Apologia Pro Vita Sua Part 21

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He has also included in the Series a few eminent or holy persons, who, though not in the Sacred Catalogue, are recommended to our religious memory by their fame, learning, or the benefits they have conferred on posterity. These have been distinguished from the Saints by printing their names in italics.

It is proposed to page all the longer Lives separately; the shorter will be thrown together in one. They will be published in monthly issues of not more than 128 pages each; and no regularity, whether of date or of subject, will be observed in the order of publication. But they will be so numbered as to admit ultimately of a general chronological arrangement.

The separate writers are distinguished by letters subjoined to each Life: and it should be added, to prevent misapprehension, that, since under the present circ.u.mstances of our Church, they are necessarily of various, though not divergent, doctrinal opinions, no one is answerable for any composition but his own.

At the same time, the work professing an historical and ethical character, questions of theology will be, as far as possible, thrown into the back ground.

J. H. N.

_Littlemore, Sept. 9, 1843._



1 Elvan, B. and Medwyne, C.

2 Martyrs of Lichfield.

3 Melorus, M.

4 5 Edward, K.C.

6 Peter, A.

7 Cedd, B.

8 Pega, V. Wulsin, B.

9 Adrian, A. Bertwald, Archb.

10 Sethrida, V.

11 Egwin, B.

12 Benedict Biscop, A. Aelred, A.

13 Kentigern, B.

14 Beuno, A.

15 Ceolulph, K. Mo.

16 Henry, Hermit. Fursey, A.

17 Mildwida, V.

18 Ulfrid or Wolfrid, M.

19 Wulstan, B. Henry, B.

20 21 22 Brithwold, B.

23 Boisil, A.

24 Cadoc, A.

25 26 Theoritgida, V.

27 Bathildis, Queen.

28 29 Gildas, A.

30 31 Ad.a.m.nan, Mo. Serapion, M.


1 2 Laurence, Archb.

3 Wereburga, V.

4 Gilbert, A. Liephard, B.M.

5 6 Ina, K. Mo.

7 Augulus, B.M. Richard, K.

8 Elfleda, A. Cuthman, C.

9 Theliau, B.

10 Trumwin, B.

11 12 Ethelwold, B. of Lindisfarne.

13 Cedmon, Mo., Ermenilda, Q.A.

14 15 Sigefride, B.

16 Finan, B.

17 18 19 20 Ulric, H.

21 22 23 Milburga, V.

24 Luidhard, B. Ethelbert of Kent, 25 Walburga, V.A.

26 27 Alnoth, H.M.

28 Oswald, B.



1 David, Archb. Swibert, B.

2 Chad, B. Willeik, C. Joavan, B.

3 Winwaloe, A.

4 Owin, Mo.

5 6 Kineburga, &c., and Tibba, VV.

7 Easterwin, A. William, Friar.

8 Felix, B.

9 Bosa, B.

10 11 12 Elphege, B. Paul de Leon, B.C.

13 14 Robert, H.

15 Eadgith, A.

16 17 Withburga, V.

18 Edward, K.M.

19 Alcmund, M.

20 Cuthbert, B. Herbert, B.

21 22 23 aedelwald, H.

24 Hildelitha, A.

25 Alfwold of Sherborne, B. and William, M.

26 27 28 29 Gundleus, H.

30 Merwenna, A.



1 2 3 Richard, B.

4 5 6 7 8 9 Frithstan, B.

10 11 Guthlake, H.

12 13 Caradoc, H.

14 _Richard of Bury, B._ 15 Paternus, B.

16 17 Stephen. A.

18 19 Elphege, Archb.

20 Adelbare, M. Cedwalla, K.

21 Anselm, Archb. Doctor.

22 23 George M.

24 25 26 27 28 29 Wilfrid II. Archb.

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