Shinka no Mi Chapter 29

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Ch.29 – Fierce Fight and Growth?


The dragon and I charge at the same moment and I swing [The Black Sword of Hatred] and [The White Sword of Love/Affection] at full force.
However, the dragon repels those attack with its fingernail, diverting them. What a hard nail.

[Humans…! You are always such an annoying race…!]

The dragon seemed really hateful, it swings its huge tail to mow me down.

I began to cry when I asked myself, is my offensive power beyond one million? It’s to defend our peace..

As the dragon swept with its tail, I moved to create some distance, while moving I used the skill [Advance Appraisal].

[Black Dragon G.o.d Level: 5000]

[The level is too high!]

That’s two or more times Zeanosu, isn’t it!

In the presence of the dragon—- While I was surprised with the level and the name of Black Dragon, it moved its aim and lowered its sharp fingernails.

[Take this!]

[Ku… Don’t avoid it!]

[The attack will miss!]
[That’s the point!?]

What is with it being necessary to purposely receive the other party’s attack.

In each aftermath of the Black Dragon G.o.d’s attacks, there is a small gap .

[Nuu! Then… What about this!?]

When the Black Dragon G.o.d shouts that, there is a bright red and sharp glint from its eyes, aiming at me.
Though I don’t understand what he will do, at the next moment, I understand it.

[Ku! My, my body…!?]

I stared toward the Black Dragon G.o.d, it’s giving off a terrifying pressure – my body can’t move at all.

While my body can’t be moved without a reason, the Black Dragon G.o.d didn’t miss his chance and attacked me.

If I said goodbye to my status as a human, it’ll be safe when I receive the attack from the Black Dragon G.o.d right? But…

But, such carelessness brought me into crisis.

The tail was thrown into my immoveable body.
When I received the attack to my side I got blown to the wall.

[Gaha! Goho!]

A large amount of blood was vomited from my mouth.

Although without me saying it, my defense and offensive power should exceed one million.

Moreover, when I receive damage, the skill [Absorption] should be activated.

In other words, the attack from Black Dragon G.o.d was not absorbable.
To think I got blown away, it’s been awhile since I’ve been blown away in Saria’s Forest.


Saria – the person in question who blew me away, is screaming.

Then, the wound on my body recovers instantaneously.

[Fun. Like, I didn’t expect to be blown away – such expression]

While I am seen through, the Black Dragon G.o.d continues.

[Even after receiving the strike from my energy, you’re still young after all… The result from your overconfidence in power – you’ve experienced it just now]

After all, I have always unconsciously relying on my own OP strength.

First, I never lost…

Why did I receive the damage? Was it because the skill [Absorption] is not effective?… I’m thinking of various questions.

That’s it, but I still don’t understand.

I am not relaxing my guard anymore. If you get damage because you received a hit, it’s best to avoid the attack no matter what.
When the Black Dragon G.o.d see my face change, it was squinting.

[… The crucial moment starts from now]

When I muttered small voice, the Black Dragon G.o.d open his large mouth, facing towards me.

[That’s good. Then, receive my strongest magic. Go vanish…!]

After that, the surrounding of the Black Dragon G.o.d was surrounded with the flame, opening his large mouth and looking at me.

In this state, pointing at me, it speaks with its mouth with dexterity.

[My strongest magic… [h.e.l.l Inferno]! This magic has the effect to nullify the magic, swallowing it….In the h.e.l.l fire, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you’re gonna be burned away!]

In other words, when the Black Dragon G.o.d finishes his magic, at the same time I’ll burn away in an instant.

And also, being unable to negate the magic, the dark magic [Magic Hall] doesn’t make sense.

What should I do…!

In front of the fl.u.s.tered me, the flame is gathering fast.

If it’s by direct attack, let’s not do it – the surrounding flame is in the way; it’s not possible to approach him.

The water magic too, I don’t know if it’s capable to extinguish such a big fireball. The power and the effect itself, I still don’t know.

