps, and looked silently into her face; and, so strong was the expression of anger and displeasure in his countenance, that the Princess turned pale and cast down her eyes.

"Has the Princess appointed Prince Victor to be her protector in the peasant's farm?" he inquired. "Has Lieutenant"--he mentioned his family name--"permission to leave the garrison?"

"I came here on horseback without permission," replied Victor, with military composure.

"Report yourself under arrest," commanded the Prince.

Victor saluted and turned away. He unfastened his horse, and, nodding behind the Prince's back, over the hedge, to his cousin, he trotted back to the town.

"Make haste and cease this mummery," ordered the Prince. "The Princess will drive home in a carriage with the Hereditary Prince."

The young people made their obeisances and left the garden.

"I had a foreboding of this misfortune," said the Hereditary Prince, to his sister, when in the carriage. "Poor Siddy!"

"I would rather be the maid of this countrywoman, and wear wooden shoes, than continue to bear this life of slavery," cried the angry Princess.

"But do not make any remarks at dinner," begged Benno.

The nosegay of wild flowers stood in the bucket, and was torn to pieces in the evening by the countrywoman's cow.

The day following, the Lord High Steward, von Ottenburg, an old gentleman with white hair, entered the apartment of the Prince.

"I have requested your Excellence to call on me," began the Prince, politely, "because I wish to obtain your advice in a family matter. The day approaches when the Princess will leave us. Have you seen my daughter to-day?" he said, interrupting himself.

"I come from her Highness," answered the old gentleman respectfully.

The Prince smiled. "Yesterday I had to speak seriously to her. The children took into their heads to act an idyl, and I found them in peasants' dresses and in high glee. Our dear Siddy had forgotten that such sport might expose her to misinterpretation, which she has every reason to avoid."

The Lord High Steward bowed in silence.

"But it is not a question of the Princess now. The time has arrived when a decision must be made concerning the next few years of the Hereditary Prince's life. I have thought of his entering one of the large armies, in spite of the consideration due to his delicate health.

You know that there is only one empire in which this is possible, and even there unexpected difficulties have arisen. There are two regiments in which one might be certain that the Prince would only have familiar intercourse with the officers of high birth. One of these regiments is commanded by Colonel Kobell, who quitted our service some years ago. It is not fitting to make the Prince his subordinate. In the other regiment an unexpected occurrence has taken place within this last month. A certain Mr. Miller has been introduced into it, contrary to the wishes of the corps of officers. Thus the Hereditary Prince is debarred from belonging to the only army which he could enter."

"Allow me to ask whether this second hindrance might not be removed?"

said the Lord High Steward.

"They would gladly do anything to please us," replied the Prince, "but they do not know how to manage it; for the appointment of this unaristocratic lieutenant was made for political reasons."

"Could the difficulty not be removed by giving rank to the family of the lieutenant?" suggested the Lord High Steward.

"That has been cautiously tried, but the father would not consent; and, indeed, your Excellence, the objection would remain the same. You know that I am not a purist in these things, but daily intercourse with such a person would be unpleasant to the Hereditary Prince. Whether Miller, or Von Miller, the dust of the flour would remain."

There was a pause. At last the Lord High Steward began: "The advantages of a military career are certainly undeniable for young princes who have no means or chance of finding other active employment; but is this course advisable for a future sovereign who needs a preparation for a great career? I remember that in former times your Highness did not take a favorable view of a soldier's life at Court."

"I do not deny that," replied the Prince. "I must acknowledge to you that I still take this view. The usual condition of society is not now that of war, but of peace. The necessary training of a young prince for war undoubtedly develops some manly parts of his character, but delivers him helplessly into the hands of his officials in all essential matters. In confidence, your Excellence, a pleasure in epaulets lasts just during the time of peace; but in case of a great war, where real military talent is requisite, the military dilettanteism of princes, with few exceptions, turns out to be quite useless. All this is undeniable. Unfortunately it is at present no longer fas.h.i.+on that determines a military career for young princes, it is a serious necessity. The times in which we live are such that a strict connection between the Court and armies is inevitable; and what at one time was thought to be unnecessary is now the support of princes."

"I do not see that the position of reigning princes is strengthened by their being bad generals," answered the Lord High Steward. "Indeed, I venture to a.s.sert that many of the difficulties which now occur between princes and their people arise from the fact that our princes occupy themselves too much with the shoeing of horses, the training of recruits, and with the prejudices and ill conduct of garrisons, and have too little of the firmness, n.o.ble pride, and princely feeling which can only be developed by practice in worthier affairs."

The Prince smiled. "Your Excellence, then, is of the opinion that the Hereditary Prince should visit the University, for there is no other mode of training when he leaves this Court. The Prince is weak and easily led, and the dangers he would incur on this path are still greater than intercourse with officers of inferior grade."

