The Dark Side of Red Lights Part 10

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In all of my career I have never seen a troupe more strampalatas of them, but to the epoch I was alone to the beginning and I could not know him/it, therefore I thought that the routine was that.

They gave me appointment for the following week, in which we would have started to turn.

They didn't ask me a test, they didn't check if what I had said were true, they didn't want to turn a scene to see how I would be behaved in front of a taking car. Nothing. They went on so, on the trust. They left me is go convinced that ours would have been a long and profitable collaboration.

It arrived the day of the resumptions.

The director explained me to great lines what I had to do. The history was of an embarra.s.sing simplicity, it seemed a joke. In one day in summer a woman has some problems with the shower, and she calls the plumber (me). It welcomes me in the house with I set only the bathrobe, I go to resolve the problem and in the meantime it begins a game of malicious looks that will bring us to sweep as crazy person.

Linda negotiated a remuneration for the film, in case you/he/she had been all right then you/he/she would be been able to speak of a more lasting collaboration and of a real contract.

We started the resumptions.

The girl was not a granche, a woman on the forty, Italian, of the south. It arrived that it was already in bathrobe. We introduced us. Then they began the resumptions. I entered the house dressed with a salopette, one t-s.h.i.+rt white and a box of the utensils in hand.

We recited our part, if that could call to recite, and we went toward the bath.

Between a stop and the other one we reached the prophetic moment that in which we had to begin to give us inside.

It started to caress me the package with mastery, and in the meantime it made him fall the back bathrobe. When the game did him hard, my cazzo could not be from less! I started to palpate her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and culo, it was not granche, but it was an extraneous that wanted to sweep me however. The excitement didn't delay to be revealed himself/herself/themselves.

When the woman stripped me and found again him before my member in draught, you/he/she made a so particular and spontaneous expression that the fortune of the film did. Had not been for every day to be himself/herself/themselves in front of a similar I equip!

You end the resumptions the director and the producer they were enthusiastic. My cazzo not only overcame their expectations, but also the so natural way and in the professional same time of as" I recited" you/he/she had left them without words.

The greatest star of the hard of the moment was being born!

The film was all right, they did a beautiful po' of money, many more of those that you/they had boxed with the precedents.

I signed a contract for other six films.

The films were always all right and with the money earned Frank and Steve could magnify and to improve more always their house of production.

It was born so her" New Stars Production", and Mike Mitch.e.l.l was born so also. If director and producer had adopted a pseudonym I don't see because I would have had to do the contrary one and to recite under my true name.

In the meantime I kept on making my evenings to the Lady Violet.

Linda talked to Madams Sophie, you/he/she brought her in vision a pair of films of mine, and you/he/she told her that now you/he/she had a star in his/her stable, therefore the things would be due to change.

A best pay tore her, the possibility to make me publicity in the place making of the clients my films available - thing that would also have benefited to her because to have a star among its boys meant greater flow of the public - and above all a contract of sponsors.h.i.+p with it" New Stars Production", with which Madams Sophie hocked him to pay a quota for every film gone out in exchange for the publicity of his/her place before the beginning of the scenes. Obviously Linda took also the that case the percentage from the house of production.

We were going to the great one.

In the one year-old turn the New Star became very greater and serious than as you/he/she was to the beginning. Frank opened a real study, the equipments became more professional, they started to use figures as technicians of the sound or the lights and the park actors you/he/she started to magnify him.

I stayed their star brighter however, they were them of it aware, and around they started also to understand him/it.

That summer, after one of my shows to the Lady Violet, I was contacted by a man. It said that my films had seen and that some rather tempting proposals you/he/she would have been busy me.

I still had to work, and then often from me they arrived some crazy persons that declared him what you/they were not in reality.

I gave him the contact of Linda and I said to take accords with her.

It thanked me and it went out of the place.

I didn't give a lot of weight to the thing, I continued the evening as nothing happened.

A few days later Linda called me super excited and you/he/she said that we had to meet us.

The type that had stopped me in the place had contacted her, it was a kind of talent scout of the that went around for local to recruit boys and promising girls. You/he/she had seen my films and you/he/she had said interested being to me.

I didn't have intention to leave Frank and Steve, I had begun with them and I considered them friends, but when it comes with job, when they start to take over the money, you return yourself account that you cannot afford friends.h.i.+ps.

The type worked for a house of enough great production, the Imperia, and a pay had offered me four times that that Frank would ever have been able to offer me.

I was still some hesitant to the idea, it didn't suit me to stab so to the back my friends but Linda insistette. The New Star could go alone by now on. Certainly, I was his/her strong point, but it had other good actors, and Frank and Steve had shown to know how to do us however.

And then the Imperia would have given a great deal me a greater visibility, thing that the New Star, at least for now you/he/she could not do.

It was a good possibility for my future, over that quite a lot money for my present.

I still thought it a couple of days but at the end I accepted.

Had I already sold after all more times for money, that difference made to do him/it now?

Frank and Steve didn't pick well her up, but they were not able it stuffed nothing. My contract bound me to them solo for a certain number of film, finished those I was free as the air.

