Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor Chapter 4063 Let Her Speak

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Chapter 4063 Let Her Speak

But, were her parents still alive?


That evening of that day, Du Fan went after Bai Qingcheng. Along the mountain road, he met Qi Kang and the others who were on their way back. “Du Fan? Why are you here? Where are you going?” Qi Kang asked.

“You’re back?” Du Fan smiled when he saw them, then patted his shoulder and said: “This is what happened…” He briefly explained the matter to them and finally said: “So now I’m going after the person who captured Qingcheng.”

“I see.” Qi Kang nodded, then suddenly said: “Then we will come along to help!”

“That’s right, we can come along with you to help.” Gray Wolf said with a grin. Du Fan shook his head and said: “It’s easier to attract attention with more people. Besides, you’ve just come back, you have to go back to report to Master first. If you want to come with me, just let Qi Kang come with me and the rest of you can go back first! You can also tell Master about this matter.”

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other and finally nodded: “That’s fine! Be careful!”

“Qi Kang, let’s go! Just in case we are too far away from them and I can’t sense her.” Du Fan said, then gathered his strength and continued moving forward. Qi Kang nodded to Gray Wolf and the others, then followed Du Fan forwards. After watching them leave, Gray Wolf and the others headed back. At noon the following day, the man had taken Bai Qingcheng to a valley. After entering the valley, Bai Qingcheng looked around and saw that there were many cultivators with average cultivation levels guarding the place. This place was very hidden, and had she not been brought here, she probably wouldn’t have been able to find it.

After she was brought into the valley, she was imprisoned in a dungeon. She sat against the wall in a corner and her hands behind her back turned gently. She untied the rope by herself but kept the rope wrapped around her hands and didn’t throw it away. Her eyes swept around her surroundings and landed on the cell opposite her. She felt a very weak breath, like a flame of an oil lamp that was about to extinguish at any time if the wind blew. The air was filled with a fishy scent of blood. She sat there without moving and only looked, guessing and waiting.

At the same time, in the meeting hall in the valley, the man who had been wearing the disguise of the Ye Patriarch took off the skin mask from his face and revealed his true appearance. He was also a middle-aged man, but his face had a cold and gloomy air. “That wretched girl ran away and brought the Ghost Doctor Feng Jiu’s subordinate Du Fan with her. With that man around, she got bolder and even alerted the Ye Family Old Predecessor and exposed the matter.”

As he spoke, a stern and cold aura flashed across his eyes, and he said: “It was only then that I realised that the wretched girl actually knew that I was an imposter! If I had known that she saw through my disguise early on, I would have captured her and tortured her for answers earlier!”

In the main seat, a man with a boyish face and white hair sneered after hearing this: “If torture works, you wouldn’t have had to infiltrate the Ye Family for three years.”

“Master, that wretched girl is locked up in the dungeon right now. Do you want me to bring her out for questioning?”

Upon hearing this, white haired boyish face man played with the two egg-sized luminous pearls in his hands and said: “All the people in the Ye Family are strong-willed. If those two people haven’t been restrained, they probably won’t be alive right now.”

His voice paused, then he said: “The previous methods are useless. We have to use other methods to make Ye Feifei talk.”

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Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor Chapter 4063 Let Her Speak summary

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