The Dark Side of Red Lights Part 3

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My answer left her/it of plaster. I made her a smile, almost of victory, then I greeted her/it and I went away without adding other.

I had just made her understand that its beauty didn't upset me as, and that I didn't hang from its lips as the most greater part of the males of the school.

If it dealt with the type of girl that I believed me, I had marked a big beautiful point that morning.

There is not even to say that that whole safety and that disinteressamentos were a pretense. Gone out from I smiled alone there as an idiot auto-complimentandomi for my behavior, and the evening I was so euphoric and excited to the idea to have talked to her that I devoted her well two saws.

A couple of days pa.s.sed where everything seemed returned as before. You didn't speak to me, I didn't even tell her nothing even if I died from the desire to make conversation with her.

I looked for in all the ways of create the correct occasion that allowed us to attach b.u.t.ton, because perhaps it was I am a matter to break the ice dopodiche you/he/she would have been easier for us to make friends.

I was almost about to lose the hopes, to convince me that I was me alone climbed on the head, when with a simple excuse she came from me and it started to speak to me. Nothing of what, he/she only asked me if I had succeeded in translating a certain text and as I/you had done. It stinked far of excuse a kilometer, she didn't almost care anything of the school, it had other plans for the head, let's show up us if her cared a simple translation as it was that.

I was almost certain of it, I had thrown the hook to the correct depth, and the prey was sniffing the bait.

Some other days pa.s.sed in which the wall of ice that had with the most greater part of the people left s.p.a.ce to a small porticina to let the undersigned to enter. We quietly spoke by now as two friends, but I always tried to hold me to the correct distance, to make to always make to her the first movement. I didn't want to seem her as one of that corpses of figa that were around her, even if in reality I was perhaps it more than them.

Every day when we spoke I tried to hold an uninhibited air, sure of me, detached, but I could not do to less less than s...o...b..r in front of his marvelous physicist, to fix his/her face when she would not have been able to see me to sniff his/her perfume every time that was nearby me.

Had a perfume that was the end of the world! It seemed a mixture among vanilla and essence of figa.

Once I/you/they are also excited me while I was sniffing her/it and I had to race in bath to make me a saw to be able to calm me and to return to the normalcy.

That day rained of ugly. More than drops almost seem poles of water that fell from the sky with an unheard of violence.

Linda had the car, you/he/she had picked her up from few and you/he/she rarely made us climb someone that was not one of his/her more narrow friends.

Toward the end of the lesson I looked out of the window shouting alone as a crazy person and cursing because I would surely have gotten soaked up to the marrow.

It was then that it drew near and it told me: If you want for this time I can give you a pa.s.sage with the car. So much we don't live very distant, at least you avoid to take you a pneumonia so gracilino as you are.

We didn't live at all near, from my house to his there will have been at least four kilometers, and moreover if you/he/she had accompanied first me to return then to his/her house would have had to make a whole strange turn because of the various unique senses and prohibitions of access that you/he/she would be been able to avoid not offering me the pa.s.sage.

It owed us to be something under, and the thing me incuriosiva not little.

I accepted!

Initially the conversation was not of the best: comments on the time, on the traffic, on the fact that the half seasons didn't exist anymore et cetera. Then of hit, here is the question that had probably planned to do me since the beginning.

Then, this history is really true that yours you have made ex prof of physical education? To me you can say him/it, I won't tell him/it anybody if it is a stronzata.

You/he/she had reached therefore the, and I understood that at that time I would have had to play well my papers.

It seems me to have you already said that I don't say cazzate.

And are you sure that pits indeed this big gnocca that you have told me pits? Even you/he/she won't have been a frigid old woman, however not even this whole granche.

I wondered me up to where he/she wanted to arrive, the why of all those questions. The only way to discover was him/it to be to the game.

If you want you can ascertain him/it with your eyes. Teacher Of the Lower part, asks of her to my old school, then you come to tell me thing you think of it.

Be', then compliments. It is not from everybody. But get away a curiosity. As you have done to convince an attractive woman of trentacinque years, moreover a teacher, to make s.e.x with you?

That was the prophetic question! I had finally understood the why of the questions, he/she wanted to discover what I ever had of special, so much to be pushed moreover a woman of trentacinque years my teacher to risk the dismissal to make himself/herself/themselves some sweep. I had to play me the everything for everything.

You know, the usual things that are used for conquering a woman: obstinacy, tenacity. and to cazzo of twenty-two centimeters.