At this rate…
For better or worse, I was thinking of using a huge amount of water magic with a lot of consumption.

In the back, Saria who looked after Altria, is shouting something to me.

[Use the magic than you used when fighting me!]

Saria… Magic when we were fighting?

And then, I recalled the magic at that time.

That’s the magic that I used for the first time.

… Mou, I don’t want the error to be repeated.

I’m different than the previous me.

To my appearance, the Black Dragon G.o.d shows a questioning face.

I’m nervous in case the magic fails

[It’s useless now. My magic already can’t be stopped…!]

The ma.s.s of the flame is already the same size as the Black Dragon G.o.d.

And then, when I opened my eyes, I shout a spell/magic word.

[[Fall Disaster]!]

This is the magic that I used for the first time against Saria.

But, this time, I must use it.

This time, the trigger is on the place—-

[Fufufufu… Hahahaha! What do you think you’re do… There is nothing happening? It’s regrettable, human! You can clench down your own powerlessness and decay—–


The sound of disaster is coming.

[Mu? … Na!? Wh, what’s happening!?……. Water? Does the water fall down!?]

The sound heard from above, the Black Dragon G.o.d who noticed the sound of the disaster, was surprised and opened its eyes wide while looking up.

[Cho! It will fall down in here!? It will hit! Uuuuu…. It’ll hit my magic!]

The shout of the Black Dragon G.o.d is helpless. The water of disaster is mercilessly dropped from above.

[Gaaaaaaa! My magic… My magic… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Gababababababa!]

I see the appearance of the Black Dragon G.o.d, I’m looking from far away.

The intense spray, it scatters on me.

… This, we will likely be drowned if it’s like this….

I become uneasy at once, I use [Magic Hall] at the feet of the Black Dragon G.o.d. All of the magic was absorbed by me. There is no worry if the magic is gonna fill the room.
Right, when I fought Seria, I jumped up greatly. This one also, the improvement of absorption is probably because the level-up status enhancing my magic attack.

[I, the breath…! Deki…. Abababababa!]

I glanced a pity to the Black Dragon G.o.d. Moreover, the Black Dragon G.o.d received the volume of water (TN: the ma.s.s of water torrent looks more cool). It doesn’t compared with me at that time..

[S,stop it! This water stoooooooooooooop! Gobobobobo!]

Apparently, the Black Dragon G.o.d is misunderstanding one thing.

When I say it in my mind,I in turn give a refres.h.i.+ng smile to the Black Dragon G.o.d.

[Oi, What kind of smile is that!? Please! I beg you to stopppppppppppp!]

The shout of the Black Dragon G.o.d is in vain. It received the vigorous water attack from me, around five minutes later.

I was blamed about the water for a long time…
Once again, water is scary. No matter what.

[You… Human…! I won’t forgive you even if you ask for forgiveness!]

That’s a really amazing rage… The reason is clear.

[I’ll tear you apart!]

When the Black Dragon G.o.d says it, it fiercely attacks me.

[[Spherical Claw]!]

From the fingernails in the hand, there is three claws flying at me.

When I am thinking about it, my [s.h.i.+ngan/Mind’s Eyes] is activated.
However, when I avoided the slash attack from the Black Dragon G.o.d, it began to pursue me.

[My skill [Spherical Claw] is gonna keep chasing until the target is torn apart!]

Even though I worked hard to shake it off, I think the slas.h.i.+ng power is not dropping when it’s approaching me.

It can’t be helped, I stop to avoid it and began to attack it.
In this case, I obtained it from Zeanosu, I used [The self-defense Style of Zefudo].

[[Skill Break!]]

As the name suggested, this technique destroy another skill. However, this technique seems to be unable to demonstrate its effect except against skills. I heard if it’s aimed at person, it won’t cause any damage. I wonder what the principle of this skill is?

And then, I continue to invoke skill [Instant]; I move approaching at a dash.

