Bees in Amber Part 4

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Oft, as he jogs along the Winding-Way, Occasion comes for Every Man to say,-- "This Road?--or That?" and as he chooses them, So shall his journey end in Night or Day.


Peter, outworn, And menaced by the sword, Shook off the dust of Rome; And, as he fled, Met one, with eager face, Hastening cityward, And, to his vast amaze, It was The Lord.

"_Lord, whither goest Thou_?"

He cried, importunate, And Christ replied,-- "_Peter, I suffer loss.

I go to take thy place, To bear thy cross_."

Then Peter bowed his head, Discomforted; There, at the Master's feet, Found grace complete, And courage, and new faith, And turned--with Him, To Death.

So we,-- Whene'er we fail Of our full duty, Cast on Him our load,-- Who suffered sore for us, Who frail flesh wore for us, Who all things bore for us,-- On Christ, The Lord.


_Great-Heart is dead, they say_,-- Great-Heart the Teacher, Great-Heart the Joyous, Great-Heart the Fearless, Great-Heart the Martyr, Great-Heart of Sweet White Fire.

_Great-Heart is dead, they say_,-- Fighting the fight, Holding the Light, Into the night.

_Great-Heart is dead, they say_.-- But the Light shall burn the brighter.

And the night shall be the lighter, For his going; And a rich, rich harvest for his sowing.

_Great-Heart is dead, they say_!-- What is death to such an one as Great-Heart?

One sigh, perchance, for work unfinished here;-- Then a swift pa.s.sing to a mightier sphere, New joys, perfected powers, the vision clear, And all the amplitude of heaven to work The work he held so dear.

_Great-Heart is dead, say they_?

Nor dead nor sleeping! He lives on! His name Shall kindle many a heart to equal flame.

The fire he lighted shall burn on and on, Till all the darkness of the lands be gone, And all the kingdoms of the earth be won, And one.

_A soul so fiery sweet can never die, But lives and loves and works through all eternity_.


Burden-bearers are we all, Great and small.

Burden-sharers be ye all, Great and small!

Where another shares the load, Two draw nearer G.o.d.

Yet there are burdens we can share with none, Save G.o.d; And paths remote where we must walk alone, With G.o.d; For lonely burden and for path apart-- Thank G.o.d!

If these but serve to bring the burdened heart To G.o.d.


Time beats out all things with his iron flail, Things great, things small.

With steady strokes that never fail, With slow, sure strokes of his iron flail, Time beats out all.


Pearl Iridescent! Pearl of the sea!

s.h.i.+mmering, glimmering Pearl of the sea!

White in the sun-flecked Silver Sea, White in the moon-decked Silver Sea, White in the wrath of the Silver Sea,-- Pearl of the Silver Sea!

Lapped in the smile of the Silver Sea, Ringed in the foam of the Silver Sea, Glamoured in mists of the Silver Sea,-- Pearl of the Silver Sea!

Glancing and glimmering under the sun.

Jewel and casket all in one, Joy supreme of the sun's day dream, Soft in the gleam of the golden beam,-- Pearl of the Silver Sea!

Splendour of Hope in the rising sun, Glory of Love in the noonday sun, Wonder of Faith in the setting sun,-- Pearl of the Silver Sea!

Gaunt and grim to the outer world, Jewel and casket all impearled With the kiss of the Silver Sea!-- With the flying kiss of the Silver Sea, With the long sweet kiss of the Silver Sea, With the rainbow kiss of the Silver Sea,-- Pearl of the Silver Sea!

And oh the sight,--the wonderful sight, When calm and white, in the mystic light Of her quivering pathway, broad and bright, The Queen of the Night, in silver dight, Sails over the Silver Sea!

Wherever I go, and wherever I be, The joy and the longing are there with me,-- The gleam and the glamour come back to me,-- In a mystical rapture there comes to me, The call of the Silver Sea!

As needle to pole is my heart to thee, Pearl of the Silver Sea!

E.A., Nov. 6, 1900

Bright stars of Faith and Hope, her eyes Shall s.h.i.+ne for us through all the years.

For all her life was Love, and fears Touch not the love that never dies.

And Death itself, to her, was but The wider opening of the door That had been opening, more and more, Through all her life, and ne'er was shut.

--And never shall be shut. She left The door ajar for you and me, And, looking after her, we see The glory s.h.i.+ning through the cleft.

And when our own time comes,--again We'll meet her face to face;--again Well see the star-s.h.i.+ne; and again She'll greet us with her soft, "Come ben!"


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Bees in Amber Part 4 summary

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