The Works of Aphra Behn Volume I Part 33

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p. 32, l. 28 _aside._ 1724 omits.

p. 35, l. 33 _his s.h.i.+rt b.l.o.o.d.y._ 1724 gives 'their s.h.i.+rts' but 4tos, more correctly, 'his s.h.i.+rt'. It is only Willmore who has been wounded.

+Act II: Scene ii+

p. 38, l. 6 _high i' th' Mouth._ 1724, 1735 misprint 'Month'.

p. 39, l. 8 _This last reserve._ 1724 omits 'reserve'.

p. 39, l. 10 _by me._ 1724 omits the repet.i.tion of 'by me'.

p. 39, l. 14 _cure._ 1724 misprints 'curse'.

p. 40, l. 9 _Thou art a brave Fellow._ 1724 prints this speech as prose but the 4tos, which I have followed, divide metrically.

+Act III: Scene i+

p. 44, l. 1 _Thou wou't._ 4to 1677. 1724 wrongly reads 'won't'. 1735 'Thou'lt'.

p. 45, l. 8 _ago._ 4to 1677. 1724 misprints 'go'.

p. 47, l. 26 _starts._ 4tos read 'stares' but I retain 1724 'starts'

as more appropriate.

p. 47, l. 31 _Expect!_ 1724 gives this speech as prose. I follow metrical division of 4tos.

p. 49, l. 16 _rally._ 1724 misprints 'railly'.

p. 52, l. 5 _Exeunt._ 1724 omits this necessary stage direction.

+Act III: Scene ii+

p. 52, l. 31 _Exit._ 1724 misprints 'aside'.

p. 53, l. 5 _Enter Sancho._ 4tos, but misprint after Sancho's speech. 1724 omits, but misprints an 'exit Sancho', and gives 'exit'

after Blunt's speech instead of 'exeunt'.

+Act III: Scene iia+

p. 54, l. 9 _Pimps!_ 1724 'Imps'.

p. 55, l. 12 _sheer._ 4to 1677. 4to 1709 and 1724 read wrongly 'share'.

+Act IV: Scene i+

p. 64, l. 4 _Ant._ 4to 1677 wrongly gives this speech to Belvile.

4to 1709 and ed. 1724 a.s.sign it correctly.

p. 64, l. 14 _That Opinion._ 1724 prints this speech as prose.

I follow metrical division of 4tos.

+Act IV: Scene ii+

p. 65, l. 4 _Aside._ 4to 1677. 1724 and 1735 omit this stage direction.

p. 65, l. 11 _Masquing Habit._ 1724, 1735, 'Masque habit'.

p. 66, l. 2 _If you strike._ 1724, 1735 omit this line.

p. 66, l. 21 _Belv. Love Florinda!_ 4tos give this speech as prose.

1724 metrically.

p. 67, l. 35 _Fred.-- 'tis he-- _ 1724 and 1735 mistaking 'Fred.' for speech-prefix give this line to Frederick.

p. 68, l. 1 _Belv. Vizard ..._ 1724, 1735, read 'Vizard falls out on's Hand.'

p. 68, l. 13 _Nay, an you ..._ 4tos and 1724, print as prose. This speech is obviously metrical.

p. 69, l. 17 _I am all Rage!_ 4to 1677 divides metrically. 1724 prints as prose.

p. 71, l. 26 _unconstant._ 1724, 1735 'inconstant'.

p. 73, l. 23 _Aside._ 4tos omit this necessary stage direction.

p. 73, l. 24 _Now I perceive._ 1724 prints this as prose. 4tos metrically.

p. 75, l. 12 _So, you have made ..._ 1724, 1735 prose. 4tos metrically.

p. 76, l. 16 _You are mistaken._ 1724, 1735 prose. 4tos metrically.

p. 76, l. 20 _continence._ 1724 misprints 'continuance'.

p. 76, l. 23 _Will._ 1677 misprinting, omits this speech-prefix.

p. 77, l. 8 _has Wit._ 1724 misprints 'Whas it'.

+Act IV: Scene iii+

p. 79, l. 20 _A Woman!_ 1724 omits 'A'.

p. 80, l. 16 _the Rogue._ 1724 omits 'the'.

+Act IV: Scene iiib+

p. 82, l. 14 _He starts up._ 1677 4to misprints 'she'.

p. 84, l. 18 _dexterous._ 1724 misprints 'dexetrous'. 1735 'dextrous'.

p. 86, l. 10 _Exeunt._ 1724 wrongly 'exit'.

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The Works of Aphra Behn Volume I Part 33 summary

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