But, because the speed was far exceeding the recognition speed of the other party, I who has suddenly appeared in front of its eyes, the Black Dragon G.o.d opens its eyes widely, surprised.
[[Storm Slash]! ]

While watching the reaction from the Black Dragon G.o.d, I twist my body and do a rotation slash attack with my black and white sword.

[I am… I am determined to never lose again against a human…! Never lose!]

When the Black Dragon G.o.d sees my attack, it’s struggling to repulse it.

Afterwards, the Black Dragon G.o.d spits the fire that cannot be absorbed, followed by the attack one by one from its tail and the fingernail.
I am able to avoid those attack and I succeed in landing counter attack. The body of the Black Dragon G.o.d was covered in blood.

The Black Dragon G.o.d seems as though it’s gonna fall at any moment, but its eyes are not dead yet.

Toward the sharp glinted eyes, the Black Dragon G.o.d’s ambition is scattered.
From its appearance, I imagined it, the feeling of personality of a Dragon.

[I am…. I am not done yeeeeeeet!]

The Black Dragon G.o.d was enraged and a huge fireball is shot from its mouth.

Even with the skill Mind’s Eye, I who took pride in my speed , is feeling threatened.

My black and white sword were approaching the Black Dragon G.o.d at abnormal speed.


That moment, it roared, I who moved in the speed that cannot be recognized, is being stared with sharp eyes by the Black Dragon G.o.d.
Then, the Black Dragon G.o.d begins to attack; I already released mysterious [Gale] so I can’t move at all.

[Ku! Again…!]


The entire area intensely vibrated. The Black Dragon G.o.d which raised a war cry, with its sharp claw came to tear my body.

That is, I absolutely refused.

If I don’t move from here, I will die.

Toward the impending fear of death, my body has evolved again.

I still have a long way to grow-up. I am satisfied with the current situation, no matter what I will still remain a monster.

A strong desire exploded inside me. My body was completely freed from the bind.
Following that, I heard a voice inside my head.


I, who’s moving fast, am not capable to think of the meaning of those words.

I counter attack.

[Ooooooooo! [Claw of The Dragon G.o.d]! ]

A s.h.i.+ning huge fingernail approaches me.

However, I am facing it, wielding my sword single-mindedly.

I didn’t see anything.

I said nothing.

However, I wield the sword in daze.

That moment, I heard a familiar voice in my head.

[Hidden Skill was acquired. Hidden Skill was acquired.]

At the same time I heard that voice, my sword collided with the Black Dragon G.o.d…

And then, without giving a chance for the Black Dragon G.o.d to counterattack, I kept slas.h.i.+ng with my black and white sword.


The Black Dragon G.o.d, as it’s the same effect when defeating the body of a monster, falls into the ground.

[I am… defeated again….! Again, I cannot win against humans….!]

From the eyes of the Black Dragon G.o.d that fallen down, there is a stream of tears.

I just want, to laugh together again with that person….]

Shed tears, the Black Dragon G.o.d said it in regret.


This the end, when the Black Dragon G.o.d raised a sorrowful roar, it disappeared completely.

More than that, in my mind, the word of the Black Dragon G.o.d strongly attached.

[…. In the end, I wonder why the Black Dragon G.o.d hates humans so much…]

Like usual, the air in the surrounding has become quiet.


I heard the voice reporting my level is increased, its sounding several times. So far my level up was only one by one but the level-up is increased in flash. Was the Black Dragon G.o.d so strong?

Saria is running, to me.

[Seiichi! Are you okay?]
[E? Y,yeah. I don’t have any injury]

Though I answered her, Saria didn’t change her worried looks.

[But… Seiichi, you look sad somehow?]

I am, showing a sad expression?

And then, we rushed to the side of the fainted Altria.

[… Again, she seems to have fainted]
[Yes, maybe, I believe she will wake-up soon]

I am relieved to hear Saria’s word.