It continued so my adventure, was convinced more and more to have found my vocation and the road I pour the happiness.

Chapter 15.

The men, to words, all are considered how much the greatest trombatoris of the world. They say to be of the big lovers, to satisfy his/her own women as anybody before them, narrates of imaginary embraces from the exceptional durations during which the are developed more s.e.xual practical mirabolantis. How many times has happened you to feel one friend of yours, or really to exclaim yourselves in front of someone, reporting you to some beauty of pa.s.sage or to some stupendous showgirl approves in television": ah, if I put her hands I set, there I to that do her some jobs that not even is imagined!"

On the set of a film happens really that.

The director puts you in front of a naked woman, accattivante, and you/he/she tells you": Leaks what you want." You are free to discharge your instincts, to satisfy your desires to realize all of your dreams from small pervert which you are.

Have the opportunity that all would like was granted him, are the man more envied on the face of the earth a actor!

Effortless to tell him, effortless to make himself/herself/themselves.

The most greater part of the" aspirant" actors, once naked on the set, they transform him in of the perfect idiots, of the prevented that it almost seems pits the first time that you/they find again him in front of a naked woman.

There is what he/she doesn't know from whether to start, that he/she doesn't know what has to say.

The girl is of the work, you/he/she tries to put him/it to really ease. The set is not her new, to make certain things in front of the television cameras it doesn't behave her of some one problem.

It draws near, he/she asks him as it calls, from where it comes, it tries to break in short the ice. Are The following questions" you like to sweep?" or" you feel like inserting me him inside?" so that to remove the embarra.s.sment and to let to his/her own partner to understand that with her it doesn't have to stop himself/herself/themselves, he/she knows what you/they have to do, it is adult and acquiescent. Despite this, the more ones remain as of the idiots, they don't react to the provocations of the girl, rather they move the hands in nervous way, they look around him, as teen-agers sfigatis snicker in front of the nicest and popular ragazzina in the school.

Then the actress asks thing his/her own partner would like to do more than every other thing, and those limit him to nervously say" you come above" or" the pecorina" or she anchors worse" I don't know him/it, you decide you."

Do you decide you?

Is cabbage, on the set of a film with a sow that clearly tells you to tall voice that is ready to satisfy every your desire and you you answer her you decide you?

And the beautiful one is that that is not the worse part, the beautiful one comes later, when the dances have beginning.

You sees of everything, from that to which the object is not straightened him, to the type that comes after thirty seconds, from the embarra.s.sed one that he/she doesn't know whether to put the hands, to what departs to drill to piston to duecentoquaranta hourly kilometers without leastly taking care himself/herself/themselves of the fact that is turning some scenes hard, you/he/she is not climbing on his/her wife on Fridays evening, therefore they would be also pleasant of the postures and of the proper behaviors for to favor the television cameras and the lights.

To break down in the field of the hard is very difficult, above all for a man.

You knows, the men are all of the hogs, all the women they are repeated him/it that meet from a life, from his/her mother to the fiancee, from the best friend to the lady that attaches us the sermon to the stop of the bus, and the beautiful thing is that is true, are him/it, and are fierce to be him/it!

Just for this, a job where you pagan to make s.e.x with of the big beautiful gnocche is the aspiration of many, therefore the offer overcomes really to the huge one the question, and you succeed in becoming an alone actor if you have indeed some dowries out of the commune.

There is usually a young person application of men and very greater of women for this type of work.

Primo, really whether to find the smart actor and endowed with all the accessories it is very difficult, according to because an actor is very more longevo of an actress. The actors, if affirmed, you/they can go on for years and years, of actresses there is instead a continuous ricircolo, all due/tres they last years and then they stop, and however the client, what the film buys hard, wants to see new faces.

The most greater part of the actresses come from east Europe. Hungary, Czech Republic. They are of the small meteors, girls that accept to make this work for various motives and that they are gotten tired after few years.

The actresses almost all do him/it for the money. Certainly, to undertake a career as that owes for strength being some exhibitionist and fascinated by the world of the s.e.x but not all the actresses they are nymphomaniacs eat-cazzi that they think only about sweeping all day long, rather, if I am of it, those are indeed a least percentage.

Almost all they are very uninhibited girls, open to the certain s.e.x, that you/they have decided to try even this work under promises of fame and wealth.

In reality almost n.o.body becomes famous. If he/she is thought that I am hundreds the girls that this work does and that those really famous count him on the fingers of a hand, you/he/she can be understood very well that it is a job that leaves scarce possibilities of success.

This way the most greater part they begin, they make two or three years of film, they put aside some money that uses for buying him a house in their country or to help his/her own family, and then to a line they disappear as they have appeared, without n.o.body remembers him more than them.

Contrarily of what can be the imaginary commune, the actresses hard are not neither of the exploited poverettes and forced to prost.i.tute himself/herself/themselves neither of the a.s.satanates of s.e.x.

They are simply of the girls that make some choices, nothing more. What these choices can be correct or wrong, that does him or less than the illusions, that they is made some promises that will hardly be maintained then, this is another discourse.

