The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell Part 108

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Huf, _hoof_.

Hull, _whole_.

Hum, _home_.

Humbug, _General Taylor's antislavery_.

Hut, _hurt_.

Idno, _I do not know_.

In'my, _enemy_.

Insines, _ensigns_; used to designate both the officer who carries the standard, and the standard itself.

Inter, intu, _into_.

Jedge, _judge_.

Jest, _just_.

Jine, _join_.

Jint, _joint_.

Junk, _a fragment of any solid substance_.

Keer, _care_.

Kep', _kept_.

Killock, _a small anchor_.

Kin', kin' o', kinder, _kind, kind of_.

Lawth, _loath_.

Less, _let's, let us_.

Let daylight into, _to shoot_.

Let on, _to hint, to confess, to own_.

Lick, _to beat, to overcome_.

Lights, _the bowels_.

Lily-pads, _leaves of the water-lily_.

Long-sweetening, _mola.s.ses_.

Mash, _marsh_.

Mean, _stingy, ill-natured_.

Min', _mind_.

Nimepunce, _ninepence, twelve and a half cents_.

Nowers, _nowhere_.

Offen, _often_.

Ole, _old_.

Ollers, olluz, _always_.

On, _of_; used before _it_ or _them,_ or at the end of a sentence, as _on 't, on 'em, nut ez ever I heerd on_.

On'y, _only_.

Ossifer, _officer_ (seldom heard).

Peaked, _pointed_.

Peek, _to peep_.

Pickerel, _the pike, a fish_.

Pint, _point_.

Pocket full of rocks, _plenty of money_.

Pooty, _pretty_.

Pop'ler, _conceited, popular_.

Pus, _purse_.

Put out, _troubled, vexed_.

Quarter, _a quarter-dollar_.

Queen's-arm, _a musket_.

Resh, _rush_.

Revelee, _the reveille_.

Rile, _to trouble_.

Riled, _angry; disturbed,_ as the sediment in any liquid.

Riz, _risen_.

Row, a long row to hoe, _a difficult task_.

Rugged, _robust_.

Sa.r.s.e, _abuse, impertinence_.

Sartin, _certain_.

Saxon, _sacristan, s.e.xton_.

Scaliest, _worst_.

Scringe, _cringe_.

Scrouge, _to crowd_.

Sech, _such_.

Set by, _valued_.

Shakes, great, _of considerable consequence_.

Shappoes, _chapeaux, c.o.c.ked-hats_.

Sheer, _share_.

Shet, _shut_.

Shut, _s.h.i.+rt_.

Skeered, _scared_.

Skeeter, _mosquito_.

Skooting, _running,_ or _moving swiftly_.

Slarterin', _slaughtering_.

Slim, _contemptible_.

Snake, _crawled like a snake_; but _to snake any one out_ is to track him to his hiding-place; _to snake a thing out_ is to s.n.a.t.c.h it out.

Soffies, _sofas_.

Sogerin', _soldiering_; a barbarous amus.e.m.e.nt common among men in the savage state.

Som'ers, _somewhere_.

So'st, _so as that_.

Sot, _set, obstinate, resolute_.

Spiles, _spoils; objects of political ambition_.

Spry, _active_.

Steddles, _stout stakes driven into the salt marshes_, on which the hay-ricks are set, and thus raised out of the reach of high tides.

Streaked, _uncomfortable, discomfited_.

Suckle, _circle_.

Sutthin', _something_.

Suttin, _certain_.

Take on, _to sorrow_.

Talents, _talons_.

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The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell Part 108 summary

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