To the epoch I still measured a pair of centimeters in less that would have come out then at the end of my development. Would have been beautiful to be able to already boast me from the principle to have twenty-four of them, but I think that also twenty-two can make their dirty figure, and then there was always the hope that could improve!

That sentence was some risky, I could have aroused any type of reaction, both positive and negative. Of certain I had stimulated his/her curiosity because for the distraction for a little we didn't go to beat.

Cries to make her/it the braggart that n.o.body believes you! All gifted of you men, then during to throw out it you are ashamed as femminucce and they are discovered the altarinis.

You don't believe me? If you want I don't have problems to do you him to see. I have told you him, I don't say cazzate!

It looked me for an instant without answering me, then in silence it looked only at the road and it kept on driving.

The incessant rain that kept on falling on the windscreen of the car left little visibility, but from that little that he/she was seen I had clearly understood that we were not going my home, you/he/she had changed road my shoccante revelation shortly after.

We stopped there about ten more minutes before, in the parking lot of a business center still in construction.

In my life I had not seen many films, but already from that little that I had been able to see the cinema you/he/she had taught me that when someone in to accompany you from some part suddenly changes road and it goes then to stay himself/herself/themselves in a desert place, the things are two: or he/she wants to kill you, or he/she wants to sweep you up to that I/you/he/she don't shout" enough"!.

Linda that day didn't have at all the air of the murderess.

Chapter 6.

With Linda it was never a real history. We have not been together really never, we made only s.e.x. We were" scopamici", or we swept every qual it turns we had desire of it and we didn't have anybody obligation towards the other.

I had my life, her his. At times it also happened that we talked of our adventures to other people. It was exciting, and from a comforting part because you knew that with the other person you could speak of everything and that you/he/she would always have given you disinterested suggestions. There were no bonds, there was no jealousy, there were no obligations. We had all the advantages of a relations.h.i.+p, with also the advantages of the life from single.

The first period with her was also one of the most beautiful of my life and this for another motive: thanks to my relations.h.i.+p with Linda, in that period I swept as not never.

A friend, that I have revalued as big teacher of life with the years, told once me": If in a company of friends with two or more girls there is a very beautiful girl, and you feel like sweep her/it, you take the ugliest girl of the group and leak to enjoy how come you/he/she has enjoyed before. You will see that in little time you will also make yourself that strafiga."

I didn't understand well thing he/she wanted to say up to when I didn't know Linda. In short, she was not the ugliest of the company, it was indeed rather a big beautiful piece of figa, but the concept was clear. If a girl sweeps yourself and does her/it enjoy for well you are calm, that this will make you publicity with his/her friends, and if the publicity will be excellent, then you won't even have to strive to try us to you, they will be them to implore to give them for you a taste of your bird.

Obviously the factor to sweep him the ugliest of the group was alone because when a girl is clearly a latrine, bring in bed her results very easier in comparison to one whom receives proposed by about ten boys to week.

Linda of publicity owes to have done to me and my pea of it. The voice of my exaggerated dimensions made the turn of the district and in men that is not said I had become" that with the enormous cazzo" or" the man from the three legs" or other appellatives of the kind.

Then anchors I was not famous, but instead my pole was already moving the first footsteps toward the notoriety, and liked me!

The time pa.s.sed anymore, the pa.s.saparola grew anymore, more they started to be born strange gossips and urban legends on me.

My object came to measure even thirty centimeters, someone said that succeeded to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e three times following without never me him, others that I succeeded in holding on a woman with the alone strength of my erection.

Didn't I confirm neither did I ever deny nothing, when it was a woman to ask me him did I confine me to answer her" you want to try?" and of sure you/he/she would not have been disappointed.

I liked the s.e.x, I liked a country house, I devoted him big part of my day.

And I also liked a country house to sweep me so many different girls.

I didn't want an only fixed and jealous girl that prevented me from having all of my adventures. I was of everybody and of anybody.

I spent some time so, between a girl and the other, between a sweep and the other.

I devoted less and less time to the study, but I kept on getting good results.

I had however to give me one calmed. There has been one period in which I/you/they have succeeded in sweeping with five different girls within a day. I told everybody of yes, unless he didn't treat really of a latrine, and it started to become something of too much binding.

Definite so to stop granting me to a so elevated number of girls. By now the reputation I was done me him, now I would have made a more accurate selection, I would have gone only with whom really it was worth of it.

Reduced my anchor intense s.e.xual activity, also the studies continued to the great one. The teachers thought about one period of stress, so they didn't consider the smaller votes taken in that timecourse.

