Bees in Amber Part 8

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Whisht, Baby! Whisht!

Quick below the cover!

Down into your nest, my bird!


For the grey wolves they are prowling, They are prowling, they are prowling.

And the snow-wind it is howling, It is howling, it is howling.

Hark!--Hark!-- Out there in the dark-- Ow--ooh! Ow--ooh!


The wolves they are lean, So-o-o lean, so-o-o lean!

And the wind it is keen, So-o-o keen, so-o-o keen!

And they seek little babies who aren't sleeping!

But lie you still, my Baby dear!

Lie still, lie still, and maybe you'll hear-- Hark!--Hark!-- Out there in the dark,-- The silver bells and the golden bells, The swinging bells and the singing bells,-- The bells that are heard but never are seen, The wind and the wolves, and the bells in between,-- The bells of Iline, Good Stepan Iline,-- The bells of good Stepan Iline!


Each sin has its door of entrance.


Bolt it tight!

Just outside, the wild beast crouches In the night.

Pin the bolt with a prayer, G.o.d will fix it there.


Though every nerve be strained To fine accomplishment, Full oft the life fall spent Before the prize is gained.

And, in our discontent At waste so evident, In doubt and vast discouragement We wonder what is meant.

But, tracing back, we find A Power that held the ways-- A Mighty Hand, a Master Mind, That all the troubled course defined And overruled the days.

Some call it Fate; some--Chance; Some--Giant Circ.u.mstance; And some, upreaching to the sense Of G.o.d within the circ.u.mstance, Do call it--Providence!


Down to the sea, the hungry sea, _O the sea is hungry ever_!

Seeking food for the bairns and me, Seeking food in the hungry sea; _O the sea is hungry ever_!

My man and my lad--their bones are white, _O the sea is hungry ever_!

Into the maw of the grim black night, Their hearts were bold and their faces bright; _O the sea is hungry ever_!

The sun was red and the clouds were black, _O the sea is hungry ever_!

And the sky was heavy with flying wrack, When forth they fared,--and they came not back; _O the sea is hungry ever_!

Forth they fared and they came not back, _O the sea is hungry ever_!

O, I fear the sea, and I hate the sea, That took my man and my lad from me; _O the sea is hungry ever_!


We thank Thee, Lord, That of Thy tender grace, In our distress Thou hast not left us wholly comfortless.

We thank Thee, Lord, That of Thy wondrous might, Into our night Thou hast sent down the glory of the Light.

We thank Thee, Lord, That all Thy wondrous ways, Through all our days, Are Wisdom, Right, and Ceaseless Tenderness.


He only sees both sides of that dark vail That hangs before men's eyes-- He only. It is well!

Hope ever stands unseen Behind the screen, For knowledge would bring Hope to sudden death, And cloud the present with the coming ill.

I would lie still, Dear Lord, I would lie still, And stay my troubled heart on Thee, Obedient to Thy will.


In Christ there is no East or West, In Him no South or North, But one great Fellows.h.i.+p of Love Throughout the whole wide earth.

In Him shall true hearts everywhere Their high communion find.

His service is the golden cord Close-binding all mankind.

Join hands then, Brothers of the Faith, Whatever your race may be!-- Who serves my Father as a son Is surely kin to me.

In Christ now meet both East and West, In Him meet South and North, All Christly souls are one in Him, Throughout the whole wide earth.


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Bees in Amber Part 8 summary

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