"It is true," interposed the Lord High Steward, "that during the next few years the Hereditary Prince may find certain drawbacks in the advantages of an academy; but with respect to personal intercourse, there are sons of ancient families who are worthy of the honor of a.s.sociating with the Prince. It would perhaps be easier there for the young gentleman to keep clear of unsuitable society than in a regiment."

"It is not this danger which I fear for him," replied the Prince; "but the unpractical theories and disturbing ideas which are there promulgated."

"Yet we should learn what one has to battle against," rejoined the Lord High Steward. "Does your Highness think, from the varied experience which you have attained through a highly intellectual life, that an acquaintance with these ideas is so dangerous?"

"Does a person go to h.e.l.l in order to become pious?" asked the Prince, good-humoredly.

"A great poet having ventured this," replied the Lord High Steward, "wrote his divine poem; and my gracious lord, who himself has always preserved a warm interest in learned pursuits, considers our Universities at best a species of mild purgatory. If an infernal flame should cling to the soil of our ill.u.s.trious Prince after his return from this place, it will soon be eradicated by the high interests of his princely calling."

"Yes," a.s.sented the Prince, with lofty expression, "there is a consecration in the office of princes which fits even a weak man for the great interests which he has to grapple with through his life. But, your Excellence, it is difficult to observe without contemptuous pity the sentimental fools' paradise of the new rulers, and hear the old phrases of love and confidence believed in and spoken of by princely mouths. Undoubtedly these popular ebullitions are transitory, and many of us older ones have once indulged in dreams, and endeavoured to plant green moss where it has been withered by the sun; but the fearful dangers of the present times make such wavering more dangerous to the new rulers, and false steps in the beginning of a reign may often ruin the position of the ruler afterwards."

The Lord High Steward replied apologetically: "It is perhaps well to be wiser than others, but to be more moderate is at no period advantageous. Still a little poetry and youthful enthusiasm may be allowed to our princes; and if I therefore venture to recommend a visit to the University for his Highness, the Hereditary Prince, it is with the satisfactory feeling that in doing so I express your Highness's own opinion."

The Prince looked sharply at the Lord High Steward, and a sudden cloud pa.s.sed over his brow. "How should you know what my secret thoughts are?"

"That would be quite a vain attempt with your Highness," replied the old courtier, gently, "and it would little benefit an old servant to spy into the secret thoughts of his master. But your Highness has always. .h.i.therto given the Hereditary Prince tutors and attendants who were not military. This leads every one to a conclusion respecting your Highness's wishes."

"You are right, as always," said the Prince, appeased. "It is a pleasure to me to find that your views coincide with mine. For it is a serious decision that I have to make; it robs me for a long time of the company of my dear Benno."

The Lord High Steward showed his sympathy by a silent bow. "Your Highness's decision will undoubtedly produce great changes, for it will at the same time remove all the young people from the Court."

"All?" asked the Prince, surprised. "The Hereditary Prince will depart shortly after the marriage of his sister, but Prince Victor will still remain here."

"Then I humbly beg your pardon," rejoined the Lord High Steward. "I had taken for granted that the departure of the Hereditary Prince would be followed by the entrance of Prince Victor into a foreign army."

"What makes you think that?" said the Prince, with surprise. "I have not the least intention of providing for Prince Victor abroad; he may practice the art of riding in our squadrons."

"In this case his position at Court would be changed," said the Lord High Steward, thoughtfully; "on occasions he would rank and act as the representative member of this ill.u.s.trious house."

"What are you thinking of, my Lord High Steward?" replied the Prince, captiously.

"Will your Highness graciously explain how that can be avoided? The rights of blood can never be given or taken away. The Prince is the nearest relative of the Royal Family, and the rules of the Court require a corresponding position, and the Court will insist that he be not deprived of it."

"The Court!" exclaimed the Prince, contemptuously; "You might as well say at once, the Lord High Steward."

"The Lord High Steward is appointed by your Highness to watch over the regulations of the Court," replied the old gentleman, with solemnity.

"But as my personal opinion, I venture to suggest that service in this capital and the proximity of the Court are not advantageous for the active and energetic spirit of Prince Victor; it may be foreseen that your Highness will often have occasion to be dissatisfied with him, and that the loss of your Highness's favour, considering the lively and popular character of the Prince, may give occasion to continual scandal and malicious talk. Therefore I venture to a.s.sume that the considerations which hinder the military career of the Hereditary Prince in a foreign army will have no weight as regards Prince Victor."

The Prince looked down moodily. At last he began, as if convinced: "I thank you for having called my attention to these considerations: I will come to a decision after mature deliberation. Your Excellence may be satisfied that I know how to value the warm sympathy you take in me and mine."

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The Lost Manuscript Part 45 summary

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