I was the boy more envied and desired of the district. The evening I attended places and discos whether to be able to give me new preys. It was Linda to do me them to know for the first time. You often frequented them, every weekend it instigated him in some local and it knew a lot of people.

I found me really to know a country house of new people, girls that you saw in the daytime her normal and in the evening instead they were turned into voracious cars of the s.e.x.

It was a different reality from that where I had been grown, and the rules were very different from those of the normal world. There you owed the approach to be awake and direct with the girls it happened in a noisy place, where difficult is often also to speak, and above all where you don't even have the time to know the person that you have before. The times were narrow, in few words and in few gestures you had to attract the attention of the other person, if you didn't succeed there you were out, labeled as one by to avoid.

The failures were many, but with the experience and some suggestion of Linda and some boy some more expert of me I became the most infallible of the conquerors, so much that I succeeded in also bringing in bed me the cubist, of the mythological figures that seemed unapproachable.

A couple of years I pa.s.sed this way. Someone never missed to sweep and I succeeded in quietly sending before the rest of my life.

Up to the eighteen years the s.e.x for me was only a pastime, the best of the pastimes, but I would never have thought that one day I would have been able to live even of that.

To that age money was never enough, and not because I was avid but because my parents tried to give me the necessary to go on, not a penny more, since for them also the to possess too much sins.

The evenings in the disco - that besides for mine they were until late only evenings of study in house of a friend from which I remained to sleep - they cost, and to allow me her I gave up everything, breakfast, snack, dressed new.

I had also succeeded in putting on a small black market to school where to round off I volunteered me to develop the a.s.signments of the best bidder.

The greed of s.e.x and that of money went together.

Then, one day, the turn arrived finally!

Chapter 7.

Until then I had always made alone s.e.x and exclusively to try to like for the taste to do him/it. I would never have thought that you/he/she could become even a profession.

I knew the, I was grown with the there, but an account is to watch a movie and to dream to be its protagonist, another it is to try really to enter that world.

Simply it didn't even have never me grazed the idea to try to be a actor, I saw him/it a different world from mine.

The person that has probably had the most greater role in that that has been my decision to undertake that work, as well as a lot of other decisions during my life, have been really my friend Linda.

It was a day as so many others, I had from a little completed the eighteen years.

For a long time by now Linda any girl didn't introduce me anymore, his/her friend or no. He/she knew that I didn't need it, I could find her to me from me, and that now I also made a beautiful and accurate selection.

That evening however he/she introduced him to my house with a woman.

I knew that you/he/she would have come, it always did him/it when my parents were not in the house, and that was the evening of the Bingo of beneficienza.

When it played to my bell I didn't remain therefore surprised for his/her visit, how much for the fact that was not alone.

I made her enter, Linda it moved some as it was the landlady and it immediately began the presentations.

I have ever spoken to you of my friend Carla? Be the daughter of the owner of a shop of fas.h.i.+on in center where I often go to spend all of my savings my d.a.m.nation! Carla of I introduce Michael, Michael, she is Carla.

Carla came verse of me with a cunning and malicious smile, I immediately understood that Linda had spoken to her of me and of my detail" talent."

It was a woman on the about thirty, even if to see showed more her some. The skin ruined by the quite a lot lamps suntan lotions, lips and inflated b.r.e.a.s.t.s, heavy makeup from sidewalk troiona.

Everything to see his/her charm it had her/it however, perhaps due to the fact that had the aspect of one that the morning ate bread and cazzi.

I greeted her, we exchanged some word, we made a few minutes of conversation and during that time I could not do to less less than notice as it looked me. Sbranando was literally me with the eyes.

Didn't want us a scientist to understand what that woman wanted from me.

I was hardly able I tried to get further me with an excuse.

The air he was doing some heavy for my tastes and I didn't succeed in understanding because Linda wanted to give me in meal to that tipa. Besides the way according to which it looked me and certain allusions in its discourses started some to bother me.

I was me closed in my room, I invented to have some important things to study for the examination of maturity, you/he/she would have been that year, and it was the most reasonable excuse. In the meantime you/they would have been able to do as they were at their home, Linda knew well the house. Carla went not later away very, he/she greeted me from the other room lifting some the voice. I pretended not to feel.

Hardly the door him closed Linda came to knock to my room.

Then, Mr. does studious, give we now I give the difficult ones?

Linda, has told you him, I don't go with whatever human being anymore has a v.a.g.i.n.a you/he/she was my angry answer; I had not taken well granche the entry of that woman to my house.

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The Dark Side of Red Lights Part 3 summary

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