So, those hentai in the guild…

… Eh?
The hentai in the guild seems to also got a big trouble in the home, moreover I have overlooked some unexpected things…

When I think about it, I notice something.
After I notice it, I want to escape the reality in full force.

[….. How can we escape?]

On my word, Sarria showing blank expression.
And, we’re looking at each other….


The way back to homeeeeee! To begin with, what is this place!? I Just realized it now!

[This is bad! We must think of the way back home! Oh boy, how can we be blown off so suddenly!?]
[W-what should we do, Seiichi!]

[Don’t panic! At such a time… Such a time!?]

I’m such a fool to be blown to this place and unable to get back home.

Because Altria is still unconscious, it’s impossible to discuss what to do next.
I realize that there is no use rus.h.i.+ng, I exhale deeply and my mind settles down at once.

[Fuu… Let’s calm down. First, let’s confirm if it’s possible to escape from this labyrinth with our items in possession]

[Yes! I didn’t bring anything!]


Because Saria doesn’t have item box, the items was not carried over.

For the time being, when I checked my item box, there is no items that’s capable of letting us escape from this cave.

[Oh yeah! From the drop item’s of the Black Dragon G.o.d, there might be something useful]

In the worst case, I will destroy this labyrinth, even though it’s closed s.p.a.ce which could destroy the surrounding when carelessly destroyed, if we are caught and damaged, it’ll be embarra.s.sing for sure…. When we were in a rush to Altria, it was an emergency…. Sorry I was joking, I didn’t think carefully during that time.

First of all, because it dropped the scales and fangs, I collected them all.

[Scale of the Black Dragon G.o.d]…. A solid scale which covers the gigantic figure of the Black Dragon G.o.d. It will nullify the damage from normal weapon. It is an excellent heatproof. An overwhelming thermal power is necessary to process it. It’s weak against cold.

[Fingernail of the Black Dragon G.o.d]…. The strong fingernail of the Black Dragon G.o.d. It’s very sharp, even a thick iron plate can be easily torn-up. It’s very hard. The same as orichalc.u.m, it can only be processed with special metals.

[The bone of the Black Dragon G.o.d]…. It’s very hard, thick bone. Depending on how it’s processed it boasts the same strength as orichalc.u.m – the performance is able to surpa.s.s the legendary weapon cla.s.s.
[Gem of the Black Dragon G.o.d]…. A gem which existed inside the body of the Black Dragon G.o.d. It stored an overwhelming magic power. If equipped into a weapon, it can destroy anything easily with normal attack, even against the ethereal body of Demons. If you eat it, the magic will spread to the whole body and your physical strength will increase. Moreover, the power of all magics will increase.

[As expected from a G.o.d!]

The effect is great! Even though there is no weapon, but the drop materials are so awesome.

I am throwing the black scale and fangs that scattered around into the item box. I picked-up the beautiful black gem.

[This… Is edible? Seriously?]

Ee… I want to process it as weapon, but my curiosity was piqued.

[This is a challenge]

In the end, I submit to my curiosity. I throw the gem into my mouth.
When I put it inside my mouth… I’m surprised, it’s taste is cola.

It’s amazing.
While I’m thinking of such things, the gem, before I know it, it has melted like a candy in my mouth.

[Iya~, this is delicious….]

However, I expect my physical power to be strengthened. I felt nothing happen.

When I said it optimistically, I moved the items.

[The following item… There is no status written]

It gave me a big damage. It most likely takes pride in the stats.
When I made a selfish guess, everything gets confirmed.

[Magic: 100000]

[Defense power: 200000]

[Magic attack: 200000]

[Luck: 3]
[Charm: 100000]


So, I was defeated by charm!

Moreover, it has luck! It’s not different from Zeanosu’s story!? The other status’ exceeded more than 100000.
When I retort it so much, I notice something.

[… However, how was offensive power of 200,000 able to exceed my defensive power and give me damage?]

When I thought about it, it might be impossible.

