Bolax Part 31

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Apparent misspellings in dialogue have been retained on the a.s.sumption that they are intentional.

This book has many problems with quotation marks and dialogue. These have been corrected where practical, but some unusual formatting remains. In some cases, best guesses have been made as to the correct placement of missing punctuation--some situations are ambiguous.

ONLY A BOY (before page 1), changed "rob use" to "rob us."

Page 1, added missing chapter t.i.tle.

Page 3, added missing open quote before "As for Bolax."

Page 4, added missing quotes to separate "said Miss Beldon, " from the surrounding quotation; also added missing quote before "only I--I--hope."

Page 5, added missing close quotes to second and third paragraphs; changed "undersood" to "understood" in "Bolax understood what his mother meant by this."

Page 6, changed single quote to double quote after "I ha'n't got no chair."

Page 7, changed "catchism" to "catechism" in "Tom's coming to my catechism cla.s.s on Sunday." Also changed "would'nt" to "wouldn't."

Page 8, changed "flyspects" to "flyspecks."

Page 9, changed period to question mark in "What is it now, Bo dear?"

Page 10, changed "extinuguished" to "extinguished" in "should never be extinguished."

Page 11, removed extraneous quote from "Ma, dear!" Ma, dear!"

Page 13, changed "quiet" to "quite" in "the animal was quite unbroken."

Page 14, added open quotes before "As for you, Pete Hopkins" and "Pickaninys down Souf."

Page 15, added several missing quotes.

Page 18, added missing open quote before "tumty-tum tw.a.n.g!"

Page 20, added missing close quote after "Hurrah! for your birthday, sister."

Page 22, changed "did'nt" to "didn't" and added missing period after "goats feeding on such things."

Page 23, changed "tropped" to "trooped" and "princes" to "princess" and removed stray quote after "and there's some one else,"

Page 24, changed "some of the Mamma's" to "some of the Mammas."

Page 25, added missing quote after "smoke it out."

Page 26, added missing quote after "Clean-plum through."

Page 27, changed "Bout to 'Bout.

Page 28, changed "you're money" to "your money."

Page 29, changed "acknownledge" to "acknowledge" and fixed numerous quotation errors.

Page 30, attempted to make sense of more muddled quotation marks, adding missing quotes and changing double quotes to single quotes to clarify dialogue within dialogue.

Page 32, added missing close quote after "That sounds like Bolax."

Page 33, added missing close quote after "sicked them on Nan."

Page 35, fixed numerous quote problems.

Page 36, added many missing quotation marks.

Page 37, changed "Cathechism" to "Catechism" and added missing close quote after "say your prayers and go to bed."

Page 38, changed "Asumption" to "a.s.sumption."

Page 39, added missing close quote after "Once long ago, our dear Lord died and--" and changed "beauitful" to "beautiful."

Page 40, added some missing quotes.

Page 44, added missing quotes to offset "cried Nellie Day" and "said Aunt Lucy" from surrounding text.

Page 46, changed "getting'" to "gettin'" and added missing quote before "No, I just wouldn't say that."

Page 50, deleted unnecessary quote before "Our Father, who art in Heaven" and added missing quote after "giggling instead of saying his prayers." Changed "nonsnse" to "nonsense."

Page 51, changed single quote to double quote after "taken by surprise"

and added quotes to offset "said Bo."

Page 53, changed "scarcly" to "scarcely."

Page 57, added missing quote after "if a promise was broken."

Page 58, changed question mark to period in ""Mamma, Elsie told a lie."

Page 59, added missing quote after "He shan't be whipped, he shan't" and moved quote from after "son" to after "begun."

Page 62, added missing quote after "it hisses and cracks your bones and--"

Page 63, added missing quote after "giving me a report of his conduct."

Page 71, added missing quote after "your rabbits."

Page 73, added missing quotes around "If Aunt Lucy had been home I would not have been whipped." Added missing close and open quotes before "I wouldn't let you."

Page 74, fixed numerous quotation-related errors. Changed "Nautlius" to "Nautilus."

Page 75, added missing quote after "I'll study hard." Changed "broook"

to "brook."

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Bolax Part 31 summary

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