The industry of the remains an industry regulated by the simple law of the question and the offer however. They also exist some scoundrels that deceive the people with the excuse of the, they molest her, they exploit her, they force her to make things against their wish, but the false physician that recovers you from the tumors with the imposition of the hands also exists, the priest pedofilo, the self-styled talent scout that promises you fortune and fame and then misuses of you s.e.xually.

The rottenness there is in every sector. For every business that brings money, there is of sure some lestofantes that it takes advantage for his/her own sinister purposes, but not for this it needs to distrust of the professionals or of the serious agencies.

The Imperia was one of those. A serious agency and respected in the sector.

I didn't need test-tubes, I was already an actor and you/they had seen me to the work. For great interpretations are not asked, or to personify a character rather than another, asks you to sweep and enough, and if you know him/it to do well it is already enough.

There was certainly the specialized company in film with plot, where you/he/she was also asked to the actors for a minimum of recitation, but it was not that the case.

The most greater part of the films of the Imperia they were All s.e.x or that kind of film without plot where s.e.x is elegant to himself.

What fascinated a lot me some Imperia was that its films were particular, not the usual filmetto among four boundaries where I undertook me to sweep in different positions the cow of turn.

First of all with the Imperia I also made many movies in external. We traveled a lot for this kind of film, usually France or Hungary, but also Croazia, Republic Czech and other countries, and we turned scenes of s.e.x to the open one, in the woods, in the countries, to the sea.

The people liked those locations, because they gave a sense of danger, of voyeurismo, even they were waited that from a moment to the other one it appeared on the scene some external person to the troupe that there to the work.

We didn't usually race this kind of dangers, the locations were on purpose select and well you guard, and the curious ones were held to the wide one.

To the people that happened from those parts it was said that we were turning some sort of smaller film or even a fiction, so even the interest of the pa.s.ser-by diminished, since there was not any famous actor to meet.

Besides the fascinating locations very often - also when we turned in inside we were always in some castle or some old very characteristic building - there was also to underline the kind of film that we turned, or better, the son-in-laws.

Yes, because the Imperia tried to give to the public something different from the usual pretended film and predictable.

When really it was needed something of" normal" we used the Simpleton, a cinema technique that consists of creating a situation truer possible, leaving better then the free actors to interpret as they want, even with only some indications of the director. The all in direct taking, without cuts, strange a.s.semblages, et cetera.

We went there and we swept, what came, came then. Obviously this type of film was submitted to actors some more experts, of which the director could trust.

You could not start an inexperienced person making the Simpleton, because even if the actors' rest implicated in the scene you/they had been experienced, of sure that new would have done something that the scene would have ruined and you/he/she would have made to work badly the others.

I had not made as films, but mine was a natural dowry, I immediately was me in tuning with my partner and I did her/it always feel to his/her ease.

When we usually turned the Simpleton the director it chose a calm location, comforting, and it worried a lot him about the details what illumination, temperature, possible agents of trouble.

Because everything spun smooth they didn't have to be us distractions, you were not able certain to turn in a wood where you were attacked by the bugs, or even you stumbled in a stone or you were disturbed by the leaves that they fell you I set to the first gust of wind.

The beautiful one of the Simpleton was also that you made yourself a healthy sweep without so many problems.

It was not always easy or amusing to turn.

To the beginning even you are the happy to man the world, but with the time, if you become a professional, you worry very more yourself to do well your job whether to make you a beautiful sweep.

Eccoti there then to exhibit you in strange acrobatic positions - that they are uncomfortable, fatiguing and they don't favor of certain the excitement - or to stop you because it is too soon to come, or to try to a.s.semble you because you are throwing too much for the long ones.

You have to try to maintain the erection in particular situations, with incidents of all the types, from the a.s.sistant that it knocks to the door and it enters for talking to the director, to the actress that stops him an instant because tired, to the equipments that clog him or they have some problems to maintain certain uncomfortable positions for quite a lot time for the photos.

The world of the was everything this, it gave its satisfactions but it also had its defects.

With the Imperia I also turned other types of very particular film. To sell owed to give more to the public something that the usual s.e.x, therefore he went on more particular and in demand son-in-laws.

There were the films" Turnips", or that films in which you/they pretend him some rapes.

It was my preferred kind, I had discovered in me a sort of violent and authoritarian nature toward the women, and there I succeeded in discharging that instincts.

Obviously it was everything programmed and the actress it agreed. To my first film of that kind, when the director told me what I had to do, I remained some hesitant. I went to meet the actress t.i.tti Malone. I had not seen then never her before. It seemed a normal girl, nice, perhaps some crazy but as they are so many of it. I asked her if he/she knew that kind of scenes we would have had to do and if for her pits everything ok. He/she answered me that before beginning that work it had a fiance that was excited only if he/she picked her/it up to slaps and that during the embrace it faked to strangle her/it, therefore on one side you/he/she had accustomed there, and in more for the figure that you/they gave her you/he/she would also have been prepared to take some kicks in the stomach.

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The Dark Side of Red Lights Part 10 summary

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