When I checked the sphere status in my body, I s.h.i.+fted to check the skill confirmation.

[Skill card >… Skill [Penetration] was learned.

[Skill card >… Skill [Claw Supremacy] was learned.

[Magic card >… Able to use magic from fire attribute.
[Magic card >… Able to use Ancient magic attribute

[Wait a moment! There are various things followed-up in this atmosphere!?]

All of these things seems strong, I falter.

When I finished acquiring all the skills, I check to confirm it – the status displayed at once.


s.e.x: Male (Male)

Age: 17 (17)
Level: 15 (15)

Offensive power:1644000(100【Fixed】)
Defense power:1667000(100【Fixed】)

Magic attack:1674000(100【Fixed】)
Magic defense:1632000(100【Fixed】)

Charm:Displayed as a foolish person(100【Fixed】)

Fine quality s.h.i.+rt. Fine quality trousers. Fine quality underclothes. Fine quality briefs. Chain of clever monkey. Dagger of the water spirits. Bracelets of night. Choker of Black King Stone. Necklace of the love without ends. Sword of swirling hatred. Sword of overflowing affection.

Instant Memory. Perfect Memory. Instant learning. Instant recovery. Complete dismantling. Mind’s eye., Evolution/evolve, Skill/Art Steal, Arrangement.

[Attack] Kias.h.i.+(Leg Chop). Shokiba(Twin Fang Attack). Tsuoys.h.i.+tsume(Metal claw). Strong nail. Supreme Nail. Dragon G.o.d’s nail.

[Resistance] Paralysis resistance. Sleep resistance. Confusion resistance. Charm resistance. Petrification resistance. Inhibition resistance. Poison resistance. Fatigue resistance. Overpowering resistance.

[Special] Advanced appraisal. Super compounding. Tool making: Super first rate. Search. Disguise. a.s.similation. Clairvoyance. Absorption. Compression. All-speech understanding. Transmission. Coercion.

Life magic, Water magic, Dark magic, Earth magic, s.p.a.ce magic, Fire magic, Unique/Ancient magic: Purgatory.

Self-defense of Zefodo style: Founder.

Stink player, A man who has gorilla as bride, The top of everything, Doesn’t know the self-respect, Male King, Dragon Samurai, G.o.d Killer.

2500304060 G

[It become too much!]

The status changed too much in a dramatic way! Tak.u.mi is surprised! (TN: Tak.u.mi is person name or not? I’m not sure)

The charm is more cruel!? Besides, comparing the treatment, it’s too hard to handle.
Moreover, the new skills was added to the column of the Unique/Ancient magic before I know it.

I am bit hesitant, but I want to confirm this unique skill.

[Evolution] …. After reaching certain level in the race of , this skill will be released. Every time the user is in battle, the user body will adjusting/adapting the battle. Always activated.

[Arrangement]…. After reaching a certain level in the race , this skill can be released.
Learning skills from Skill/Art Steal, it can be done by the most extreme form that suits themselves. Always activated. (TN: Maybe this is kinda like support skill for Theft Work so he can steal his opponent skill in any battlefields](Yami:I’ve change all Theft Work to [Skill/Art Steal] cause it seems more appropriate)

[Humans are scary!]

These skills are so cheating!

How should I say it, that I completed the condition to liberate the skills, from now on, what kind of skill might be released?

…… What is a Human? To be a cheating existence like this?

I have harbored distrust on my race. Next, I’m gonna move on to confirm the ordinary skills.

[All language comprehensions]…. The skill for human race to understand all the languages. The monster language might be understood, it’s not absolute. Always activated.

[Overpowering]….. This skill can be used against low-leveled enemy, it can temporarily seal their movement. In order to give pressure to the other party’s spirit/mental to stop the enemy movement, it’s ineffective against the obstruction resistance. However, the effect is not triggered if the other party level is higher than the user..

[Claw Supremacy]….. The skill that fires three slas.h.i.+ng attack. It’s possible to fire it from weapons. It will keep chasing down until in contact with the other party. The more the other party avoids it, the more the power will rise.

I was vomiting blood for the remaining skills.

Nope, the treasure box’s skill [All language comprehension] is mixed with it. Though this skill has a width to be extended. When arranged with the mind-blowing skills, I became greatly hazy.. Thus, in these skills, the most practical and high skills.

The obstruction resistance, though the body can’t be moved, probably because the overpowering. However even if I learned, but my level is low, it’s not very useful, although I can use it.
All of them are very strong. Although to handle them is difficult, but I believe I can try to master them somehow.

[Next is magic, eh?]

In the case of this, I checked the column of magic.

[Earth Magic: Limit/Max]…. The Earth element can be studied thoroughly. Is also able to handle all of the Earth magics.

[Fire Magic: Limit/Max]…. The Fire element can be studied thoroughly. Is also able to handle all of the Fire magics.
[Unique Magic: Purgatory]…. The magic from Fire element, the forced magic granted. When the fire magic was clashed with the other fire magic attack. The fire attribute/element magic moved by the forced magic bestowal/granted of the Purgatory element. Other party fire magic is swallowed. Skill extinction is impossible. Is it possible to nullify it using an overwhelming amount of water? It’s possible to nullify it by the intention/will of person who triggered it..

[Hahaha, it’s full of cheats]

It’s not good, I have no confidence to master all of them. It’ll take too much time.

Aside that, The shrewd Sandman magic….Akurufu, level exceeding 300., I learned his magics thoroughly somehow.
There is s.p.a.ce magic to learn storage box by myself.

[s.p.a.ce magic….? Huh!?]

The impact shocked my body.
Yes this is…. Yes this is!

[Is this not a s.p.a.ce magic!]

I input in my head, to remember of the name of the s.p.a.ce magic.

[I got it!]

And then, the name is, [Teleport] and [Transfer Magic], the name of magic certainly really exists.

[Seria! We will be able to return!]

[Really!? Yay!]

I wish to express my grat.i.tude to Altria-san who is near Saria, because of the storage box.

I gave my salute to the treasure box which scattered silently…. I killed it.

[I confirmed the status to ease my mind]

I mutter so, the column of Hidden Skill is confirmed on it this time.

[Profusely Flower Sword…. Release an innumerable slash. The hidden move to cut the other party in pieces. The skill and magic can be cut too.
[Hurting Blade Sword]… It’s combined with the sword. The Hidden move will improve the user’s concentration to the utmost limit. After the hidden skill used, the skill power and the speed of the movement of the sword will double.

[Oo, Hidden move]

Do you feel admired in this situation? Because I obtained the secrets by myself.
Especially, there is no viewpoint either. It moved to the last column of the last t.i.tle.

[Dragon Samurai]…. The t.i.tle given to person who defeated the highest rank of dragon alone. The battle against dragon, it will correct the existing status to maximum.
[G.o.d Killer]….. The t.i.tle given by G.o.d to the person who killed it. When battle against G.o.d, it will correct the existing status to maximum.

[At last, finally….]

I looked with cruel eyes.

Nope, right now, the G.o.d who sent us to this world said, the G.o.d exists.

Anyway, I have gone and become G.o.d Killer. Uwaaah-! I am clueless!
By becoming a G.o.d Killer, Doesn’t it mean I will incur Divine punishment? When I consider it, I felt so scared. No, I give up.

[Now then… The confirmation for the skills has ended, the return method is found. Eh…]

When I said so, I delimited my word. A treasure chest falls to ground and took the attention of everyone..

[The content of the treasure box, though the cheat equipment might be in it, it’s bit anxious because of the past of the Black Dragon G.o.d.

The extreme attachment toward a Human. Somehow, it might have been in the past.

When I noticed, I was directing myself to the direction of the books.
And then, After this, I am, made to think about various things.

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Shinka no Mi Chapter 29 summary

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